
Teachers in the staff are no longer "hired for life" and the primary and secondary school teacher employment system is implemented, do you still take the teacher test?

author:Sister said education

Speechless, Master taught you to grow up and become a talent, and you will smash Master's job when you come back?

Recently, the Education Bureau of Xiqing District, Tianjin issued a document: fully implement the employment system and post management system of primary and secondary school teachers, break the "one appointment for life", and implement dynamic management of the appointment of primary and secondary school teachers.

Teachers in the staff are no longer "hired for life" and the primary and secondary school teacher employment system is implemented, do you still take the teacher test?

The term of appointment of teachers is 3 years, and the annual assessment results are based on the results of the annual assessment during the employment period. The results of the employment assessment are generally divided into two grades: qualified and unqualified: if the employment assessment is unqualified, the contract will not be renewed after the expiration of the contract!

Why did the education group have the audacity to make such a decision? There are two main reasons:

1. In fact, this is related to the general environment, the aging is serious, the newborn population is faulty, there are many primary schools and kindergartens that have closed down, and ten years later it will be the world of the employed, for example, nursing homes will bloom everywhere!

Teachers in the staff are no longer "hired for life" and the primary and secondary school teacher employment system is implemented, do you still take the teacher test?

2. There are too many teachers who can be teachers, teachers in the double reduction policy institutions have come to take the test, the birth rate has declined, a large number of primary schools and kindergartens have closed down, and there are a number of people waiting for employment. This year, there are more than 11 million graduates and more than 9 million births.

There is no compilation, and the students are still the ones who pit in the end!

If there is no establishment, the teacher is an ordinary part-time worker, and if he is not satisfied with the job, even if he passes the assessment, he can resign at any time and change jobs. This is difficult for students, it takes a while for students to adapt to the teacher, and when the students just get used to the teacher, they change again, and so on, and in the end, it is the students who are still pitted.

Teachers in the staff are no longer "hired for life" and the primary and secondary school teacher employment system is implemented, do you still take the teacher test?

The good teachers have gone to private education, and the victims are the children of ordinary people, and when the time comes, the rich people will send their children to private schools because they are not short of money. Ordinary children's admiration for the astronomical fees of tens of thousands of dollars a semester in private schools.

This reform is in line with the education model of developed countries!

What does this distinction between public and private mean for the children of the poor and the rich? For children from poor families, public schools provide them with access to basic education. These schools play an important role in providing universal access to education and developing basic skills and knowledge. However, due to limited resources, public schools may face some challenges, such as uneven quality of education and insufficient teachers. This can lead to limited educational opportunities and development for some children.

Teachers in the staff are no longer "hired for life" and the primary and secondary school teacher employment system is implemented, do you still take the teacher test?

In contrast, the children of the wealthy are able to choose private schools, which often have more resources and better educational conditions. Private schools can provide better educational resources, including advanced teaching facilities, high-quality teachers, and a wealth of extracurricular activities. This provides children with a broader space for development and more opportunities.

Teachers who teach well will be lost to private schools with higher salaries if they are not staffed!

After there is no establishment, the teacher will be able to talk about money above board, and he can make it public without covering it.

Teachers who have strength after the establishment will definitely resign and go to private schools, who will not be able to get along with money. Then schools in rural towns and villages should lower the recruitment threshold, and if there is less money and no stable guarantee, they can only recruit low-level talents!

Teachers in the staff are no longer "hired for life" and the primary and secondary school teacher employment system is implemented, do you still take the teacher test?

With a salary of more than 2,000 a month, there is no establishment, and you may lose your job at any time, so what is the advantage of the teacher, and what reason is there for others to do it? Some time ago, a certain province recruited teachers who did not have an establishment, and no one applied for the examination!

If you don't have a preparation, will you still take the job of teacher?

After there is no establishment, the biggest advantage is that you can let go of the bold and go to work casually, and you don't have to be submissive to please the leader and be afraid of parental complaints.
