
Many old people regard things that are dirtier than "gutter oil" as treasures, do you know what they are?

author:The old farmer talks about the three farmers

#头条首发大赛#谈起 "gutter oil", everyone is no stranger, its harm to people is shocking, is frightening, therefore, now everyone knows how "gutter oil" is produced? Everyone is very clear about how harmful it is to people, so everyone stays away from "gutter oil".

However, there are still many old people who treat things that are dirtier than "gutter oil" as heart and liver treasures, and some old people have to eat them every day, endangering the health of the elderly, do you know what it is? I'm sure many people don't know.

I used to be an out-and-out senior beekeeper, and I know the living habits of bees and the production of honey well, and I am no longer familiar with it.

Now the honey on the market, it is difficult to distinguish between the real and the fake, the good and the bad, some honey sellers, all say that the honey they sell is pure natural honey, the truth and falsehood only he knows, God knows, no one can determine that the honey sold by his family is real honey.

Many old people regard things that are dirtier than "gutter oil" as treasures, do you know what they are?

Here some fake honey and real honey are exactly the same, testing institutions can not detect it, not to say whether these honey is dirty or not, let's talk about why fake honey, why testing institutions can't detect it?

I raised bees more than 30 years ago, all year round in the countryside across the country to chase flowers and nectar to catch up with the flowering period, if there is no flower to open the place, or rainy days in the rainy season, when there is no nectar source for a long time, the honey stored in the beehive is eaten up, and can no longer find the nectar source, what should I do?

At this time, only use sucrose to feed, as long as it is sugar, otherwise the Italian bees will starve to death due to lack of food, and the bee colony will shrink a lot, which is a heavy blow to beekeepers.

There are only two ways to solve the problem, either to feed the cane sugar on the spot instead of food, or to leave the place as soon as possible to chase the flowers and nectar, otherwise, the bees will not be able to survive.

Many old people regard things that are dirtier than "gutter oil" as treasures, do you know what they are?

Now, there are some people who raise bees in rural areas, and they are fixed at home all year round, and the honey products are amazing, people who know how to raise honey, is this possible?

And the bees they produce can be tested by testing institutions, the products are all qualified product test reports, the market sales are pure natural honey, and the market price is the same price as the real pure natural honey, and who dares to say that the honey sold by his family is fake honey!

Because bees collect "honeydew" secreted by flowers on plant flowers, bees use mouthparts straws to eat into the stomach pouch of bees, and after returning to the hive, they spit out the absorbed "honeydew" into the hive, forming bees.

In order to protect the bee colony, beekeepers use sucrose water as food, instead of the "honeydew" secreted by the flowers of the plant, as the food for the bees.

Many old people regard things that are dirtier than "gutter oil" as treasures, do you know what they are?

What happens when beekeepers need to have or increase honey production, and there are no flowers blooming in nature? Only according to the important indicators contained in the composition list of honey, what is missing in the sucrose is added, the bee or the bee begins to eat a large amount of artificially fed "food", in addition to their own needs, just like collecting honey, desperately converting the artificially fed sucrose into honey and storing it in the hive.

Therefore, some beekeepers, in order to increase the production of honey, let the bee colony go to the wild to collect honey during the day, and feed white sugar or other types of sucrose in the beehive at night to increase the yield of honey.

The source of this honey is not plant flowers, but from sucrose, this honey, in the process of sending for inspection, will not be identified as fake honey, it is considered to be pure natural honey.

Many old people regard things that are dirtier than "gutter oil" as treasures, do you know what they are?

Therefore, the honey collected by bees on flowers with sucrose instead of sucrose is slightly different from that of natural bees, but the substances that represent the characteristics of honey are insufficient or lacking, and at this time they will be considered by the public to be pure natural honey, covering up the opportunistic behavior of beekeepers.

Of course, the nutrients of such bees, mainly those trace amounts, and the substances that represent the characteristics of honey, will be missing or insufficient, but the testing agency can not identify that it is fake honey, therefore, these unscrupulous beekeepers use this way to fake and blinden the majority of consumers, and also sell legal products on the market, no one dares to say that it is fake honey.

Do you know why the waste residue and even sugary wastewater from sugar mills are so in short supply? Some people think that it is a kind of fertilizer that people use, and the sugar released from these other wastes is the food of bees, which can make honey.

Many old people regard things that are dirtier than "gutter oil" as treasures, do you know what they are?

Beekeepers put these cheap waste in the wild at regular intervals, and the bees naturally cleaned up and converted them into honey.

This kind of honey, sent by beekeepers for inspection, is really qualified honey, therefore, the current fake honey, is not people adding other substances to the bees to replace the fake honey, but by the bees to transform these things into honey, the difficulty is not fake honey, how to explain?

Now these fake honey are recognized as genuine pure natural honey, but in fact, its nutritional value and medicinal value are much lower than that of pure natural honey, and they are very different.

Many old people regard things that are dirtier than "gutter oil" as treasures, do you know what they are?

Therefore, under normal circumstances, the real pure natural honey and artificially fed honey are difficult to distinguish between true and false, and it is impossible to judge, which is just like the difference between pork fed by traditional methods in rural families and pork from large-scale farms.

Therefore, now some old people, when buying honey, it is really not easy to buy pure natural honey, please don't believe in the special effect of this honey, now drink this kind of honey, is to drink sucrose, the vast majority of the health of the elderly is not good, but the disadvantages can not be enumerated.

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