
It is said that this group of old people who retired after the 60s may be the most unlike old people in history

author:Lady Luck is round

In those years that were remembered by history, the old people of the post-60s generation, like a jade carefully carved by the tide of the times, gradually bloomed with their own light. Their stories are a microcosm of the great changes in the country, and a symphony of personal struggles and dreams, and each chapter is full of affection and tenacity, which makes people can't help but be moved.

The seeds of dreams sprout in barrenness

In the childhood of the post-60s, although he was materially scarce, he was spiritually rich. In those days when there were no video games, children's happiness was simple and pure: a rubber band, a sandbag, and laughter could be heard in the sky; A hide-and-seek, a mud fight, is the memory of the whole summer. These seemingly insignificant moments are like spring rain that quietly nourishes their young hearts, allowing the seeds of thrift, optimism and unity to take root and sprout in their hearts. They have learned to cherish and find fun in the face of adversity, and this innocence and tenacity have become the most solid armor for them to face the ups and downs of life in the future.

It is said that this group of old people who retired after the 60s may be the most unlike old people in history

The spring breeze of reform and opening up has blown the flower of dreams

When the spring breeze of reform and opening up blows across the earth, the post-60s generation seems to be endowed with infinite possibilities overnight. They are no longer children who can only look up at the starry sky, but have become the main force who can touch their dreams and participate in the construction of the country. The relaxation of policies and the activity of the market have provided them with unprecedented opportunities. Some people have joined the business world, with keen insight and unremitting efforts, starting from scratch and eventually becoming a leader in the industry; Some people stick to their posts, water their hopes with sweat, and grow from an ordinary worker to a technical backbone or management elite. No matter which path they take, they are determined and confident, because they know that their personal destiny is closely linked to the development of the country, and every effort is the most affectionate confession of this land.

The warmth of the "iron rice bowl" is also the weight of responsibility

When it comes to the "iron rice bowl", the post-60s generation always has a bit of pride and emotion. In those days, being able to have a stable job was not only a recognition of personal ability, but also a symbol of family honor. They know that this job is not easy to come by, so they cherish it more and work harder. Starting from the grassroots level, they are not afraid of hardship and tiredness, and interpret the true meaning of "love and dedication" with practical actions. In them, we see the awe of work, the assumption of responsibility, and the deep love for society. This "iron rice bowl" is not only the guarantee of life, but also the unchanging belief and pursuit in their hearts.

A haven for the family, a legacy of love

In the post-60s world, family is always the warmest harbor. They have undergone the transition from a family with many children to family planning, and each child is a treasure in the family, carrying the expectations and dreams of their parents. In their own way, they teach children what love is, what responsibility is, and what perseverance is. In that era when material resources were not abundant, they used the most simple way to give children the deepest love. Now, when they also enter old age, they enjoy the family fun of their children and grandchildren around their knees, and that happiness and satisfaction cannot be replaced by any material thing.

It is said that this group of old people who retired after the 60s may be the most unlike old people in history

The inheritance of culture and the watchfulness of spirit

The post-60s generation is not only a witness to the development of the country, but also the inheritor of Chinese culture. They have undergone a transformation from tradition to modernity, but they have never forgotten their roots. Whether it is the sound of firecrackers in the Spring Festival, the reunion moon of the Mid-Autumn Festival, or the dragon boat race in the Dragon Boat Festival, and the tomb sweeping of ancestors during the Qingming Festival, these traditional festivals and customs occupy an irreplaceable position in their hearts. In their own way, they pass on these cultural treasures to the next generation, so that the flame of Chinese civilization can continue. In them, we see the respect and awe for traditional culture, and the persistence and inheritance of the national spirit.

The colorfulness of life in old age, the gift of the times

Entering their later years, the lives of the post-60s generation have not been monotonous because of this. On the contrary, with the progress of society and the development of science and technology, their later life has become more colorful. They learned to use their smartphones and make video calls with their loved ones who were far away. They participate in various interest groups and regain their youthful hobbies; They travel, read, learn new skills, and enjoy every moment of life. In their own way, they interpret the spiritual connotation of "living to old age and learning to be old". All these changes are a gift from the times and the result of their hard work.

It is said that this group of old people who retired after the 60s may be the most unlike old people in history

Conclusion: What is the basis for happiness?

Looking back on the lives of the post-60s, they have experienced the leap from poverty to wealth, from backwardness to prosperity, and witnessed the rise of the country and the rejuvenation of the nation. Their happiness comes not only from material abundance, but also from their love for life, their pursuit of dreams, their responsibility for their families, their inheritance of culture, and their adaptation and embrace of the times. Perhaps, it is these seemingly ordinary but great qualities that make the post-60s generation the most unlike old people in history - although they have entered their old age, they are young and energetic, and they are still contributing light and heat to the world in their own way.

So, we can't help but ask: in the coming days, when more waves of the times come, how will we write our own chapter of happiness? Do you go with the flow, or do you want to stand at the head of the tide? Do you settle for the status quo or keep challenging yourself? The story of the post-60s generation may give us some inspiration and strength. Let us take their spirit and wisdom to continue to move forward and find our own happiness and glory in the torrent of the times.