
"Yong" moves forward and plans to add new! ——Written on the occasion of the rigid confession of the Tongyong railway project

author:CREC China Railway Zhang Xin

On June 29, the project management and planning meeting of Tongyong Railway came as scheduled.

The rigid disclosure meeting of new projects has always been an important window to observe the company's management system to break through and add new ones.

At the meeting, Li Yiping, general manager of the company, pointed out that the "quota +" model adopted by the company's Ministry of Commerce in labor bidding has very distinctive characteristics in this project management planning. "Quota +" was first proposed at the meeting and became a hot word at the meeting.

What is "Quota+"? It is to take the quota as the standard, add a professional team, and add the optimal labor team of the whole market to achieve economic operation. By analyzing the key hot word "quota +" in this meeting, we can look forward to the new pulse of the company's labor bidding.

Follow the trend: fully adapt to the characteristics of the project

From the company's new major railway projects in the past two years to the current Tongyong railway project, the company's project management planning will face a series of new major issues every time it reaches a new juncture.

"The company's internal quota system is the basis for unit price formulation and team bidding. Although the continuous beam of the Tongyong railway project is small and small, the process and process are complete, and the quota will not be very reasonable if the traditional price system is followed. Zhou Mingjun, the company's chief manager, said that if the labor team comes in at a low price, there will be hidden dangers such as claims and passive sabotage in the later management of the project.

"Yong" moves forward and plans to add new! ——Written on the occasion of the rigid confession of the Tongyong railway project

The bridges of the Tongyong Railway Project account for 100%, of which there are 13 continuous beams in the pipe section, and a complete quota system is particularly important.

According to the data obtained by the company's Ministry of Commerce, in the formulation of the unit price of the continuous beam of the Tongyong Railway Project, the quota is calculated and analyzed on the basis of the actual configuration of the on-site construction, and a reasonable subcontract price is finally calculated, so as to achieve fairness and justice.

In the middle of the night, the centralized office gradually faded into a lively place, but several people from the Ministry of Commerce were more motivated, repeatedly writing, calculating, analyzing, and sometimes discussing with each other on a tired blank paper...... They know that the task is heavy, and it is a test for them and an opportunity to learn and grow.

"In terms of quota calculation, this time it is more comprehensive and more detailed than in the past, so the unit price is more reasonable." Jin Pan, Minister of Commerce of the company, said.

The project is located in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and the local pile foundation labor team that adapts to the geology of the project is more professional than other teams, has more construction experience, and has more resources in the market, which makes the local pile foundation subcontracting unit price lower than the national level.

"Yong" moves forward and plans to add new! ——Written on the occasion of the rigid confession of the Tongyong railway project

In line with the actual characteristics of the project, the "quota +" model is adopted in the labor bidding.

The Ministry of Commerce of the company has adjusted the unit price of subcontracting based on the guidance price of the bureau and the subcontracting price of similar projects of the company's projects under construction, combined with the local market environment, project implementation plan and resource allocation, so as to ensure that the team can carry out labor bidding in an economical manner, effectively reducing the cost of project subcontracting while ensuring the project duration plan, and achieving multiple benefits with one stone.

"The 'Quota +' model selects some local labor teams, who have similar relevant construction experience, have a high degree of familiarity with the local geology, and can also bring some local social resources, which can effectively promote the rapid progress of the project in the early stage." Deng Chuqian, executive deputy manager of the Tongyong Railway Project, is full of confidence in the future of the project.

Two-way running: reasonable calculation and detailed research

As one of the first collaborative teams that cooperated with the company in the Tongyong Railway Project through the "quota +" model, the advantages of the first-class labor team are very eye-catching. They have their own dump with their own fleet, which can greatly deal with the problem of mud transportation in the early stage of the project department.

"Yong" moves forward and plans to add new! ——Written on the occasion of the rigid confession of the Tongyong railway project

"I am full of confidence in the cooperation with China Railway Fifth Bureau No. 2 Company, which is a two-way street." **The boss of the labor company said, "Not only do you have to work, but you also have to be able to settle accounts." Reasonable calculation is very meaningful for the cost control of the company and the labor team. If we want to protect the profit point, we must strengthen the management of key links to ensure the construction period. ”

In order to obtain a reasonable fixed unit price, for the superstructure of the bridge of the Tongyong Railway Project, the Ministry of Commerce of the company carefully calculates the cost of each continuous beam according to the construction period, number of sections, equipment and personnel allocation plan, etc.

Nowadays, many professional and strong high-quality labor teams to adapt to the project have been introduced through economic operation, behind which is the tireless and detailed research of the company's leaders, the company's project management planning team and the project department, so that the company's labor bidding has successfully knocked on the "door" of marketization.

In the Jiangnan Water Town of Suzhou, rows of piers are silent by the river like soldiers standing tall under the scorching sun.

"I just saw that the crane operator was very enthusiastic with this boss." "Then this boss should be in charge of the team directly." "Hmm... It can be used as a part of the reference basis for not being a second contractor. ”...... Zhang Xiaowei, deputy general manager of the company, and Jin Pan quietly discussed in the crowd.

In order to ensure the accuracy of the information, Zhang Xiaowei took the lead in leading the relevant departments to conduct on-site investigations on the local high-quality labor teams with tasks at hand, and went to the construction site for one-on-one verification and consideration of the details.

In another small conference room in the centralized office area, the company's business department invited the company's technical management center, production management department, project manager, chief engineer and commerce department to conduct "one-to-one" negotiations with the labor team. In the negotiation process, by asking questions about equipment configuration, construction technology and other professional aspects, see if they can answer, understand whether the labor team has done it, and understand the gold content of the equipment in the local market.

Not only that, the company's Ministry of Commerce also contacted the brother units that had cooperated with the labor team through China Railway E-pass and other ways, and conducted a multi-faceted investigation on the construction performance and construction capacity of the team that came in for the first time.

Continuous improvement: business management system and systematization

Looking back on the past two years, with the in-depth promotion of the company's "one body, two wings and three drives" strategy, the comprehensive construction and operation of various systems, and the bidding level of the company's labor team has also stepped out of a steady upward curve:

In the Ruijin Railway Project, the company adheres to the concept of macro cost, centralized management of labor resources, officially starts the bidding of the labor team led by the company, and the company's labor subcontracting unit price group price system begins to explore.

In the Huangbai Railway Project, the construction of the company's labor subcontracting unit price group price system has become one step closer, which has become more scientific and reasonable, and has expanded the source of labor team to brother units in the bureau, which has become the beginning of the company's labor team to marketization.

Nowadays, according to the characteristics of the project, the Tongyong Railway Project takes the quota as the standard, selects it in the whole market through economic operation, and explores the formation of a "quota +" model, which makes the company's quota system more reasonable, and also selects a large number of excellent professional teams for the project.

"'Quota +' is more in line with the objective law of the subcontracting market, reduces the performance risk of the subcontracting team, improves the company's price system, and realizes accurate pricing of different subcontracting contents." Yang Dewei, deputy general manager of the company and project manager of Tongyong Railway, said.

"Quota +" can realize modular cost calculation in follow-up projects, accelerate the speed of pre-bid and post-bid calculation, and improve the accuracy of calculation. Yang Dewei looks far into the future.

"Yong" moves forward and plans to add new! ——Written on the occasion of the rigid confession of the Tongyong railway project

It is worth noting that with the growing scale of the company's development, there will be more and more characteristic projects involved, relying on the company's existing labor resources is far from enough, and the company's business system quota and subcontracting urgently need to be further systematized and systematized, which is a "must answer question" in front of the company's high-quality development.

The company is confident that it will do a good job. This confidence comes from the company's courageous innovation.

From the experience of relying on similar projects in the past to the current calculation based on labor, equipment and materials according to the enterprise quota and the characteristics of the area, the company's fixed unit price system has been further rationalized; From the previous "conservative" selection from the brother units in the bureau to the A+ enterprises of the joint-stock company, to the current quota as the standard, the selection of high-quality labor teams in the whole market, to achieve economic operation, the company's labor team introduction mechanism is becoming more and more mature.....

These are a microcosm of the company's continuous deepening and innovation of various systems of business management in the process of high-quality development.

The journey is thousands of miles, the wind is strong, and the wind is sailing. The company's "quota +" model has begun to take shape, the unit price group price system of labor subcontracting is more scientific and reasonable, the introduction mechanism of excellent labor teams is becoming more and more perfect, and the systematization and systematization of the two pillars of the business management system - quota and subcontracting are increasingly formed, which has become the brightest background color of the company's high-quality development, leading the company to continue to break the waves and move forward from victory to victory!

Source: China Railway Fifth Bureau No. 2 Company