
What should I do if my daughter is subjected to domestic violence for the first time after marriage? Netizen: For the first time, I think it's good to be patriarchal!

What should I do if my daughter is subjected to domestic violence for the first time after marriage? Netizen: For the first time, I think it's good to be patriarchal!

Today's topic: What should I do if my daughter is subjected to domestic violence for the first time after marriage? Netizen: For the first time, I think it's good to be patriarchal!

Text: Moyue North

Edited by Mo Yuebei

What should I do if my daughter is subjected to domestic violence for the first time after marriage? Netizen: For the first time, I think it's good to be patriarchal!

This article is long and is based on the personal experience of netizens, which will definitely shock you!!!

Do you have a daughter?

Do you think she can find a good man?

What should I do if my daughter is subjected to domestic violence for the first time after marriage?


Next, let's take a look at what other netizens have to say.

People who don't have the ability to fight back can only gamble with their lives, but it's not worth it.

What should I do if my daughter is subjected to domestic violence for the first time after marriage? Netizen: For the first time, I think it's good to be patriarchal!

Only if the mother's family is tough enough to give the child confidence, if it weren't for your grandma to protect her so much, I don't know what will happen to my aunt's life in the future.

What should I do if my daughter is subjected to domestic violence for the first time after marriage? Netizen: For the first time, I think it's good to be patriarchal!

I dare to do this in my wife's house, I can't imagine how presumptuous I would be if I was in my own home.

What should I do if my daughter is subjected to domestic violence for the first time after marriage? Netizen: For the first time, I think it's good to be patriarchal!

He sent a message to his ex-girlfriend and was discovered by you, and he even wanted to abuse you? It's incredible.

What should I do if my daughter is subjected to domestic violence for the first time after marriage? Netizen: For the first time, I think it's good to be patriarchal!

Now there are many people who still can't let go of their own face and think that divorce is a very shameful thing.

What should I do if my daughter is subjected to domestic violence for the first time after marriage? Netizen: For the first time, I think it's good to be patriarchal!

Many times the elderly in the family want you to give birth to a boy, and they also want the child to have something to rely on at this time.

What should I do if my daughter is subjected to domestic violence for the first time after marriage? Netizen: For the first time, I think it's good to be patriarchal!

But in reality, many families persuade their daughters to endure for the sake of their children, and there are very few such families.

What should I do if my daughter is subjected to domestic violence for the first time after marriage? Netizen: For the first time, I think it's good to be patriarchal!

At this time, if you are not tough, then there is a high probability that domestic violence will occur, and if you do not get divorced, there will always be domestic violence.

What should I do if my daughter is subjected to domestic violence for the first time after marriage? Netizen: For the first time, I think it's good to be patriarchal!

can beat his wife at the instigation of others, and this man also has a problem.

What should I do if my daughter is subjected to domestic violence for the first time after marriage? Netizen: For the first time, I think it's good to be patriarchal!

1 Fortunately, your family is towards your aunt, otherwise I really don't know how she will live in the future.

What should I do if my daughter is subjected to domestic violence for the first time after marriage? Netizen: For the first time, I think it's good to be patriarchal!

That's too ruthless, isn't it? But if he dares to do this to himself, then he dares to do this to others.

What should I do if my daughter is subjected to domestic violence for the first time after marriage? Netizen: For the first time, I think it's good to be patriarchal!

Many families are like this, and they will only let their children endure it.

What should I do if my daughter is subjected to domestic violence for the first time after marriage? Netizen: For the first time, I think it's good to be patriarchal!

thought that the patriarchal family could handle this girl, but he didn't expect it to become a cash cow for the other party's family.

What should I do if my daughter is subjected to domestic violence for the first time after marriage? Netizen: For the first time, I think it's good to be patriarchal!

At this time, it is to be tougher than anyone, and if you are more ruthless than him, he will be afraid.

What should I do if my daughter is subjected to domestic violence for the first time after marriage? Netizen: For the first time, I think it's good to be patriarchal!

It's rare to see such a wise mother-in-law, and you won't be abused if you have such a mother-in-law, right?

What should I do if my daughter is subjected to domestic violence for the first time after marriage? Netizen: For the first time, I think it's good to be patriarchal!

If you have experienced this kind of thing, you should not be committing domestic violence.

What should I do if my daughter is subjected to domestic violence for the first time after marriage? Netizen: For the first time, I think it's good to be patriarchal!

The reason for many men's domestic violence is that they are angry outside, so they come back and lie on their wives.

What should I do if my daughter is subjected to domestic violence for the first time after marriage? Netizen: For the first time, I think it's good to be patriarchal!

When the child is an adult and has started working, the mother will not put up with it anymore.

What should I do if my daughter is subjected to domestic violence for the first time after marriage? Netizen: For the first time, I think it's good to be patriarchal!

Sometimes it's really useless not to look at the parents of their daughters.

What should I do if my daughter is subjected to domestic violence for the first time after marriage? Netizen: For the first time, I think it's good to be patriarchal!

Hahaha, in order to prevent domestic violence against men, find a wife who can beat first, this is not a way.

What should I do if my daughter is subjected to domestic violence for the first time after marriage? Netizen: For the first time, I think it's good to be patriarchal!

Write at the end:

Have you ever heard of such a thing?

Let us know in the comments section.

There is a certain inauthenticity in the content of the above pictures! Ladies and gentlemen, don't take it seriously.

If you have different experiences or opinions, please leave a message in the comment area to discuss! The younger brother must be humbly taught.

Finally, remember to pay attention to "Mo Beiyue", don't forget to like and follow, I'm waiting for you in the comment area!
