
Cardiac arrest, do you really know how to judge and deal with it?

author:Dr. Koppwang

Life is impermanent, and accidents always come inadvertently. When we experience a cardiac arrest, every second can be a battle between life and death. So, in the face of such an emergency, how should we judge and deal with it?

First of all, we need to be clear about what cardiac arrest is. Cardiac arrest is the sudden termination of the heart's ejection function, and the patient will experience symptoms such as loss of consciousness, convulsions, and respiratory arrest. This condition is usually due to heart disease, but it can also be caused by other causes.

Cardiac arrest, do you really know how to judge and deal with it?

When we encounter a patient with cardiac arrest, the first thing to judge is the patient's state of consciousness. We can call the patient by name aloud and see if they respond. If there is no response, we need to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) immediately.

The steps of CPR include: 1) lying the patient flat on a hard floor; 2) Place your hands on top of each other, with one palm at the base of the patient's sternum and the other on the front hand; 3) press vertically down on the chest with the weight of the body, to a depth of about 5-6 cm; 4) The compression frequency is about 100-120 times per minute; 5) While compressing is performed, the patient's airway needs to be opened and artificial respiration is performed.

Cardiac arrest, do you really know how to judge and deal with it?

We need to pay attention to the fact that when performing CPR, it is important to stay calm and avoid panicking. At the same time, we need to call the emergency number in time and wait for the arrival of medical professionals.

In addition, we need to be aware of some warning signs of cardiac arrest. For example, patients may experience sudden heart palpitations, chest pain, and difficulty breathing. When we notice these symptoms, we need to seek medical attention immediately to prevent the condition from getting worse.

Cardiac arrest, do you really know how to judge and deal with it?

In conclusion, cardiac arrest is an emergency situation, and we need to master the correct judgment and treatment methods in order to save the patient's life to the greatest extent. Let's get moving, learn CPR skills, and fuel life!

[Keywords]: Cardiac arrest, do you really know how to judge and deal with it? #头条创作挑战赛#

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