
The admission letters of many colleges and universities are "new"! The college notice takes romance to the extreme



With the announcement of the college entrance examination score line in various places, the college entrance examination is about to end, and the admission work of the university has begun.

The admission letters of many colleges and universities are "new"! The college notice takes romance to the extreme

Fudan University uses Lu silk as the cover of the admission notice, and the dragon and phoenix cloud pattern of each admission letter is still different, so each book is unique, Lu silk is a national intangible cultural heritage, Shanxi Province Lu silk weaving technology, the production process also added the unique Fudan "Fudan Blue"

The admission letters of many colleges and universities are "new"! The college notice takes romance to the extreme

The "5G steel" used by the University of Science and Technology Beijing uses steel as paper, which is also the thinnest steel in the world, and it is also the hardest iron, and a red box is added to the admission letter, and after opening, you will hear the musical melody of "Beike Huazhang".

The admission letters of many colleges and universities are "new"! The college notice takes romance to the extreme

There is a "gold" key in the admission letter of Harbin Institute of Technology, which is not an ordinary key, which is a polished key through 3D printing of space metal materials, which is the high-performance titanium alloy used in space vehicles.

The admission letters of many colleges and universities are "new"! The college notice takes romance to the extreme
The admission letters of many colleges and universities are "new"! The college notice takes romance to the extreme

The admission letter of Zhejiang University is unfolded in the form of a long picture scroll, and the inner page uses a special light-transmitting material, through which you can see the bright star lantern in the sky above the lecture hall. The highlight of the admission notice is the binding method of borrowing from the ancient books of the "Siku Quanshu".

The admission letters of many colleges and universities are "new"! The college notice takes romance to the extreme

The outer packaging bag of the admission notice of Shanghai University adopts the design of "file bag", and at the same time, the assembly model of the unmanned boat is also designed in the bag of the admission notice, which is also the old tradition of Shanghai University, the earliest assembly model is the old building of Shanghai University, and then the light and shadow paper carving lantern, in the current unmanned boat.

It seems that I graduated too early!