
Where does the money go for the food of rural children?

author:Colorful drawing board aKI

Recently, the central media has exposed a worrying incident, that is, the misappropriation of nutritional meal subsidies for rural students. Not only does this ignore children's health, but it also challenges our social conscience. Today, we are going to talk about this topic, how to protect the food tables of rural children.

Where does the money go for the food of rural children?

Nutritious meal subsidy: the original intention and the current situation

The government's original intention in formulating this policy is to give these children a hot, nutritionally balanced meal so that they can grow up healthy. However, in the eyes of some people, this money has become "Tang monk meat", which has been misappropriated and embezzled, which deviates from the original intention of reform.

According to a report released by the Audit Office, 66 counties misappropriated a total of 1.951 billion yuan in student nutrition and meal subsidies from 2021 to August 2023. And the loss of this money has made the food of those children worse and worse, and some have even begun to deteriorate, or are poisoned.

Where does the money go for the food of rural children?

The children's table should be warm and welcoming. However, the canteen is simply equipped, the level of food is poor, and the children's tables seem deserted.

In the face of this phenomenon, one cannot help but ask: what is going on? Is it an institutional flaw, or is it a management gap? Is it the incompetence of the local government, or is it the greed of some people?

We must deeply reflect on whether there are loopholes in the system, whether there is ineffective supervision, and whether there is ineffective punishment.

At the same time, local governments and relevant personnel should be held accountable to ensure that they can effectively discharge their responsibilities and protect children's rights.

Solution: Build a line of defense

When encountering problems, we should not just sigh and complain, but take the initiative to seek solutions to build a solid barrier for children's food safety.

First of all, it is necessary to strengthen the construction of systems, improve the corresponding laws and regulations, and ensure that the use of funds is standardized and transparent.

Second, it is necessary to strengthen the punishment for violations of law and discipline to form a kind of deterrent, so that every money can be used on children's tables.

At the same time, it is necessary to intensify social and public supervision so that the whole society can actively participate in this activity.

Fourth, it is necessary to increase publicity for rural students and their parents, enhance their awareness and ability to defend their rights, and make them realize that their rights are protected.

Where does the money go for the food of rural children?

The "misappropriation" of the "three rural" subsidy funds is an important warning to the "three rural" problems. It is necessary to draw lessons from this, strengthen the building of systems, intensify supervision, intensify propaganda and education, and increase social concern, so as to effectively ensure the healthy growth of the vast number of rural students.

Let's work together to create a fairer, fairer, and better educational environment! After all, children's tables must not become "Tang monk meat", and no one can eat them.