
Exhaustive interpretation! Chinese men's basketball team 87-107 Australia! Guo Shiqiang brings three "changes"

author:Kangtu Sports
Exhaustive interpretation! Chinese men's basketball team 87-107 Australia! Guo Shiqiang brings three "changes"

In the warm-up game on July 2, Beijing time, the Chinese men's basketball team lost to Australia 87-107.

Although the result of the game was disappointing, this warm-up game was definitely a valuable accumulation of experience for the Chinese men's basketball team. Facing a top-tier opponent like Australia, Guo Shiqiang has made a series of key tactical adjustments, hoping to be fully prepared for future matches.

Immediately after the match, the Internet was flooded with discussions and analyses of the Chinese team's performance. A netizen "Basketball Fan 233" wrote on social media: "Although we lost, this game is really valuable for the Chinese team. It can be seen that Director Guo has put a lot of effort into arranging tactics, trying to control the rhythm of the game through the advantage of the inside. ”

Exhaustive interpretation! Chinese men's basketball team 87-107 Australia! Guo Shiqiang brings three "changes"

Another netizen who calls himself a "basketball observer" responded: "It is indeed a wise move to reshape the inside advantage, and the Chinese team's advantage in height has always been their strength. Liao Sanning and Yu Jiahao's performances on the inside are also eye-catching, and I hope they can continue to maintain their form. ”

Regarding the team's shooting performance, some netizens also have opinions. "Fan Xiao Wang" shared his opinion in the circle of friends: "In the past, we always suffered because of the low shooting percentage, but this time we have seen a significant improvement. I was impressed by Liao's three-point shooting, and their shooting training was clearly effective. ”

There was also a lot of discussion on social media about the defensive improvements. "Basketball Fanatics" left a message on a basketball forum: "Although the opponent's score is still a bit high, I see that the Chinese team's defense has improved significantly. Especially against Australia's strong attack, they have shown greater resilience and adaptability. ”

Exhaustive interpretation! Chinese men's basketball team 87-107 Australia! Guo Shiqiang brings three "changes"

Some of the comments also focused on the positive impact of the team's overall performance. A "big fan of sports news" posted on Weibo: "Winning or losing is not the most important thing, the key is that we can learn from each game. I hope that Coach Guo can continue to lead the team in a better direction. ”

The Chinese men's basketball team has always made some achievements in the international arena by virtue of its height advantage on the inside. In this match against Australia, Guo Shiqiang clearly emphasized the importance of attacking inside, trying to regain control of the pace of the game by taking advantage of the team's tall players. The outstanding performance of players such as Liao Sanning and Yu Jiahao on the inside has become an important factor for the team to regain its advantage.

Exhaustive interpretation! Chinese men's basketball team 87-107 Australia! Guo Shiqiang brings three "changes"

The discussion of this game on the Internet was heated for a while. Basketball critic Xiao Ming wrote on Weibo: "It was clear in this game that the Chinese team's internal advantage is the key to their ability to compete with strong teams in the international arena." Liao's performance under the basket is really impressive, and I hope to see him continue to play in future games. These words have been liked and forwarded by many netizens, who agree with his views.

Another netizen "Basketball Fan Master" left a message: "Yu Jiahao's offensive style is very threatening, and his scoring ability on the inside has brought great support to the team. Seeing his performance in front of the Australian players, I feel that the depth of the Chinese team is increasing. ”

Exhaustive interpretation! Chinese men's basketball team 87-107 Australia! Guo Shiqiang brings three "changes"

Some professionals also have their own views on the regain of the advantage of the inside line. Basketball analyst Applejack analyzed in his program: "The Chinese team clearly saw their advantage on the inside in this game, which is part of the tactics that Guo Shi emphasized to regain. Only through the play of the inside advantage can they better control the pace of the game, which is what they will do in the future. ”

Some fans are concerned about the team's tactical arrangements on the inside. "Basketball fan Xiao Wang" posted in the circle of friends: "In the past, our tactics always focused on outside shooting, but this time, seeing that Coach Guo clearly emphasized the inside attack, I feel that the team's tactics are more diversified." ”

Guo Shiqiang has always been an extremely strict coach, and his training philosophy has shown remarkable results in this match. The team's shooting accuracy has been significantly improved, especially the accurate performance of Liao Sanning, Wang Lanyan and Li Hongquan on the three-point shot and free throw line, which has brought new breakthroughs to the team at the technical level.

Exhaustive interpretation! Chinese men's basketball team 87-107 Australia! Guo Shiqiang brings three "changes"

There has been a lot of discussion on the Internet about this. Basketball observer Ah Fei commented on social media: "Seeing the shooting performance of the Chinese team in this game, especially the three-point shooting and free throws, it feels like they have significantly improved in terms of technical details." This is due to Guo Shiqiang's strict training requirements. ”

The team's resilience and improvement on the defensive end has also caused heated discussions among fans. "Basketball fan Xiao Liu" said in the WeChat group: "Although the opponent has a strong offensive ability, it is really gratifying to see that the Chinese team can maintain defensive stability at critical moments. The defensive strategy for this game has really improved. ”

Liao Sanning, Wang Lanyan and Li Hongquan, these three players showed different technical characteristics and potential in the Chinese men's basketball team, which sparked heated discussions and exchange of views on the Internet.

Exhaustive interpretation! Chinese men's basketball team 87-107 Australia! Guo Shiqiang brings three "changes"

In recent games, Liao Sanning's performance has been particularly eye-catching. His strength on the inside and his excellent scoring ability have impressed many fans. Some netizen "Basketball Fan 233" wrote on social media: "Liao Sanning's performance in this game is really exciting! His strong offense under the basket is hard to ignore, and hopefully he can continue to do so! These words have been resonated and forwarded by many fans, who agree with their views.

Wang Lanyan was praised for her flexibility on the court and excellent defensive ability. A netizen who calls herself a "basketball observer" commented: "Wang Lanyan's performance on the defensive end is very solid, and her judgment and speed control on the basketball court make her an important part of the team's defense. Hopefully she can continue to play that role in future matches. This praise for her defensive ability has been liked and responded to by many netizens.

Exhaustive interpretation! Chinese men's basketball team 87-107 Australia! Guo Shiqiang brings three "changes"

As for Lee Hongquan, the accuracy of his three-point shot and free throw shooting in the game has also become one of the focus of discussion. A netizen named "Fan Xiao Wang" shared his views in the circle of friends: "Li Hongquan's outside shooting is really impressive, and his stability and shooting percentage in the game have brought great support to the team. Hopefully, he can continue to refine the technical details and bring more progress to the team. "This attention and anticipation of his technical details also reflects the positive attitude of the fans towards the overall development of the team.

While discussing the three players, their performances were also analyzed and evaluated by some professionals. For example, "Basketball Analyst Applejack" noted on his show: "Liao's threat on the inside is self-evident, and his strength and basketball intelligence make him hugely influential under the basket." Wang's defensive ability and speed also show how important she is on the court. As for Lee Hongquan, his shooting accuracy from the outside has made him the team's scoring point in key moments. ”

Despite the loss of this game, the adjustment guided by Guo Shiqiang and the efforts of the players showed the potential and room for improvement of the Chinese men's basketball team. In the future, the team will need to continue to strengthen the play of internal strengths, improve the precision of technical details, and maintain defensive resilience in order to achieve better results and performances in the upcoming important competitions.

Exhaustive interpretation! Chinese men's basketball team 87-107 Australia! Guo Shiqiang brings three "changes"

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