
The 39-year-old actress was ridiculed by the group for not getting married, and she used to sing on the street: Is she not worthy of forgiveness at all?

author:Winter says school
The 39-year-old actress was ridiculed by the group for not getting married, and she used to sing on the street: Is she not worthy of forgiveness at all?
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The 39-year-old actress was ridiculed by the group for not getting married, and she used to sing on the street: Is she not worthy of forgiveness at all?

In 2010, Jin Sha stood at the pinnacle of her acting career and was radiant. She confidently declared in Hunan Satellite TV's program: "My life path has only really started today."

I have found my wings, and I will spread my wings and continue to climb new heights. However, fate made people, only a year later, this once dazzling jade idol sang alone on the streets of a remote small county, and the few audiences in the audience couldn't help but sigh.

Today, the 39-year-old Jin Sha has been ridiculed on the Internet for choosing not to marry. What caused a shining star to fall off the altar so quickly? Does her life choice deserve to be understood and forgiven? Let's review the ups and downs of Jinsha's life trajectory and explore the little-known story behind her.

Jin Sha's acting career started smoothly. At the age of 19, she successfully captured the hearts of countless audiences with her role as "Lan Feilin" in the youth idol drama "Eighteen-Year-Old Sky".

The 39-year-old actress was ridiculed by the group for not getting married, and she used to sing on the street: Is she not worthy of forgiveness at all?

Her pure and lovely image, coupled with her crisp and pleasant and sweet girlish voice, soon became the representative of the new generation of idols and was known as the "first generation of school flowers".

In 2005, the 24-year-old Jin Sha ushered in another peak in her career. She partnered with the powerful actor Hu Ge in the hit costume drama "Myth" and played the heroine "Su Su".

Although her character unfortunately passed away in the eighth episode of the show, her performance left a deep impression on the audience. Not only that, but the theme song "The Myth of the Star and Moon" she sang was an instant hit, pushing her to a higher popularity.

Jinsha's music career is also thriving. She not only won the appreciation of the president of Haidie Music and successfully stepped into the field of singers, but also became the younger sister of the hot singer Adu at that time.

The 39-year-old actress was ridiculed by the group for not getting married, and she used to sing on the street: Is she not worthy of forgiveness at all?

What's even more remarkable is that the talented Lin Junjie became her senior brother and tailored a song called "Summer Blown by the Wind" for her. This song vividly depicts the love story of his youth, and Jin Sha starred in the MV, which attracted widespread attention and continued to rise in popularity.

In 2010, Jinsha's career once again climbed to a new peak. She was invited to participate in Hunan Satellite TV's popular variety show "One Call and One Hundred Responses". The program team assigned her a very challenging task: to gather 4,000 spectators on campus.

This seemingly impossible task, Jin Sha easily overfulfilled it, and finally attracted 4,038 viewers, fully demonstrating her super popularity.

At that dazzling moment, Jin Sha was full of spirit, and her eyes flashed with confidence. She said firmly: "I think my life path was really started in 2010.

The 39-year-old actress was ridiculed by the group for not getting married, and she used to sing on the street: Is she not worthy of forgiveness at all?

Now that I've found my wings, I'm going to spread my wings and climb to higher heights from 2010 onwards.

At that time, Jinsha stood at the pinnacle of her career, radiant, and the future seemed bright.

As her popularity climbed, Jinsha's private life began to become the focus of public attention. The first thing that sparked heated discussions was the scandal between her and her fellow brother Lin Junjie. The two cooperate frequently and have a tacit understanding, and their interaction in the show is even more imaginative.

When the host Li Jing directly asked if there was a relationship between them, Lin Junjie said implicitly: "We do have many common work opportunities, and we are also very speculative in private.

The 39-year-old actress was ridiculed by the group for not getting married, and she used to sing on the street: Is she not worthy of forgiveness at all?

And Jin Sha smiled shyly and did not speak, and this ambiguous attitude triggered the infinite reverie of fans.

However, this much-talked-about "emotion" did not bear fruit. On the contrary, at a concert of Lin Junjie, he suddenly knelt down on one knee, causing a sensational "marriage proposal" incident.

Major media have reported that Lin Junjie proposed to Jinsha, which is undoubtedly an earthquake for Jinsha, who is at the peak of his career. In the face of surging public pressure, Jinsha had to come forward to clarify, saying that this was just the company's propaganda strategy.

Still, the event left an indelible impression in the minds of fans.

The 39-year-old actress was ridiculed by the group for not getting married, and she used to sing on the street: Is she not worthy of forgiveness at all?

But things didn't end there. In 2007, an intimate photo of Jin Sha and director Yan Po was exposed, which once again pushed her to the forefront. In the photo, the two are smiling and look very intimate.

However, because Yan Po had just divorced the well-known actress Mei Ting, the appearance of this photo made Jinsha fall into the controversy of "Little Three". In the face of the overwhelming accusations, Jinsha appeared helpless and frustrated.

Years later, she finally mustered up the courage to admit that she was actually an "innocent victim" of the incident, explaining that news is often the product of an elaborate production by propaganda teams, whose real intention is to create a sensation.

Immediately afterwards, Jin Sha was involved in rumors of a love affair with writer Han Han. Photographs of the two strolling arm in arm on the street have sparked widespread discussion. This incident undoubtedly pushed Jinsha to the forefront of public opinion again.

The 39-year-old actress was ridiculed by the group for not getting married, and she used to sing on the street: Is she not worthy of forgiveness at all?

Facing questions from the media, Han Han frankly admitted this relationship, saying: "This is something in my personal private life, and Jinsha is also my girlfriend... It is my duty to protect my beloved.

However, Jinsha remained silent and did not want to talk more. This ambivalence complicates the public's impression of her.

Six years later, when Han Han transformed into a well-known director and his first movie "The Future" was released, the media once again turned over this past. Faced with the reporter's inquiry, Jin Sha was very embarrassed, and could only say vaguely: "Time has passed, let those past things pass."

In this series of emotional turmoil, Jinsha's image gradually changed from a pure jade idol to a controversial "topic queen". Her heart is full of contradictions and struggles, both longing to be loved and fearing losing her career.

The 39-year-old actress was ridiculed by the group for not getting married, and she used to sing on the street: Is she not worthy of forgiveness at all?

This tangled mentality may also be one of the reasons why she has chosen not to marry so far. These emotional entanglements not only affected her public image, but also brought great challenges to her career, laying the groundwork for her future career trough.

In 2008, Jinsha's career and image suffered an unprecedented blow. After participating in the recording of the "Dance Forest Conference" program, she had a heated argument with singer Siqingerile.

The cause of the incident was that when Jinsha got out of the car to interact with fans, Siqingerile suddenly lost control of his emotions and scolded the fans present, accusing them of wasting their time.

Unable to bear such insults, Jin Sha angrily posted three sharp articles on her personal blog, including "When a Female Singer Becomes a Vixen", "Tricks Are an Art", and "Diary on March 2, 2008".

The 39-year-old actress was ridiculed by the group for not getting married, and she used to sing on the street: Is she not worthy of forgiveness at all?

In the article, she pointed out Siqingerile's behavior, questioning whether she did the same to her fans. This move caused an uproar and eventually turned into a sensational "Vixengate" incident.

Siqingerile then took Jinsha to court. After three months of legal disputes, Jinsha finally lost the lawsuit, and not only needed a public apology, but was also sentenced to pay 10,000 yuan in compensation.

This turmoil has dealt a serious blow to Jinsha's public image, and she has become the object of criticism from the whole society, suffering all kinds of unwarranted abuse and slander. Some people angrily accused her of fabricating facts, some even mercilessly scolded her as an "ignorant person", and some even insulted her as a "courtesan in a nightclub" with vicious words.

At first, Jinsha also tried to defend herself, asking the other party to stand up and face the problem in a loud way. But as time went on, she gradually felt powerless.

The 39-year-old actress was ridiculed by the group for not getting married, and she used to sing on the street: Is she not worthy of forgiveness at all?

To make matters worse, her agency no longer supports her, instead accusing her of causing trouble. In this situation of internal and external difficulties, Jin Sha's acting career took a sharp turn for the worse.

The once glamorous Jinsha has now lost its high-quality script resources and singing opportunities. She herself admitted: "I have long since passed the air, starting to decline in 2011, and completely falling in 2012."

This former jade star fell from the peak of her career to the bottom in just a few years, and had to face the cruel reality.

In the most difficult period, in order to maintain a basic life, Jin Sha had to accept various invitations to commercial performances. Sometimes she performs on makeshift stages in remote towns, and sometimes she sings on smaller stages at commercial events.

The 39-year-old actress was ridiculed by the group for not getting married, and she used to sing on the street: Is she not worthy of forgiveness at all?

Once in the limelight, she now has to interact with the audience at close range, just to get that meager performance fee. Some netizens photographed her performing on the street and sighed: "Jinsha, it seems that she is really out of breath."

During this difficult period, Jinsha's heart was full of confusion and self-blame. She began to reflect on her actions and also began to learn how to survive in the face of adversity. This experience, although painful, also allowed her to gradually grow and learn to handle public relations and personal emotions more carefully.

Faced with the trough of her career, Jinsha did not choose to give up. In order to rediscover herself, she resolutely decided to go to South Korea for further study. During her time in a foreign country, Jinsha not only improved her professional skills, but more importantly, she learned how to face her heart.

The precipitation during this period laid the foundation for her future re-emergence.

The 39-year-old actress was ridiculed by the group for not getting married, and she used to sing on the street: Is she not worthy of forgiveness at all?

After returning to China, Jinsha began a difficult comeback road. In order to make ends meet, she had to travel around and accept offers for various commercial gigs. From the streets of remote towns to the small stages of shopping malls, Jinsha is almost everywhere.

Her schedule is extremely tight, with more than a dozen performances per month, and a staggering twenty performances in December's peak season. Every morning, she rushes to a new location; After lunch, she was on her way to another city; And at night, she may already be on an unknown stage.

This hectic and hard life lasted for a long time.

However, Jinsha did not give up on herself because of this. Instead, the experience taught her humility and gratitude. She began experimenting with self-deprecation and self-ridicule, and even publicly admitted that she had plastic surgery.

The 39-year-old actress was ridiculed by the group for not getting married, and she used to sing on the street: Is she not worthy of forgiveness at all?

This frank and self-deprecating attitude has won her the favor of many audiences.

In 2020, Jinsha ushered in a turning point. She participated in the popular variety show "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves", which was her last chance to turn over.

In the show, she showed a mature charm that was different from the past and regained the public's attention. Although she didn't get back to her former peak, the experience helped her regain her confidence.

In another music program, "I Am the God of Songs", Jinsha once again sang her classic song "Summer Blown by the Wind". When a familiar melody sounds, it's as if you're going back in time.

The 39-year-old actress was ridiculed by the group for not getting married, and she used to sing on the street: Is she not worthy of forgiveness at all?

Although she is no longer the dazzling jade idol at this time, her love and dedication to music still flow in her singing. This performance not only allowed the audience to re-acquaint themselves with Jinsha, but also allowed Jinsha to regain her self-confidence as a singer.

Through this series of attempts and efforts, Jinsha gradually reshaped her image and found a new direction in life. Instead of clinging to the glory of the past, she has learned to find her own value in reality.

Although this process was difficult, it also made Jinsha more mature and strong. Her experience tells us that even if you fall into a low point, as long as you don't give up, there is always a chance to get back on your feet.

Today's Jinsha has learned to face her past and present. In the program "Daughters' Love", the 39-year-old calmly faced the choice of "not getting married" and showed her independent side.

The 39-year-old actress was ridiculed by the group for not getting married, and she used to sing on the street: Is she not worthy of forgiveness at all?

Faced with Yi Lijing's question, Jin Sha replied after deep thought: "Compared with those who have really experienced ups and downs, my life cannot be called ups and downs.

I pay more attention to my own feelings and happiness index, and pursue inner happiness. I never wanted to be an ordinary person.

These words seem to let us see the high-spirited Jinsha in 2010 again. Although she has experienced the ups and downs of life, she still maintains her persistence in her dreams and the pursuit of happiness.

Jinsha's story tells us that no matter what kind of difficulties we encounter, we must insist on being our truest selves and bravely pursue the life we yearn for.

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