
How sad are rural girls? When you get married, you will bring a lot of income to your parents

author:and the expectation is aeternal

Girls in rural areas have a more simple and simple world than urban girls. However, in this seemingly calm world, there is hidden their unspeakable sorrow. When it comes to marriage, behind this seemingly expensive income, there are often forced trade-offs and sacrifices. In many rural areas, girls' education is often less valued than boys.

How sad are rural girls? When you get married, you will bring a lot of income to your parents

From an early age, they are instilled with the concept of "marry out, spill out", and after marriage, they are foreign surnames, so the family's expectations for them are often more focused on marrying. And such expectations are often based on economic interests. When girls in rural areas grow up, they not only have to take on housework, but also bear the financial pressure of their families. They can't have a carefree childhood like city girls, and they don't have time to enjoy the beauty of youth.

How sad are rural girls? When you get married, you will bring a lot of income to your parents

Marriage has become a turning point in whether they can change their fate, and the "high income" in the eyes of their parents is the end of the family's expectations for them in the long years. When they get married, these rural girls often face many difficulties. Families tend to see them as an asset, and their value is often determined by how much they can bring back to the family in the future. As a result, they have become commodities to be manipulated in the marriage market, sacrificing their own happiness and pursuits.

How sad are rural girls? When you get married, you will bring a lot of income to your parents

Many rural girls endure invisible pressures in their marriages, facing the roar of their husbands, the indifference of their in-laws, and even the violation of their own basic principles. In this world bound by the traditional concept of marriage, they can only bear this sorrow silently. However, this sadness is not immutable.

How sad are rural girls? When you get married, you will bring a lot of income to your parents

With the progress of society, more and more rural girls have begun to awaken, they are eager to receive education, pursue equality, and strive for their happiness at all costs. They know that marriage should not be a chain that binds them, but a bridge to freedom. Despite the unknown road ahead, they resolutely walked out of the countryside and embarked on a journey to pursue themselves.

How sad are rural girls? When you get married, you will bring a lot of income to your parents

They tell us with practical actions that rural girls also have dreams and pursuits, and they have the ability to change their destiny and no longer mourn for that huge income. In this gradually opening society, we hope that girls in rural areas can have more choices, no longer just economic support in the eyes of their parents, but can live a wonderful life.

How sad are rural girls? When you get married, you will bring a lot of income to your parents

Their courage and steadfastness will inspire countless rural girls to pursue their own happiness and future

How sad are rural girls? When you get married, you will bring a lot of income to your parents