
It's cruel! Men's Basketball U17 World Cup G3, the United States beat China by 84 points

author:Aliga Duomei sheep mulberry

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In the men's U17 World Cup on July 2, the Chinese team ushered in a challenge that should not be underestimated, and the opponent was the powerful United States team.

It's cruel! Men's Basketball U17 World Cup G3, the United States beat China by 84 points

At the beginning of the game, the Chinese team encountered a wave of powerful offensives, which made people suddenly feel the cruelty of the game.

The U.S. team showed top-notch basketball skills and unparalleled defensive prowess, and with a score of 38-10 in the first quarter, the Chinese team looked a little helpless.

However, every game on the basketball court is an opportunity to hone and grow.

It's cruel! Men's Basketball U17 World Cup G3, the United States beat China by 84 points

In the face of such a strong opponent, the Chinese team did not back down, but worked hard to adjust their tactics and prepare for the next challenge.

This is not only a game, but also a valuable learning experience, and we believe that through such a game experience, the Chinese men's basketball U17 team will usher in a more brilliant future.

It seems that the American lads are not only tall, but also quite fierce in defense, they are simply the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in basketball!

It's cruel! Men's Basketball U17 World Cup G3, the United States beat China by 84 points

Our Chinese team usually averages about 80 points per game, but this time we were caught off guard, it was simply from heaven to hell, and suddenly fell to the North Pole!

Speaking of the number one star of the American team, it is impossible not to mention Carlos Boozer's son - Cameron Boozer!

I heard that he is still the favorite for the 2026 draft, which is not a cover!

It's cruel! Men's Basketball U17 World Cup G3, the United States beat China by 84 points

It seems that talent is really a family inheritance, just like the gene code for playing ball in the genes!

In the second quarter, the Chinese team's offense finally improved a little, as if they had found a meal ticket for dinner.

But what about the U.S. team, full of firepower, 30 points to 73 points, this score is like Xiao Ming's pocket money compared to Ma Yun's net worth.

It's cruel! Men's Basketball U17 World Cup G3, the United States beat China by 84 points

Although the Chinese team worked hard, in the face of this momentum, it was simply playing peek-a-boo with elephants, and the difficulty coefficient was sky-high!

In the third quarter, the Chinese team held on a little bit, scoring 23 points to 35 points, with a total score of 53-108.

It's like losing half of a game and still trying to pick up a weapon.

It's cruel! Men's Basketball U17 World Cup G3, the United States beat China by 84 points

Although the substitutes and main forces of the American team can play one by one, and our Chinese team is also doing their best, as if they are desperately eating hot pot and don't need money, but the result is also unmatched.

However, in the final quarter, the Chinese team's offense came to a standstill again, and it suddenly became the rhythm of selling oranges on the ground.

The U17s of the United States defeated our China U17 by a big score, and this game was not just a loss, but a valuable learning experience.

It's cruel! Men's Basketball U17 World Cup G3, the United States beat China by 84 points

The Chinese team faced a tough match against a strong American opponent.

The U.S. team has shown impressive basketball prowess, especially on the defensive end.

The huge gap in the score in the first quarter made the whole game quite challenging from the beginning, and the Chinese team's offense was tightly limited, and it was difficult to find an effective breakthrough.

It's cruel! Men's Basketball U17 World Cup G3, the United States beat China by 84 points

Although the offense improved in the second quarter, it was still difficult to resist the strong offense of the American team, reflecting a huge gap in strength.

There was a slight rebound in the third quarter, but the overall score was still shocking, showing the advantage of the American team in depth and strength.

Such a competition is not only a test of physical fitness and technical tactics, but also a hone of mentality and teamwork.

It's cruel! Men's Basketball U17 World Cup G3, the United States beat China by 84 points

Facing strong opponents, the Chinese team needs to learn from every game and continue to grow and improve.

It's not terrible to lose, it's terrible to lose the courage and confidence to move forward.

As said after the game, this game was a valuable learning experience and laid a solid foundation for the future development of the Chinese men's basketball team U17.

It's cruel! Men's Basketball U17 World Cup G3, the United States beat China by 84 points

In the future, the Chinese team needs to continue to strengthen training, improve its overall strength, and show stronger competitiveness on the international stage.

Basketball is not only a game, but also a spiritual embodiment, which requires the players to continue to work hard and strive to pursue the realization of basketball dreams together.

Through such a game experience, I believe that the Chinese men's basketball U17 will achieve more outstanding performance in future games and contribute to the development of the national basketball industry.

It's cruel! Men's Basketball U17 World Cup G3, the United States beat China by 84 points

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