
Behind the murder of the Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao", a bloody case caused by a misunderstanding?

Behind the murder of the Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao", a bloody case caused by a misunderstanding?

Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao" is a frequent visitor to Bodoune Square in Ningjiang District, Songyuan City. Because I always like to carry a bag when I square dance. Don't look at me young, but when I dance, I'm the star of the square. Every evening, I would show up in the square on time and dance a few songs with the old guys. We dance not only dance, but also love and enjoy life.

My life is simple and ordinary, except for dancing, I am an ordinary retired worker. I have a son who is married and rarely comes back to see me. My wife died early, and I lived alone, and although my life was simple, I was quite comfortable. In addition to dancing, I chatted with my neighbors, watched TV, and occasionally went for a walk in the park.

Behind the murder of the Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao", a bloody case caused by a misunderstanding?

On June 30th, the weather was exceptionally good, and I arrived at the square early, as usual. The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on the square, and everything seemed so harmonious. I changed into my dancing shoes, clipped my bag, and got ready to start today's dance. At this moment, I noticed a bald middle-aged man, standing in the crowd, his eyes a little misty, and a bottle of wine in his hand.

I didn't pay much attention to it, after all, there were all kinds of people in the square. But as the night fell, the bald man's eyes became more and more wrong, and he began to walk towards me. I was a little hairy, but I didn't think much of it, I just picked up the steps, hoping to end the dance soon.

Behind the murder of the Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao", a bloody case caused by a misunderstanding?

Just as I was jumping, the bald man suddenly rushed over, with a knife in his hand, and stabbed me directly. I instinctively wanted to hide, but it was too late. The knife stabbed me in the abdomen, and I felt a sharp pain, followed by a hot current gushing out. I fell to the ground and saw people around me start screaming, and some people tried to come and help me, but they were all scared away by the bald man.

I felt my consciousness start to blur, but I could still hear the bald man growling, "You bastard who ruined other people's families, I'm going to make you pay!" "I thought to myself, this must be a misunderstanding, although I am an Internet celebrity, I have never done anything to destroy other people's families. I wanted to explain, but I didn't have the strength to speak.

Behind the murder of the Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao", a bloody case caused by a misunderstanding?

Just when I thought my life was going to end like this, the police and ambulance arrived at the scene. The police quickly subdued the bald man, and the paramedics began to administer first aid to me. I was put in the ambulance and all the way I wondered, what the hell is all this? What am I doing wrong?

After being rescued, I was lucky to survive. The police told me that the bald man's name was Jae Moumou, and his wife had misunderstood me because of my status as an influencer, thinking that I had destroyed her family. And Zai Moumou was drunk, lost control of his emotions and made such a move.

Behind the murder of the Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao", a bloody case caused by a misunderstanding?

Although I survived, this incident had a huge impact on my life. I began to reflect on whether as an influencer should I pay more attention to my behavior and avoid causing unnecessary distress to others. At the same time, I am also aware of the horror of online violence, and that a simple misunderstanding can lead to such serious consequences.

After this incident, I decided to quit the Internet celebrity circle for a while and give myself some time to think and adjust. I started getting more involved in the community, talking to my neighbors and helping those in need. I found that life is not just about dancing and becoming an influencer, but more importantly, there is understanding and support between people.

Behind the murder of the Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao", a bloody case caused by a misunderstanding?
Behind the murder of the Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao", a bloody case caused by a misunderstanding?