
Chapter 54: Clues in the Movie

author:Han Xi

For a few days, Su Qiong was a little unhappy, the case of "Ximeng" was solved, although Su Qiong's judgment was wrong in the process of detection, but fortunately, the director and Lao Fan and others took care of Su Qiong very much, and did not spread the news of Su Qiong's unauthorized departure, plus Lin Chuan was handcuffed to the bureau by Su Qiong, so the people in the police station still gave Su Qiong congratulations, after all, it was the first case since he became the detective, and the murderer in this case was so cunning.

Lin Chuan didn't say much after being taken to the police station, it was still those words, very brief but the facts of the case had been explained clearly, and there was almost no difference from Lao Fan's analysis. All the evidence, all the plausibility, seems to indicate that Lin Chuan is the murderer.

However, since Lin Chuan had indeed been hospitalized and suffered from amnesia, a comprehensive examination of him would be conducted in a few days to confirm what kind of mental state he was planning the murder. But everyone understands that this kind of examination is just a formality, and no one believes that Lin Chuan really committed murder in the state of his alter ego.

Su Qiong didn't believe it either, but she didn't believe that Lin Chuan was the murderer, and her original intuition did not change because of Lin Chuan's surrender, but now she has to face all kinds of things after solving the case. There was always a question in her mind, but it was obviously very vague, and she couldn't find what was wrong with the case.

Su Qiong's unhappiness was obviously seen by the director, but he thought that Su Qiong was still sad that she had almost gone astray in the process of solving the case, so he comforted her vigorously and allowed Su Qiong to take a few days off.

On the day Su Qiong left the team, she came to see Lin Chuan again.

In the clammy and cold cell, Lin Chuan looked very peaceful, this was the calm after the revenge, and he only smiled slightly when he saw Su Qiong coming.

Through the railing, Su Qiong asked: "In a few days, you will be subjected to a mental examination, this is very important, is it all hanged in this examination." The place of the god capital used gallows for death row prisoners.

Lin Chuan nodded, and there was no sadness on that clear face: "It's useless, it's not for Xiao Xue, I should also be sentenced to death for Tong Tong." ”

Su Qiong said depressedly: "I may never come to see you again, do you really have nothing to say to me?" ”

Lin Chuan opened his mouth, but finally didn't say it, but turned his face away, looking at the sky outside through the window of the cell, which was only the width of a palm, and the sky was still overcast. He seemed to be back in that basement again, back to the days with Xiao Xue.

Su Qiong knew that Lin Chuan didn't want to talk to herself, and it was useless to be reluctant, so she turned around, but after taking a few steps, she suddenly stood up and asked sternly: "Lin Chuan, where is your script, I'm talking about the whole script." ”

Lin Chuan sighed and said, "It's only in my head." ”

Su Qiong was obviously disappointed, and asked again, "Has anyone else read your script besides you?" also except for Wu Xiaotian. ”

Lin Chuan's eyes flickered for a moment, but then they became dim, he shook his head, and did not directly answer Su Qiong's words.

Su Qiong still didn't give up, and continued to ask, "So what exactly does Kevin Spacey mean?" ”

Lin Chuan slowly sat on the ground, looked up at Su Qiong through the gear lever, and replied, "It's not interesting, it's a point-and-shoot thing, and it has nothing to do with the case." ”

"But I want to know." Su Qiong chased after her.

Lin Chuan let out a long sigh and said, "You should check the films he acted in again, all the films related to lies." ”

Su Qiong finally understood why she put a poster of "The King of Words" after a series of film posters played by Kevin Spacey, which was indeed a bit special.

The wooden door of the old man's house, which was not very strong, was knocked open all of a sudden, startling the old man Shentu, who was fiddling with an old piece of porcelain, and he hurriedly turned his head, only to see Su Qiong walking in with a bunch of DVDs in his arms.

Old Man Shentu let go of the porcelain and asked, "Why are you here again?" ”

Su Qiong said: "Grandpa, I want your DVD player, can you still use it?" ”

The old man Shentu said strangely: "Why did you come here to see, you don't know that there is no electricity here." ”

"I know you've bought a power generation system, can you still use it?" Su Qiong said with a hippie smile. I don't know why, since the last time she took Lin Chuan back to the old man's house, she felt that the old man's words of not letting herself come back were actually very insincere.

The old man Shentu had a cold face and a warm heart, and asked with a straight face: "It can be used, it is very troublesome." Are you still for the kid from last time? Is the person dead? ”

Su Qiong shook her head and said, "Which is so fast, by the way, grandpa, do you say that your hypnotism is real or fake?" ”

"Of course it's true, otherwise can that kid be recruited?" The old man Shentu said angrily, and the old man was obviously very dissatisfied with Su Qiong's questioning.

"yes, if it weren't for your hypnosis, how would that criminal know that he had a split personality? But I remember you said that hypnosis can not only reveal what people do, but also what they think inside, right? Su Qiong said slowly and deliberately.

Old Man Shentu nodded.

Su Qiong continued: "You also said that what you said in hypnosis cannot be used as testimony, but what if the prisoner himself uses what he said after hypnosis as testimony? Is there something we can't know? ”

This time, the old man Shentu was stunned, pondered for a moment, he looked very depressed, and said: "You girl still doesn't seem to believe in my hypnosis, but in fact, hypnotism is by no means effective for everyone, only those who believe in it can work. And after hypnosis, there are indeed many people who take what they say after hypnosis as reality. ”

This is exactly the answer that Su Qiong wants, which gives rise to two possibilities, if hypnotism works on Lin Chuan, Lin Chuan is very likely to take the revenge he thinks in his heart as something he really did, and the other possibility is that hypnotism does not work on Lin Chuan, but Lin Chuan pretends to be hypnotized and then admits that he is guilty.

But no matter which possibility it is, if Lin Chuan is not a real criminal, how can he accurately tell the circumstances of the crime? This is the most difficult thing for Su Qiong to understand.

For an actor like Kevin Spacey, who is very famous in the United States, it is not difficult to watch all his films, and for Su Qiong, who rarely watches discs, she soon became a little visually fatigued, and her brain seemed to be unable to keep up with the rhythm of the film. "The Seven Deadly Sins" and "L.A. Confidential" have already been watched, Su Qiong originally thought that Kevin Spacey would only act in police movies, but films like "American Beauty" also acted. But perhaps because of the sensitivity of her profession, Su Qiong still pays attention to some films related to the case, and never forgets what Lin Chuan said about the hint of lies.

Therefore, Su Qiong quickly found two films, namely "The Extraordinary Suspect" and "The Life of David Gore". In both films, the lie is from beginning to end, and Kevin Spacey also happens to play the liar, one as a murderer who presents himself as an innocent, and the other as a professor who presents himself as a murderer. Especially in "The Life of David Gore", the professor deliberately described himself as a murderer in order to challenge the death penalty, which made Su Qiong feel inexplicably afraid, and he couldn't help but think of Lin Chuan.

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