
The gold store has a "big customer"? Beware of the new trick of "money laundering"!

author:Rule of law Ningde

The guy buys gold on behalf of him

But he became an "accomplice" of electric fraud?!

Customers spend a lot of money to buy gold

The gold shop owner's account is frozen?!

With the soaring price of gold in recent years

The popularity of buying gold wealth management is also rising

The gold rush is not only attracting wild spending from investors

Under the dark tide

The fraudsters have come up with a new bad trick

"Your account has been frozen on suspicion of money laundering!"

Recently, the accounts of many gold shops in Ningde City were suddenly frozen, which is not a fraud, but fraudsters who stole beams and changed pillars to let others wash the stolen money into gold, so that the gold shop owners and purchasing agents carried the black pot.

Many gold shop merchants in Ningde suddenly received a large order, and the "mystery shoppers" did not blink and spent 10,000 yuan to buy gold, not only did not bargain but also paid quickly, but they did not know that this earth-pouring wealth has become a hot potato......

Real-world examples

On June 2, the Yang couple, who run a jewelry store in Ningde, were added to WeChat by a person with the WeChat name "Na Baichuan", asking about the gold price of the day and selecting styles online.

"Na Baichuan" selected a 59.30-gram men's gold necklace and a 25.85-gram gold bracelet, with a total price of 48,195 yuan. After Mr. and Mrs. Yang issued the invoice, the other party quickly transferred 50,000 yuan to Yang's account. After receiving the payment, Yang transferred 49,998 yuan of it to his wife's rural credit cooperative account in order to pay the balance to the manufacturer. "Nabaichuan" arranged staff to pick up the goods through the errand platform "flash delivery". The Yang couple also deliberately patted the face and license plate number of the person who picked up the goods to ensure safety.

Subsequently, Yang's wife found that the bank card payment had been stopped when transferring money to the manufacturer. After consulting with the bank, it was learned that the bank card was frozen by the public security in other places. Yang's bank card also showed that the balance was zero, and upon inquiry, it was also frozen. Mr. and Mrs. Yang immediately went to the Anti-Fraud Center of the Public Security Bureau to learn about the situation. only to learn that this is a new routine of "money laundering".

The gold store has a "big customer"? Beware of the new trick of "money laundering"!

Routine analysis

Criminals will use the stolen money obtained from fraud to buy gold in offline gold stores to carry out money laundering. Criminals (Shangjia) are looking for "purchasing agents" on the Internet on the grounds that they can get high commissions for helping to "buy" gold. After the "purchasing agent" personnel go to the gold store to agree on the weight and total price of the gold purchased, the upper house transfers the money to the "purchasing agent" person or merchant account, and the "purchasing agent" personnel complete the transaction. After succeeding, the gold will be resold in cash settlement at a price lower than the purchase cost to realize "gold money laundering", and the "purchasing agent" will obtain the corresponding commission. During the whole process of committing the crime, the Shangjia and the "purchasing agent" personnel did not meet, and the Shangjia commanded remotely through social software.

The gold store has a "big customer"? Beware of the new trick of "money laundering"!

Anti-fraud propaganda

The gold store has a "big customer"? Beware of the new trick of "money laundering"!

In June 2024, in response to the new and frequent occurrence of new gold money laundering cases, the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Zhouning County Public Security Bureau conducted a targeted and full-coverage visit to the whole Zhouning gold store, and conducted early warning education on such gold money laundering routines and their harms face-to-face with the person in charge of the gold store, and let the gold store uniformly study the "Notice on Preventing Financial Transaction Risks" to standardize the rules and regulations of "real person, real name, and real card" for large-scale gold transactions in Zhouning County.

The gold store has a "big customer"? Beware of the new trick of "money laundering"!

Police tips

Attention merchants!

Gold shop owners should be cautious! Strange buyers who have serious facial covering, few words or online during the process, and who purchase valuables at one time and do not use their own accounts in the transaction, must be vigilant. Pay attention to whether the buyer's bank card is consistent with his ID card for large-value transactions, and pay attention to the transaction details.

Attention consumers!

The general public should also be careful, do not buy large amounts of gold for unidentified people, and do not become an accomplice of criminals in money laundering and harm others and themselves.

Due to the high value, strong liquidity, and anonymous purchase of gold, criminals often use gold transactions to hide and transfer illegal funds for the stolen money obtained through telecommunication network fraud, and this channel has become a "golden channel" for criminals to "launder" the stolen money from telecommunication networks. Do not use unknown funds to purchase gold for others, gold stores should pay attention to check whether the buyer's bank card information is consistent with their ID card when encountering customers buying a large amount of gold jewelry, do not provide a bank account number to accept remittance from a third party other than the buyer, and pay attention to the details of the transaction, once encountering suspicious circumstances, the transaction should be terminated immediately and the police should be reported in time to avoid becoming an "accomplice" in telecommunications network fraud.

Source: Zhouning Public Security