
Postpartum depression is not hypocrisy, you should help her like this with the people around you!

author:Lactation nutrition Wang Wenli

Wen Li: When I came to do the service, in addition to various breast problems, the most common thing was the emotional problems of the mother.

Because the body is damaged after childbirth, the pain makes it very difficult for mothers.

Coupled with the drastic changes in hormones, Bao Ma will become very emotional.

If there is a breast problem and the separation of mother and child, it is really worse.

However, some family members and caregivers do not understand the mother, and give them too much pressure and accusations, which can easily crush the mother.

Postpartum depression is not hypocrisy, you should help her like this with the people around you!

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In the first few weeks after giving birth, especially during the confinement period, mothers' emotions will be more changeable and less easily controlled by themselves.

Tears are not something I can control, or I can't help it!

I didn't mean to get angry, I just couldn't control it!

After giving birth, we really need to take more care of mothers:

Give her more time to recover from her damaged body;

Give her more time to familiarize herself with how to feed and take care of your baby;

Give her more time to transition how to become a mother.

I have repeatedly said that after giving birth, it is really not hypocritical for Bao Ma to be depressed! This is a process that most mothers will go through!

Don't blame them!

Encourage them!

Postpartum depression is not hypocrisy, you should help her like this with the people around you!

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Postpartum depression is as common as a cold, but it can also be like a cold, and with proper rest and care, it will quickly heal on its own.

However, ignoring it may also make it continue to deteriorate, and even bring tragedy (Bao Ma hurts her child, or even takes her child to suicide).

In the face of depressed mothers, we can do the following:

If you can speak well and speak, please love Bao Ma in the "mouth":

We pick out the "good" words, the words of understanding, sympathy, and praise.

This is not to teach everyone to be tricky, but to know that Bao Ma is in a sensitive period, why do you have to fight hard?

Besides, let's say a word of understanding, which can make the mother feel warm, encouraged, and recognized, so that she has the motivation and confidence to face the difficulties of raising children, what's the problem?

Postpartum depression is not hypocrisy, you should help her like this with the people around you!

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When we find that moms are depressed, we can try to say this (from MomSelf 2019 "New Mother's Emotional Blue Book"):

I don't necessarily fully understand your situation, I'm trying to understand;

This is an emotion that naturally arises after giving birth;

You can't tell if these thoughts are true because you're surrounded by them;

I know it's hard to be happy when you're not happy;

What do you need from us?

When you are sad, I can be with you;

The child is secondary, and the most important thing is yourself;

Let's try to see if taking medicine will make you better;

Moms don't want much, just a little more understanding, a little more support, a little more care, that's all.

If you are introverted and subtle, and are not good at expression, please love Bao Ma in the "heart":

It's that we have to listen with our hearts!

When we don't know how to comfort us, we quietly become a listener, let Bao Ma vent, tell her grievances, and constantly respond to her (well, yes, you said that).

Whatever Bao Ma said, it's all right! Whatever Bao Ma wants, give it!

We are using our actions to tell her that someone is understanding you, and you can tell me if you are unhappy or wronged. Mom, I provide you with everything you want to do, what you want, and I want you to know that you are loved.

The duration of postpartum depression is not long, if we deal with it positively, we can help the mother to quickly adjust her state during the confinement period, so as not to develop into perinatal depression or even postpartum psychosis.

Postpartum depression is not hypocrisy, you should help her like this with the people around you!

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Perinatal depression:

Typically, mild to moderate depression develops within 4-6 weeks postpartum, and some even develop to major depression. The mother will feel uncontrollable emotional depression, crying, feeling that she can't take care of the child well, want to harm herself, want to hurt the baby, feel very sad, anxious, and hopeless.

This usually requires medication, so follow your doctor's instructions.

Postpartum psychosis:

It is usually rare, but if you have a mood disorder or a family history, you have a much greater risk of developing postpartum psychosis. Bao Ma will have delusions, hallucinations, confusion, self-accusation, and even death.

In such an emotional state, mother and child must not be alone, and actively cooperate with the doctor's treatment.


It's very normal to feel down after giving birth! It's not hypocrisy!

The postpartum mood is low, and most people last around 10 days!

Postpartum mood is low, most of which can be effective through communication, listening, comfort, and encouragement!

If you are depressed after childbirth and develop depression or mental illness, you need to follow the doctor's advice!
