
Cultivating 70 100 million villages! Let's see how the South China Sea plays a new game of rural collective economic development Nanhai reported to Xinli

author:Foshan News
Cultivating 70 100 million villages! Let's see how the South China Sea plays a new game of rural collective economic development Nanhai reported to Xinli

Since the reform and opening up, Nanhai District has been at the forefront of the country as a pioneer in the reform and innovation of the rural collective economy. At present, the form of rural economy is undergoing profound changes, and the development of a new type of rural collective economy has become an increasingly important topic in the context of promoting the coordinated development of urban and rural areas and promoting common prosperity.

On July 2, Nanhai District held a conference to promote the high-quality development of the new rural collective economy and the launching ceremony of the "100 million + 1" action plan for common prosperity. The conference made it clear that through ten major measures such as the creation of "100 million yuan villages", the establishment of "profit sharing model", the selection of professional managers, and the promotion of the efficient use of collective funds, the model of 100 million yuan villages + listed enterprises, 100 million yuan villages + financial institutions, and 100 million yuan villages + professional managers will be built, and strive to reach 70 villages (residences) with a total annual collective economic income of more than 100 million yuan in the whole region by 2027, accounting for 70% of the city, and explore a new path for the high-quality development of the new rural collective economy for the city, the province and even the whole country.

Cultivating 70 100 million villages! Let's see how the South China Sea plays a new game of rural collective economic development Nanhai reported to Xinli

Brave the new road

From the richest county in the country to the road to common prosperity

The reform and development of the South China Sea started from the countryside, and more than 40 years ago, it became the richest county in the country because of its courage to dare to try. Over the past 40 years, Nanhai has made remarkable achievements and promoted the development and growth of the collective economy.

In 2023, the total collective assets of villages (residents) and communities (groups) in Nanhai will be 59.192 billion yuan, accounting for nearly 45% of the city's total. The monetary funds under management were 27.586 billion yuan, the disposable income was 12.727 billion yuan, and the number of "100 million yuan villages" increased to 46.

Cultivating 70 100 million villages! Let's see how the South China Sea plays a new game of rural collective economic development Nanhai reported to Xinli

"100 million yuan village (residence)" Pingdong Community, Guicheng Street.

Last year, the Nanhai Rural Collective Economy created four "firsts in the city": the Qifa Market and the North Comprehensive Building Rental Project in Huangqi Community, Dali Town (with a transaction value of 264 million yuan) were the projects with the largest transaction amount in the city, and the Huangqi Community in Dali Town (with a transaction value of 272 million yuan) was the village with the largest transaction contract value in the city; Shishan Town (total transaction value of 804 million yuan) is the town street with the largest transaction contract value in the city, and Xiabei Community of Guicheng Street (total assets of 2.94 billion yuan) is the village with the highest total collective assets in the city.

The wheel of history is rolling forward, and the scale of the rural collective economy in the South China Sea is not small, but it is also facing development difficulties. For example, collective land and property management income account for about 80 percent, the characteristics of "rental economy" are obvious, rural collective funds are idle, the use efficiency is low, high-quality rural management personnel are in short supply, and land use fragmentation is more prominent, which have become shackles restricting the development of rural collective economy.

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to develop a new type of rural collective economy and explore various ways to develop a new type of rural collective economy. The 10th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress voted on June 28 to pass the Law of the People's Republic of China on Rural Collective Economic Organizations, which will come into force on May 1, 2025.

In the context of promoting the coordinated development of urban and rural areas and promoting common prosperity, how can the South China Sea maintain integrity and break the situation? "We must adhere to the 'key move' of reform, and forge a way out in the courage to seek change and innovation." Gu Yaohui, secretary of the Nanhai District Party Committee, gave the answer at the event.

Cultivating 70 100 million villages! Let's see how the South China Sea plays a new game of rural collective economic development Nanhai reported to Xinli

Luoxingwei, Danzao Town.

On April 28 this year, Nanhai issued the "Opinions on Promoting the High-quality Development of the New Rural Collective Economy in Nanhai District" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"), focusing on the reform of the rural collective property rights system, so as to form a diversified path for collective economic growth, and promote the main indicators of the rural collective economy to a new level, the collective economic strength has been significantly enhanced, and the income of members has generally increased.

Where is the "new" in the new rural collective economy? Some experts have concluded that the typical characteristics of the new rural collective economy are that the property rights system is clearer, the economic form is more diverse, the realization form is more diverse, and the governance mechanism is more perfect. Focusing on these four characteristics, Nanhai will promote the integrated reform with the collective economy as the core with an open vision, introduce new business entities, develop new industries and new formats, explore new business models, establish a new governance structure, and promote the collective economy to "new".

The "Opinions" specifically put forward that through the creation of "100 million yuan villages", the establishment of a "profit sharing model", the selection of professional managers, and the promotion of the efficient use of collective funds, the ten key measures to drive Nanhai Village (residence) to continue to increase income and get rich together. Among them, this year, Nanhai will promote the creation of 70 "100 million yuan villages" to set up no less than one village-owned enterprise company, undertake and operate municipal sanitation public services, rural cultural tourism and other projects, and explore a stable, value-added, sustainable diversified rural collective economic development path.

Since the reform and opening up, villages in the South China Sea have built factories and properties on collective land, and this mode of development has determined that the collective economy will inevitably move towards a "rental economy". In order to break through this situation, this year, Nanhai explored the establishment of a "profit-sharing model" to promote rural collective economic organizations to no longer simply collect rent, but to combine with the "profit-sharing model" to expand the sources of collective income when trading rural collective assets through leasing, capital contribution (shareholding) and other means, or hiring a third-party company to operate rural collective assets as a whole, and select 10 pilot projects in 7 towns and streets to organize and implement. Recently, Danzao Donglian Community has taken the lead in testing the "profit sharing model", in addition to rental income every year, it can also share 30% of the income from the project operation, and agree on the total income to maximize the benefits of collective assets.

Cultivating 70 100 million villages! Let's see how the South China Sea plays a new game of rural collective economic development Nanhai reported to Xinli

The scene of the conference.

Let the sleeping capital wake up, let the collective income improve, and let the rural economy live...... The South China Sea is anchoring the direction of reform of the rural collective economy, carrying out a series of explorations, and stirring up a pool of spring water in the rural economy.

Force in the same direction

Explore new paths for the development of a new type of rural collective economy

Drawing a blueprint is important in action and implementation. In order to promote the implementation of the "Opinions", Nanhai has effectively integrated various funds, assets, projects and human resources, and continuously explored new paths for the high-quality development of the new rural collective economy. Regarding the work related to the ten major measures implemented by the "Opinions", Nanhai made a specific display at the event.

Among them, in terms of exploring the establishment of a "profit sharing model", Nanhai encourages rural collective economic organizations to further expand the income channels of rural collective assets, rather than simply collecting rent. At the event, 6 projects, including the Jinshachong Gas Station Project in Shachong Community, Lishui Town, and the Huangxi Economic Community Cooperation Project in Gaobian Community, Shishan Town, were signed as representatives of the "rent + share" and "capital contribution and shareholding" models and the overall operation model of third-party companies.

In the new journey of promoting the high-quality development of the new rural economy, the South China Sea has comprehensively leveraged the resources of all parties and gathered development synergies. At the meeting, the Nanhai District Government signed a strategic cooperation agreement with GF Fund to strengthen strategic cooperation in key aspects such as promoting the quality and efficiency of the rural collective economy, exploring the establishment of industrial guidance funds, and establishing information sharing and cooperation mechanisms. GF Fund has also signed twinning contracts with Guicheng Xiaxi, Guicheng Shishiken, Guicheng Pingdong and other "100 million yuan villages".

Cultivating 70 100 million villages! Let's see how the South China Sea plays a new game of rural collective economic development Nanhai reported to Xinli

In addition, Nanhai District has also organized one-to-one pairing activities between financial service institutions such as banks and fund companies and "100 million yuan villages" to stimulate new vitality of rural collective economic development with financial living water. "Serving rural revitalization is of great significance and has a glorious mission." Gao Qian, assistant general manager of the corporate business department of Nanhai Rural Commercial Bank, said that the bank and Yayao Community in Dali Town will continue to deepen the field of rural revitalization in the future, increase the tilt of resources in key areas, simultaneously promote financing and financial intelligence, continuously improve financial service capabilities, and promote the high-quality development of the rural collective economy.

In addition to leveraging financial activities, Nanhai also promoted six listed companies to sign contracts with "100 million yuan villages" with a total collective economic income of more than 200 million yuan in Nanhai District, including Foshan Igor Electric Co., Ltd. paired with Xiaxi Community of Guicheng Street, Mona Lisa Group Co., Ltd. paired with Lidong Community of Dali Town, and Guangdong Huate Gas Co., Ltd. paired with Taiping Community of Dali Town.

"Village-enterprise pairing is an important way to promote the high-quality development of the rural collective economy and achieve a win-win situation for village enterprises." Zhang Qikang, director of Mona Lisa Group Co., Ltd., introduced that in the future, it will carry out in-depth exchanges with the Lidong community of Dali Town, combine the local resource endowment, integrate the company's management concept into the community development, and create more development opportunities for the community and the group through industrial pairing, talent matching, cultural exchanges, etc., to achieve win-win cooperation.

Cultivating 70 100 million villages! Let's see how the South China Sea plays a new game of rural collective economic development Nanhai reported to Xinli

On the same day, 8 rural collective management construction land projects such as the new plant project of Pengwei Plastic Products Co., Ltd. in Hegang Community, Xiqiao Town, and the construction project of Shimen Yihai School in Shibei Community, Guicheng Street, were started, with a total investment of more than 600 million yuan. Nanhai District rural collective "three capitals" smart cloud management platform online trading projects also released at the same time, this week plans to release 596 rural collective asset trading projects, the total reserve price of 447 million yuan, including Jiujiang Town Zhennan Village centralized rental housing, Shishan Town Lianxing Community smoothly around the "cross-strait" market and other large transaction volume of asset leasing projects.

From districts to towns, from towns to villages, from financial institutions to listed companies...... The South China Sea is promoting the development of a new type of rural collective economy in all directions, in all fields and in all factors.

Anchor the target

Strive to 2027 "100 million yuan village (residence)" accounted for 70% of the city

The train runs fast because of the headband. To do a good job in the creation of "100 million yuan villages (residences)" is to grasp the bull's nose that affects the overall development of the new rural collective economy.

According to the data, there are 222 villages (residences) involved in rural areas in the region, and there are 46 villages (residences) with a total collective economic income of more than 100 million yuan in 2023, accounting for 20.7% of the rural areas (residences) in the region, accounting for more than half of the city's "100 million yuan villages (residences)", reaching 57.5%.

On this basis, Nanhai will keep an eye on the goal of creating "100 million yuan villages", steadily advance in four years, and strive to reach 70 villages (residences) with a total annual collective economic income of more than 100 million yuan by 2027, accounting for 70% of the city.

How can this be achieved? At the event, the "100 million + 1" action plan was officially launched. The "100 million + 1" of the "100 million + 1" action plan refers to 100 million yuan village + listed enterprises, 100 million yuan village + financial institutions, 100 million yuan village + professional managers, to achieve win-win cooperation and seek common development, and the effect of "1 + 1 is greater than 2".

Cultivating 70 100 million villages! Let's see how the South China Sea plays a new game of rural collective economic development Nanhai reported to Xinli

Huangji Community, Jiujiang Town.

The key to entrepreneurship is people. Over the past 40 years, Nanhai has gone from being the richest county in the country to one of the "Four Little Tigers of Guangdong", and then ranking second among the top 100 districts in terms of comprehensive strength in the country for ten consecutive years. Nanhai will take the promotion of the high-quality development of the new rural collective economy as the starting point, and guide more collective members to give full play to their sense of ownership and actively participate in the construction of their homes.

"In 2023, the actual total income of our community and village groups will exceed 80 million yuan, and it is expected to achieve the goal of '100 million yuan of village residence' by 2026." Liang Hanbo, Secretary of the Party Committee, Director and President of the Economic Associated Press, said that the community will adhere to long-termism and strengthen the collective economy. On the one hand, highlight the enterprise thinking and explore the transformation of market-oriented operation to independent operation; On the other hand, highlight the long-term thinking, plan and adjust the 157,500 square meters of industrial plants that are about to expire the contract, optimize the layout, and integrate the "aesthetics; At the same time, it highlights the thinking of cultural tourism and cultivates new growth poles for the development of the cultural tourism industry.

It is also very important to develop the rural collective economy and build and make good use of the contingent of "new farmers." The event also held a letter of appointment for representatives of rural professional managers and a certificate awarding ceremony for members of expert think tanks in the field of "agriculture, agriculture and agriculture" to promote all kinds of talents to give full play to their talents and show their skills in the vast world of rural revitalization, and 25 villages (residences) will complete the work of professional managers this year.

Cultivating 70 100 million villages! Let's see how the South China Sea plays a new game of rural collective economic development Nanhai reported to Xinli

In view of the next work, Gu Yaohui emphasized that it is necessary to promote the wind of reform, and the word "new" leads to breakthroughs, so that the ideas must be renewed, the path must be updated, and the mechanism must be innovated. It is necessary to demonstrate the act of responsibility, empower and seek development with the word "live", make more efforts to make the talent team live, take multiple measures to make collective assets live, and take multi-pronged measures to make the rural industry lively.

He further pointed out that in the development of a new type of rural collective economy, it is necessary to pay attention to overall planning and consideration, and constantly explore new mechanisms for the development of the collective economy that meet the requirements of the market economy. On the one hand, it is necessary to balance the relationship between collective interests and public interests, and on the other hand, it is necessary to properly handle the relationship between rural capital and the interests of villagers, so as to form a powerful driving force for jointly promoting rural development.

"Say a thousand things and ten thousand, the key is hard work." Gu Yaohui said that it is necessary to strengthen the pragmatic effect, grasp the implementation of the word "responsibility", conspire to "play a game of chess", twist into a "rope", drum up a "breath", carry the responsibility of "dare to do", stare at the responsibility of "do it", think of ways to "do it", riveting the momentum of "hard work", use "doing" to solve all development problems, comprehensively deepen reform and innovation, and accelerate the development of a new type of rural collective economy.

Wentu/Foshan News and Media Center reporters Li Qiaoting and Lu Peilan

Correspondent Nan Nong Xuan

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