
Climbing Mount Tai encounters heavy rain, the steps become waterfalls, tourists: come to come, can not leave regrets

author:Pencil entertainment

These days, it's raining everywhere, and Mount Tai is no exception! But some tourists just challenge Mount Tai when it rains heavily!


In the video, Mount Tai is raining a lot, but you can still see tourists climbing up, really taking their lives to climb the mountain!

Climbing Mount Tai encounters heavy rain, the steps become waterfalls, tourists: come to come, can not leave regrets

In the picture, you can see that the steps of Mount Tai are like a waterfall under the impact of rain, and we don't know what it's like to climb the mountain in such an environment!

Climbing Mount Tai encounters heavy rain, the steps become waterfalls, tourists: come to come, can not leave regrets

You can see that although it is raining heavily, there are still tourists climbing up, it is really stubborn, you are pure little Taishan, take it!

Climbing Mount Tai encounters heavy rain, the steps become waterfalls, tourists: come to come, can not leave regrets

Tourists mentioned, come to come, can not leave regrets, these four words do evoke the memories of many people, who has not a few times "come to come" experience!

Climbing Mount Tai encounters heavy rain, the steps become waterfalls, tourists: come to come, can not leave regrets

Some netizens said that their daughter and classmates also went to climb Mount Tai at night, and the reply of netizens really laughed at me, if it was my daughter, I was also worried about whether I went out with a male classmate!

Climbing Mount Tai encounters heavy rain, the steps become waterfalls, tourists: come to come, can not leave regrets

Let's just say that in such weather, it is really easy to slip on the feet, but what is the local custom of Mount Tai!

Climbing Mount Tai encounters heavy rain, the steps become waterfalls, tourists: come to come, can not leave regrets

The four-character phrase that Chinese have been trapped all their lives can be regarded as making you understand!