
In 2016, a man took atorvastatin to lower lipids, and after 1 year the muscle dissolved, it turned out that he made 1 mistake

author:Dr. Wan talks about health

Content Sources:

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Gao Yongpei, 42, is a car salesman in Hubei. Seeing that his wife is about to give birth to a second child again, Gao Yongpei is like a clockwork top, running around every day for business, just to save more money for milk powder for the child. Due to the overtime, Gao Yongpei eats out more often, and his favorite food on weekdays is animal offal, such as pork liver, beef heart, chicken liver, etc., and every time he goes to the restaurant to eat, these are the things he ordered.

On May 16, 2016, when Gao Yongpei was stir-frying at home, he suddenly felt a little stuffy in his chest and his head was dizzy.

In 2016, a man took atorvastatin to lower lipids, and after 1 year the muscle dissolved, it turned out that he made 1 mistake

Since then, Gao Yongpei occasionally feels dizzy, and sometimes he can't see clearly, he thinks that he has worked too much overtime during this time, and the physical fatigue caused by it, and he doesn't pay attention to it.

As time passed, in July, Gao Yongpei's symptoms of chest tightness became more and more obvious, and the number of times he drank water and went to the toilet increased significantly. But he thought it might be caused by the heat of the day, and he didn't think about his physical condition at all. Until August 17, the company carried out a physical examination of employees. What Gao Yongpei didn't expect was that he was directly found to have hyperlipidemia in the physical examination. The results showed that his total serum cholesterol was 11.2mmol/L, far exceeding the normal value.

Knowing that he was found out of this disease, Gao Yongpei felt very incredible, he was only in his forties, how could he get this disease? Isn't this dyslipidemia that only older people have?

In 2016, a man took atorvastatin to lower lipids, and after 1 year the muscle dissolved, it turned out that he made 1 mistake

After learning about his daily eating habits, the doctor told him that his lifestyle was very unhealthy and it was not surprising that he had this disease. He has eaten a lot of high-fat food for a long time, especially animal offal, which is also rich in cholesterol, plus he eats out for a long time, and the restaurant is heavy on oil and salt in order to make the dishes delicious. In the long run, it causes excess fat and energy in his body, which in turn leads to the occurrence of hyperlipidemia.

Hearing the doctor's popular science, Gao Yongpei couldn't help but sigh, he couldn't imagine that his dyslipidemia was actually eaten. The doctor told him that diet is closely related to health and must be taken seriously. After prescribing lipid-lowering drugs such as atorvastatin to him, the doctor specially told him to take the medicine on time, return to the hospital for regular check-ups, and during the medication, he should not eat foods such as grapefruit, otherwise it may cause physical discomfort. Gao Yongpei nodded, indicating that he understood.

Atorvastatin is a common lipid-lowering drug that is commonly used to treat hypercholesterolemia. Atorvastatin calcium tablets are reductase inhibitor drugs, which can play the function of lipid lowering and lipid regulation, and can inhibit the synthesis of cholesterol in the body, effectively preventing the problem of hyperlipidemia or excessive viscosity of blood lipids, so it is widely used in clinical practice.

In 2016, a man took atorvastatin to lower lipids, and after 1 year the muscle dissolved, it turned out that he made 1 mistake

After going back, Gao Yongpei has been taking medicine on time, and deliberately controlled his diet, paid attention to a light diet, didn't even touch his favorite animal offal, and went for a run to exercise when he was free. A month later, when he went to the hospital again for a follow-up, he was pleasantly surprised to find that his blood lipids had dropped to 7.25mmol/L.

Gao Yongpei was very excited to learn of this result, and the doctor told him that if he continued to keep it like this, maybe after a while, his body would be almost recovered. The doctor's words gave Gao Yongpei a lot of confidence, and since then he has been paying attention to the combination of medication and diet regulation, and he does not dare to slack off, and more than a year has passed.

On December 25th, Gao Yongpei rested at home on vacation, seeing that the New Year was about to come, he accompanied his wife to buy a lot of New Year's goods and came back, and made a big table of meals when he came home, although the food was very tempting, but Gao Yongpei thought about his illness and did not dare to eat more, especially the fat braised pork, he did not dare to stretch out his chopsticks. His wife laughed at him, and it shouldn't be a problem to eat a little. Even so, Gao Yongpei still adheres to his principles, and seeing that victory is in sight, he can't give up halfway.

In 2016, a man took atorvastatin to lower lipids, and after 1 year the muscle dissolved, it turned out that he made 1 mistake

However, what he didn't expect was that the accident came. After dinner, after resting at home for a while, Gao Yongpei and his wife went out for a walk together, but when they reached the halfway point, Gao Yongpei suddenly felt a sense of dizziness attacked, and then he was weak, and the more he walked, the more he felt that his body was heavy, and finally he fell to his knees on the road all of a sudden, and the soreness in his muscles came like a tide, and Gao Yongpei's eyes reflected his wife's frightened face......

Subsequently, Gao Yongpei was quickly sent to the hospital by ambulance, and after a series of examination results, it was found that Gao Yongpei's creatine kinase was significantly elevated, which was about 5 times the normal value! The hospital diagnosed him with an acute injury that had caused muscle lysis. After learning that Gao Yongpei had been taking atorvastatin for a long time, the doctor immediately asked him if he had eaten grapefruit. Gao Yongpei shook his head again and again, saying that the attending doctor had reminded him that he knew that he couldn't eat grapefruit, so he didn't dare to touch it.

In 2016, a man took atorvastatin to lower lipids, and after 1 year the muscle dissolved, it turned out that he made 1 mistake

The condition fell into a mystery, and the doctor understood that even if the condition improved this time, if the real cause was not found, Gao Yongpei would still have the same situation next time. The doctor lowered his head and thought about something, and suddenly he found that Gao Yongpei's fingers were a little abnormal, pulled them up and took a closer look, and immediately understood the reason for the other party's muscle dissolution.

After carefully asking Gao Yongpei what he ate before the onset of the disease, as he expected, the doctor said: "If you don't eat too much of this thing, it actually has little effect on the effect of the drug, but if you eat almost half a catty, the side effects may be more serious than grapefruit." Many patients who take antihypertensive drugs and lipid-lowering drugs know that they can't eat grapefruit, but they don't know that this food should also be consumed less. ”

The food mentioned by the doctor was sugar oranges, and according to Gao Yongpei's nails, which were a little yellow, the doctor judged that he had eaten a lot of oranges. Gao Yongpei has never eaten grapefruit, but he has eaten about half a catty of oranges. Because atorvastatin is mainly metabolized by the liver, and the furanocoumarins contained in citrus foods have a related inhibitory effect on the metabolic enzymes of the liver, resulting in an increase in the concentration of atorvastatin in the blood, and the adverse drug reactions and side effects are significantly enhanced, which in turn leads to the occurrence of muscle soreness, muscle weakness and rhabdomyolysis in Gao Yongpei.

In 2016, a man took atorvastatin to lower lipids, and after 1 year the muscle dissolved, it turned out that he made 1 mistake

Atorvastatin is used to treat coronary heart disease, hypercholesterolemia and reduce blood lipids by inhibiting the synthesis of cholesterol, but when the drug is improper, it may lead to adverse drug reactions, such as muscle aches, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, jaundice and abdominal pain. Taking statins and eating oranges at the same time will cause the side effects of the drug to increase, aggravate liver damage, striated muscle damage, etc., and affect the efficacy of the drug.

Common fruits in life, such as oranges, grapefruits, grapefruits, etc., these orange fruits, containing furanocoumarins, will hinder the activity of liver cells liver enzymes, resulting in a decrease in the rate of drug metabolism and an increase in drug concentration, resulting in an increase in the probability of muscle adverse reactions. In addition to atorvastatin, rosuvastatin and other drugs are also the same.

In addition, when using drugs that lower blood lipids such as atorvastatin calcium tablets, it is also necessary to pay attention to regular monitoring of liver function, observe the adverse reactions of the body in time, and avoid wrong medication behaviors such as increasing or decreasing the dose of drugs by themselves. It is also necessary to be aware of drug interactions and avoid combining statins with other drugs to avoid increased drug side effects.

To sum up, while taking drugs to regulate blood lipids, you also need to pay attention to your diet, and you should not rely on drugs to reduce blood lipids for a long time, but should control it from all aspects of life. In terms of diet, it is necessary to eat a light diet, low salt and low fat, so as not to affect the efficacy of the drug. When abdominal pain, muscle fatigue, stomach distension and other conditions occur, it is necessary to be vigilant in time. If there are serious adverse reactions or allergies such as redness, swelling and itching of the skin, it is necessary to seek medical attention in time to avoid delaying the condition.

(Note: "In 2016, a man took atorvastatin to lower lipids, and after 1 year the muscle dissolved, it turned out that he made 1 mistake" The names are pseudonyms, and some of the pictures are network pictures; Reprinting and plagiarism are prohibited in the article)