
How do people with coronary heart disease cope with angina attacks? Self-help skills revealed!

author:Dr. Koppwang

Coronary heart disease is a common cardiovascular disease, and angina pectoris is one of its typical symptoms. During an attack of angina, patients will experience symptoms such as chest pain, pressure or discomfort, which can lead to myocardial infarction and even life-threatening in severe cases. So, how do patients with coronary heart disease cope with angina attacks? This article will reveal the secret self-help tips for you!

How do people with coronary heart disease cope with angina attacks? Self-help skills revealed!

1. Symptoms of angina pectoris

During an attack of angina, patients usually experience the following symptoms:

1. Chest pain or pressure: The pain is usually located behind the sternum and can radiate to the left shoulder, arm, neck, jaw or upper abdomen.

2. Duration of pain: Angina attacks usually last a few minutes and rarely exceed 15 minutes.

3. Aggravation after activity: Angina pectoris symptoms will worsen after exercise, stair climbing, brisk walking and other activities.

4. Rest or use nitroglycerin for relief: Patients can be relieved of angina pectoris symptoms after a short period of rest or nitroglycerin.

How do people with coronary heart disease cope with angina attacks? Self-help skills revealed!

2. Self-help skills during angina pectoris

1. Stay calm: When angina is attacking, patients should stay calm and avoid nervousness and panic to avoid aggravating the condition.

2. Rest immediately: Patients should stop their activities immediately, find a quiet place to rest, and try to maintain a comfortable posture.

3. Sublingual nitroglycerin: Place nitroglycerin tablets under the tongue and let them dissolve slowly. Nitroglycerin has the effect of dilating the coronary arteries, increasing blood flow to the heart, and may relieve angina symptoms.

4. Seek medical attention promptly: If the angina attack lasts for a long time (more than 15 minutes) or the symptoms are not relieved after using nitroglycerin, you should call 120 or go to the hospital immediately.

5. Follow the doctor's instructions: Patients with coronary heart disease should follow the doctor's instructions and take anticoagulation, vasodilator, hypolipidemic and other drugs on time to reduce the risk of angina pectoris.

How do people with coronary heart disease cope with angina attacks? Self-help skills revealed!

3. Measures to prevent angina attacks

1. Healthy diet: Patients with coronary heart disease should maintain a low-fat, low-salt, high-fiber diet, and eat more vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

2. Moderate exercise: Patients can choose appropriate exercise methods according to their own conditions, such as walking, jogging, swimming, etc., and maintain a moderate amount of exercise every week.

3. Quit smoking and limit alcohol: Nicotine and alcohol in tobacco will cause a burden on the heart, and patients with coronary heart disease should quit smoking and limit alcohol.

4. Control your weight: Obesity will increase the burden on the heart, so patients should control their weight and maintain a good body shape.

5. Reduce stress: Learn to relax yourself and avoid being in a state of tension and anxiety for a long time.

In short, patients with coronary heart disease should master the correct self-rescue skills and seek medical attention in time when facing an angina attack. At the same time, maintain good lifestyle habits and follow your doctor's advice to reduce the risk of angina attacks. #头条创作挑战赛#