
"Prismgate" discloser Snowden warned: OpenAI has taken off its disguise

author:90 companies


Not long ago, Edward Snowden, a former U.S. defense contractor employee who disclosed the U.S. Prism Gate program, said that a decision made by Open AI last month means that the U.S. artificial intelligence company has completely removed its disguise. At present, a number of well-known media have reported this news, which has attracted widespread attention.

"Prismgate" discloser Snowden warned: OpenAI has taken off its disguise

Judging from the current news, the United States uses Google, Microsoft, and many other American companies with high influence in the Internet and other fields, and uses the advantages of these American companies in the Internet ecology to spy on Americans' contacts with foreign countries, and also intercept the phone calls of some foreign leaders and related news.

At present, the United States has not publicly acknowledged the existence of the Prism Gate program, but judging from the "Foreign Eavesdropping Act" previously issued by the United States, the authenticity of this plan is still relatively high. The Prism Gate program was made public by Snowden, a former U.S. defense contractor employee, whose unique identity also adds more credibility to the news.

According to a number of U.S. media reports, in mid-June, Open AI, a well-known artificial intelligence company in the United States, announced that it would appoint Paul, a retired U.S. Army general, to join the company's board of directors.

"Prismgate" discloser Snowden warned: OpenAI has taken off its disguise

Judging from the information released by Open AI, the main purpose of inviting Paul to join is to develop the use of artificial intelligence to detect and respond to cybersecurity threats faster. On the surface, there doesn't seem to be much special about this incident, but considering that he was the director of the National Security Agency, it doesn't seem that simple. Snowden believes that this will be a premeditated betrayal of the rights of everyone on the planet.

In fact, Snowden's concerns are not unfounded.

First of all, the United States itself has a lot of history in stealing information, and many foreign media have exposed the news that a number of well-known American companies have leaked user information, including Google, Microsoft, Apple and a series of well-known American technology giants.

"Prismgate" discloser Snowden warned: OpenAI has taken off its disguise

The United States itself not only passed the foreign-related eavesdropping plan before, but also preceded the Prism Gate incident. In fact, this also means that it is not impossible for the United States to further use artificial intelligence technology to steal users' personal private information.

Secondly, from the perspective of artificial intelligence technology itself, it requires a large amount of data as the basic training model, and in the process of the development of artificial intelligence technology, especially Open AI, a world-renowned enterprise with a large number of users using its artificial intelligence, must have accumulated a large amount of user privacy data.

Finally, as mentioned above, Paul, as the former director of the National Security Agency, is more sensitive in his own right, and he has a strong official color in the United States, and everyone must have heard of what the National Security Agency does, which will have a worse impact than other officials in the United States who join Open AI after retirement.

"Prismgate" discloser Snowden warned: OpenAI has taken off its disguise

In fact, not only Snowden is full of distrust of Open AI, but even Musk, the founder of Tesla Inc. in the United States, has a strong sense of distrust of this artificial intelligence company. Previously, Apple announced that it would cooperate with Open AI in the next version of the IOS system to integrate artificial intelligence technology into Siri's voice chat assistant, which can bring users a better experience.

However, Musk directly said that if Apple cooperates with Open AI and adds Open AI's related artificial intelligence technology to the IOS system, then it will completely ban Tesla employees from using iPhones.

From Musk's previous statements, it can be seen that one of the main reasons why he made such a decision is that he believes that Apple's cooperation with Open AI will further increase the possibility of user privacy leakage. In fact, this also means that there are widespread concerns about AI companies leaking users' private data.

"Prismgate" discloser Snowden warned: OpenAI has taken off its disguise

In this case, Paul, who has a background in the US National Security Agency, joined Open AI and is still responsible for the relevant content, which is even more worrying. Previously, in April, Snowden publicly pointed to Open AI, believing that it is a leading company in the field of artificial intelligence, but has always refused to provide key information about the data source and weight of the big data model.

In any case, it seems that the problem of Open AI being questioned is unavoidable, and many people in the industry even refer to Open AI's big data model as a large information collector. Many believe that the large-scale use of Open AI-related products may further lead to an increase in cyber security concerns.

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