
The girls of the School of Political Science and Law joined forces to fight back, and righteous netizens didn't buy it, exposing the score line to "slap in the face"

author:Sweet Path

As of now, the attention to the bullying incident of three female students at Beijing Vocational College of Political Science and Law has gradually decreased, and it is still a mystery whether Li has been persuaded to retire, and the school has not made a clear response.

Judging from the video uploaded by Li at the beginning, the three girls had an arrogant attitude and rude language, on the other hand, Li remained calm and kept her emotions stable even if she was abused.

The girls of the School of Political Science and Law joined forces to fight back, and righteous netizens didn't buy it, exposing the score line to "slap in the face"

After the video attracted widespread attention, Li deleted the video due to issues such as portrait rights. However, the deletion of the video does not mean that the incident is gone, and many concerned people are still following the progress of the situation.

However, the development of events was not what everyone expected. Although the school did not clearly explain whether he had withdrawn from school and why, as the class president, he should not have made a decision to withdraw from school if he had not been treated unfairly.

The girls of the School of Political Science and Law joined forces to fight back, and righteous netizens didn't buy it, exposing the score line to "slap in the face"

The three female students of the School of Political Science and Law joined forces to fight back, and the indignant people exposed the score line to "refute the rumors". Although the results of the school caused dissatisfaction among many concerned, the truth of the matter is still in the minds of those who care. On this issue, Li is not wrong, and it is just to protect vulnerable students from small group bullying.

Perhaps the mishandling was that Li did not blur the three female classmates when uploading the video, and did not respect their privacy. Therefore, student Li has been silent, and even said briefly when he posted his withdrawal application: "The rivers and lakes are far away, each cherishes them, and they are destined to see each other again."

The girls of the School of Political Science and Law joined forces to fight back, and righteous netizens didn't buy it, exposing the score line to "slap in the face"

However, obviously, Li's forbearance did not result in an apology from the three girls, but instead fueled their arrogance, and even began to fight back together. The tallest girl in the video threatens to have a large amount of black material about classmate Li in her hands and questions her true identity.

She claimed that classmate Li was not his real name, and criticized him for showing justice just to deceive netizens, but was actually a hypocritical person, and publicly shouted: "How hypocritical are you, you have the courage to stand up and respond." ”

The girls of the School of Political Science and Law joined forces to fight back, and righteous netizens didn't buy it, exposing the score line to "slap in the face"

The girl said that she had been wronged, saying that classmate Li was provocative when shooting the video, but the camera was not aimed at him, thinking that the farce was completely directed and acted by classmate Li in order to provoke the three of them.

Now, netizens have accused and abused them, but classmate Li has successfully become invisible. If Li doesn't come forward to respond, they will expose all the scandals in school.

However, due to the inconsistencies in the girls' words, many netizens did not believe their claims at all, and even directly checked the admission score of the school to "slap them in the face".

The girls of the School of Political Science and Law joined forces to fight back, and righteous netizens didn't buy it, exposing the score line to "slap in the face"

It turns out that the school has a low cut-off score for local admissions, but it is relatively high in other areas. In 2022, the minimum admission score in Liaoning is 403 points, while the admission score for physics undergraduate is 362 points. Therefore, the results of these three girls in the college entrance examination should be quite good.

Some netizens speculated that these three girls may have a strong family background to be so arrogant. However, there is no definite information to prove this.

After Li posted a photo of his withdrawal application, he did not respond. It is unclear if he actually left school. If possible, I hope that Li can persevere, after all, the school's graduate prospects and employment prospects are quite good.

The girls of the School of Political Science and Law joined forces to fight back, and righteous netizens didn't buy it, exposing the score line to "slap in the face"

For candidates from other provinces, it is not easy to apply for Beijing Vocational College of Political Science and Law. According to the data of 2022, the admission score of Beijing Vocational College of Political Science and Law in Beijing is 121 points, which is relatively low, and almost local candidates can be admitted as long as they have some scores. Some netizens jokingly said that as long as there is more than 100 subjects in the main subject, they can be admitted to this school.

However, in other regions, the school has a relatively high cut-off score for admission. In Liaoning, the minimum admission score in 2022 is 403 points, which is much higher than the local admission score line. This means that if a student scores above 400 points in the college entrance examination, there is no problem at all to apply for an undergraduate degree.

The girls of the School of Political Science and Law joined forces to fight back, and righteous netizens didn't buy it, exposing the score line to "slap in the face"

Many graduates end up in the system and secure a stable career. Take Liu, a 2013 graduate, as an example, who is currently working in a branch of a procuratorate and has a promising future. Therefore, although the school has many advantages locally, students from other regions still need higher grades to apply.

The girls of the School of Political Science and Law joined forces to fight back, and righteous netizens didn't buy it, exposing the score line to "slap in the face"

Today's topic: What are your thoughts on this incident?