
Taking stock of the simple wedding of his 30-year-old son, without wasting money and effort, relatives and friends said that this was a sobriety in the world

author:Sunflower of hard work

Narrator: Sun Zhou / Finishing: Sunflower / Picture: From the Internet

I was born in 1965, and before my son got married, I saw many of my peers around me who were worried about their son's marriage or almost "bankrupt". I deeply understand them, either some children insist on not marrying, do not find a partner, and the family is also worried. Either talk about marriage, bride price, wedding, house, wedding car has become a huge amount of money, and the family's family funds will be completely paid.

In fact, I was also worried, because although the conditions of our family are okay, after all, they are ordinary families, and it is indeed a heavy burden for my son to get married, which is to hand over decades of hard work.

However, this year's 30-year-old son tied the knot, and his daughter-in-law gave me and my wife an unexpected surprise.

Taking stock of the simple wedding of his 30-year-old son, without wasting money and effort, relatives and friends said that this was a sobriety in the world

This year, just after the Lunar New Year, our parents are preparing for their children's wedding. At that time, my wife and I also took out the savings of the past few decades and calculated, all the passbooks added up, a total of 580,000 yuan, in addition, we also bought a new house in the community near our home as our son's wedding house, paid a down payment of 300,000 yuan at that time, and now we have to repay about 2,000 yuan every month.

My wife and I were holding this heavy 580,000 passbook at the time, thinking to ourselves, don't look at this a lot of money, but as soon as the child gets married, it will not be enough, my former colleague's child got married, and the bride price was 160,000, the wedding cost 30,000, the banquet cost 60,000, and the daughter-in-law spent 60,000 yuan, which alone added up to 300,000 yuan, so this money is not a money at all in the marriage, and it is quite sad to think about it.

But I didn't expect that at the beginning of the marriage discussion, the two children actually took the initiative not to hold a wedding, just travel to get married, they had been to the beach in Vietnam before, saying that the scenery there was particularly good, and they flew there to play for a week, just as a honeymoon, and the cost there is not high, there are few people, and the travel is very comfortable.

My wife and I, as well as my daughter-in-law's parents, were shocked when we heard this. Unexpectedly, my son and daughter-in-law took the initiative to ask for this, they said that they liked the minimalist style like abroad, and they didn't want to work hard and time-consuming. They are also very busy and don't have so much energy on this, if two people love each other, understand each other, and care for each other, it is not bad for this wedding form.

Taking stock of the simple wedding of his 30-year-old son, without wasting money and effort, relatives and friends said that this was a sobriety in the world

We were very touched when we heard it, and our son really got a good daughter-in-law who was understanding. My daughter-in-law is doing foreign trade in a private company, she may have more contact with foreign customers, so she is more open-minded, she is not the kind of person who pays special attention to form, nor is she a material person.

Even her own usual dress is not very demanding. She also earns a lot of money herself, even more than my son, and she often tells my son that women do not have to be dependent on men, but also have their own independent careers and the ability to earn money.

In this way, the wedding of the two was held during the May Day.

At that time, we booked 3 tables at a mid-range hotel near our home, and at the request of our son and daughter-in-law, we invited our closest family and friends to come, and the bride did not wear makeup, so she bought a red dress and simply tied her own hair.

At the beginning of the wedding, the son and daughter-in-law simply gave a speech to everyone, thanking everyone for coming to their wedding, and then our parents also expressed their gratitude, and then the six of us toasted next to each other, and the banquet ended in about 1 hour.

The day after the feast, they took a week's leave and flew to their ideal travel destination for their honeymoon.

Of course, we did not treat our daughter-in-law slowly because the young couple asked for minimalism, we followed the standards of the local city, centered, and gave the daughter-in-law 150,000 yuan as a bride price, and also as the start-up capital for their new family.

Although they are married, we will also pay the mortgage on the new house every month to relieve some of the stress on them.

Taking stock of the simple wedding of his 30-year-old son, without wasting money and effort, relatives and friends said that this was a sobriety in the world

After the news spread that our family's wedding was simply held, many relatives and friends were very envious, saying that the two children did not blindly compare, which was really great.

In fact, we did not treat our daughter-in-law a little slowly because she didn't want a bride price and didn't ask for so much, we respected her more for her self-improvement and self-reliance, and she didn't compare.

In fact, whether marriage is good or not is not necessarily proportional to form and material, but more about two young people working together, thinking more about each other, and sharing weal and sorrow, this is the most important thing, don't you say?