
Seeing the strange older leftover girl again, she blocked me without a few words.

author:Blind date emotional story collection
Seeing the strange older leftover girl again, she blocked me without a few words.

The age is not too young, why is the mood so unstable.

Seeing the strange older leftover girl again, she blocked me without a few words.

Here's the thing, let me take my time.

At first, it was introduced by a familiar old aunt, who only said the woman's name and mobile phone number, and did not say anything else, only that she did not work locally, and that she was from the city next to her, and her hometown was ours.

I added her prestige and found that the mobile phone number was not local to Shandong at all, it was from Anhui, a strange number, so I didn't know if it was me, and I only said hello in the verification information. On the 28th, it took two days for this woman to pass the verification, or at eleven o'clock in the evening, she sent a few more words of information for others to send it materials, probably thinking that I was a parent of a student. I saw that it was too late and it was past eleven o'clock, and I didn't talk to her in detail, thinking that we would talk again tomorrow.

Seeing the strange older leftover girl again, she blocked me without a few words.

Early the next morning, I replied to her, and I said that the aunt who introduced her surname Zhou introduced it,

Ya give me a reply: I don't know, I'm mistaken# (hehe)

I wonder if it won't.,Could it be that the old aunt is too old and more than seventy and accidentally sent the wrong mobile phone number.,I said, how is it Anhui's number# (hehe)

So I confirmed with this woman again: Is your name Zhang X?

She said: No, she asked me what my name was, and complained that I didn't report my name

I thought it was a mistake, and since I was wrong, I didn't need to tell her my name anymore, don't you say?

So I replied: That might be a mistake

The woman didn't come back.

When I got home, I told my family that the blind date girl's mobile phone number was wrong, and the mobile phone number was from Anhui, but the woman happened to be a teacher, which was quite a coincidence.

Seeing the strange older leftover girl again, she blocked me without a few words.

I also clicked on the transfer to confirm it in advance to see if I could see the name, but this woman is a chicken thief, I don't know how to set it, I hide my name, I don't know if the old brothers and sisters know how to set it?

Seeing the strange older leftover girl again, she blocked me without a few words.

I thought I was really mistaken, so I waited for the introducer to send me the correct M number, but during the lunch break today, this woman sent an aggressive and uncomfortable language to question me as if she was a teacher asking for guilt# (hehe)

I was still pretending to be stupid and what to say A long time ago, my family told her that someone introduced her to someone (I introduced it last week, because the introducer said that this woman would not go home for the invigilation on the weekend, so I didn't add her immediately, and I added it after about two days, which is called a long time ago? )

Give me back: Are you the one? also sent two question marks in a row, in short, there are a lot of uncomfortable points in one sentence.

Since you know that someone introduced you to someone, and I said that someone else introduced you, I won't ask my family to verify whether it is surnamed Zhou? I don't know the reply, I'm mistaken. You said I was mistaken, what else did I talk to you about?

I later asked her name, and she also said that it was not her, in fact, it was her, but it was a different homonym, she said it was not her, since you knew that you were still pretending to be stupid and said that it was not you, then what else did I have to say, but the next day the introducer asked her mother for verification, and she came to Xingshi to ask for guilt.

Seeing the strange older leftover girl again, she blocked me without a few words.

I still want to explain a few words, it turns out that the introducer said the name wrong, and then politely said a few words or something, in fact, it should be her mother didn't make it clear to the old aunt, only said that her name was Zhang cong, and didn't say which word, so the old aunt subconsciously thought it was a smart Cong, and the woman didn't say which cong she was in the end, but asked me my name in a tone of self-care interrogation, and she asked me twice in total, the first time she said that I was mistaken, and asked me what my name was, so I felt that since I made a mistake, there was no need to talk,I didn't say it.,She didn't explain.,The second time I asked was a lot of Sima question marks during today's lunch break.,I thought about easing the atmosphere and then said.,As a result, xxn was angry and blacked me out.。

Seeing the strange older leftover girl again, she blocked me without a few words.
Seeing the strange older leftover girl again, she blocked me without a few words.