
If you don't pronounce chéng, what is the correct pronunciation? How to pronounce the word Ying, and what does Yingzheng mean?

author:A guest history said

Among the Chinese characters, there is a character that lies quietly in the corner of the dictionary, waiting for us to explore its story, and this character is "Ying".

If you don't pronounce chéng, what is the correct pronunciation? How to pronounce the word Ying, and what does Yingzheng mean?

Have you ever misread it and pronounced it as "chéng"?

Haha, it's okay, today we will unveil the mystery of the word "Ying" and see what kind of story and meaning it hides.

First of all, let's reveal the correct pronunciation of the word "Ying". This character is actually pronounced as "yǐng", not "chéng", which is often misunderstood. Remember? Don't make a mistake next time!

If you don't pronounce chéng, what is the correct pronunciation? How to pronounce the word Ying, and what does Yingzheng mean?

So, what is the meaning of the word "Ying"? Don't worry, let me tell you.

In ancient times, Ying was the capital of the Chu State. You can imagine that Yingdu at that time, as the political and cultural center of the Chu State, must have been prosperous and lively.

In "Chu Ci, Nine Chapters, Lamentation", Qu Yuan wrote with deep affection "Hair Yingdu and Leave Luxi", expressing his grief over the loss of the capital of Chu and his deep attachment to his hometown.

If you don't pronounce chéng, what is the correct pronunciation? How to pronounce the word Ying, and what does Yingzheng mean?

Whenever we read such poems, we seem to be able to travel through time and space and feel Qu Yuan's heavy homesickness.

In addition to being the capital of the Chu State, the word "Ying" has another fascinating meaning - axe. This usage is derived from the word "Yingzheng", which refers to the skilled craftsmen of Yingdu.

In "Anthology of Literature: Bangu", there is such a word of praise: "The axe of the Yingren does not hurt the wood." The phrase "Yingren's axe" here is used as a metaphor for the skilled craftsmen who are so skilled that they can cut the wood with an axe without harming the wood itself. It's simply breathtaking!

At the same time, "Yingzheng" also implies the meaning of correcting and revising the article, just like those skilled craftsmen use axes to carve wood, we also need to constantly revise and improve our own words when writing.

Finally, the character "Ying" is also used as a surname. This surname originated in Yingdu of the ancient Chu State and has been passed down to this day, witnessing the vicissitudes of history.

If you don't pronounce chéng, what is the correct pronunciation? How to pronounce the word Ying, and what does Yingzheng mean?

Whenever we meet a friend with the surname "Ying", we might as well ask: "Are your ancestors from the prosperous capital of Chu?" This kind of dialogue will definitely shorten the distance between each other and add a lot of fun.

Now, do you have a deeper understanding and understanding of the word "Ying"? Although this word is not commonly used, it contains a very rich historical and cultural heritage.

From the capital of the Chu State to the superb skills to the unique surname, the character "Ying" is like a bridge, connecting the ancient and the modern, and inheriting the cultural memory of thousands of years.

If you don't pronounce chéng, what is the correct pronunciation? How to pronounce the word Ying, and what does Yingzheng mean?

In short, the word "Ying" is like a brilliant gem, and its unique light can be found from different angles.

Whether it is as the capital of the Chu State, a symbol of skillful craftsmen, or as a surname full of historical charm, "Ying" carries rich cultural connotations and people's emotional memories.