
"揩油" does not read kǎi yóu, it turns out that it has been mispronounced! So what is the correct pronunciation?

author:A guest history said

In daily life, we often encounter some seemingly simple but deeply mysterious words, such as "rubbing oil" that we are going to discuss today.

You might have always thought that the word was pronounced "kǎi yóu", but in reality, we all mispronounced it!

So, what is the correct pronunciation? Don't worry, let's demystify the term first.

"揩油" does not read kǎi yóu, it turns out that it has been mispronounced! So what is the correct pronunciation?

First, let's correct the pronunciation. The correct pronunciation should be "kāi yóu" instead of "kǎi yóu".

It seems that I have been misled by this little tone for so many years!

The word "揩" is an interesting existence in Chinese.

It describes using cloth, paper, or other soft things to wipe off the annoying oil and moisture from an object.

If you are cooking a big meal at home and accidentally spill oil on the stove, then you will naturally pick up the rag and "rub" it, clean and neat!

However, the word "rubbing oil" in daily life is not as simple as rubbing oil stains. It has two particularly down-to-earth meanings.

"揩油" does not read kǎi yóu, it turns out that it has been mispronounced! So what is the correct pronunciation?

The first is to describe some people who are very shrewd and always want to get something for nothing and take advantage of others or public resources.

This kind of behavior, commonly known as "rubbing oil", is like those who love to take advantage of small advantages, always thinking of getting some benefits without paying any price.

And the second meaning of "rubbing oil" is a bit embarrassing. It refers to an inappropriate behavior of certain men towards women, which is sexual harassment to put it bluntly.

This kind of behavior is very common in ancient Fengyue places, where men use their hands and feet against women, wanting to "rub" some "oil and water".

"揩油" does not read kǎi yóu, it turns out that it has been mispronounced! So what is the correct pronunciation?

Of course, in modern society, this kind of behavior is absolutely unacceptable, and we should respect everyone's personal space and choices.

In the Sichuan dialect, there is another meaning of "ditch". The "ditch" in Sichuan dialect refers to the buttocks, and "rubbing the ditch" originally meant to wipe the buttocks in the literal sense.

But the word also has an extended meaning in the Sichuan dialect, that is, to deal with follow-up matters or resolve disputes.

For example, if you don't do things well and leave a mess, someone has to "clean up the ditch" and help you clean up the mess.

"揩油" does not read kǎi yóu, it turns out that it has been mispronounced! So what is the correct pronunciation?

When it comes to "rubbing" and "wiping", although both words have the meaning of wiping, the use of "rubbing" is more extensive. Especially when it comes to the human body, we are more accustomed to using "rub" rather than "wipe".

For example, you might say "wipe your nose" (wipe your nose), "wipe your eyes" (wipe your tears), and the aforementioned "wipe your ditch", and wipe the dust off your body, etc.

Now, do you have a deeper understanding of the word "rubbing oil"?

Finally, test you: in addition to "rubbing oil" and "rubbing ditch", what other interesting expressions related to the word "rubbing" can you think of?