
In just one year, Huawei has made tremendous progress! Mate 70 configuration parameters compared to Mate 60, leaps and bounds!

author:Fengqi Technology

In just a few years, Huawei's Mate series mobile phones have grown into the best in domestic flagships, and its configuration and performance have attracted much attention at home and abroad. Now that the newly exposed Huawei Mate70 parameters have been announced, people have called the progress speed of domestic mobile phone manufacturers, which is simply "advancing by leaps and bounds".

In just one year, Huawei has made tremendous progress! Mate 70 configuration parameters compared to Mate 60, leaps and bounds!

Compared with the previous generation Mate60, this time Mate70 has achieved a qualitative leap in many aspects such as screen, processor, camera, and battery life. This not only demonstrates Huawei's strong technical research and development strength, but also indicates that domestic brands are moving towards the peak of high-end flagships. The speed at which the Huawei Mate series has progressed over the years is impressive.

Starting with the Mate9, this series of phones has been known for its long battery life. At that time, the Mate9 used Huawei's first Kirin chip, which greatly improved the battery life, allowing users to experience unprecedented long battery life. Later, the Mate 10 and Mate 20 continued to strengthen the battery life as a selling point, and the Mate series gradually accumulated a reputation among users.

In just one year, Huawei has made tremendous progress! Mate 70 configuration parameters compared to Mate 60, leaps and bounds!

The Mate60, released last year, used a 1/1.56-inch outsole sensor for the first time in a domestic mobile phone, which was a technological breakthrough at the time. Although the overall configuration is not as good as flagships such as the iPhone 14 Pro Max and Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra, it already has the strength to compete with international first-line brands.

I didn't expect that this year's Mate70 would have such a big technological improvement in the past year. This is mainly due to Huawei's technology accumulation in many fields in recent years, and finally shines in new products.

In just one year, Huawei has made tremendous progress! Mate 70 configuration parameters compared to Mate 60, leaps and bounds!

In terms of screen, Mate70 adopts a flexible OLED screen with 1.5K resolution, supports 120Hz high refresh rate, and the maximum brightness is up to 3000nit, which can achieve HDR video and audio effects. This screen can provide clear and detailed image quality with the advantage of power consumption.

In terms of feel, the second-generation Kunlun glass provides it with higher screen strength. Compared with the flat and straight screen of the Mate60, the screen of the Mate70 is more futuristic and technological. In terms of processors, Huawei's self-developed Kirin chip adopts a new process for the first time in the Mate70, which improves processing performance by 50% and reduces power consumption by 60% compared with the previous generation Kirin 9000.

In just one year, Huawei has made tremendous progress! Mate 70 configuration parameters compared to Mate 60, leaps and bounds!

It's fair to say that there's a perfect balance of performance and range. Compared with the latest flagship chips of Qualcomm and MediaTek, Kirin 9100 has basically caught up with the international advanced level. Huawei's years of accumulation in chip technology are gradually showing results. A major upgrade to the camera's hardware.

In just one year, Huawei has made tremendous progress! Mate 70 configuration parameters compared to Mate 60, leaps and bounds!

For the first time, the Mate70 features a huge 1/1.3-inch image sensor, which is complemented by a 48-megapixel ultra-telephoto macro lens. This Pro-level image system of "long and short matching" greatly improves the photo and video level of the mobile phone.

In just one year, the size of the main camera sensor has increased from 1/1.56" to 1/1.3", and the number of telephoto pixels has skyrocketed from 12 million to 48 million.

In just one year, Huawei has made tremendous progress! Mate 70 configuration parameters compared to Mate 60, leaps and bounds!

Finally, it's worth mentioning the battery life. The Mate 70 uses a large battery with a capacity of 5400 mAh, which is nearly 20% larger than its predecessor. Combined with the Kirin 9100 with reduced power consumption, continuous optimization of battery life has become a major feature of the Mate series. This is especially important for heavy mobile phone users.

It can be seen that in various hardware indicators, Huawei has made significant improvements for Mate70, and these upgrades all originate from Huawei's years of technology accumulation and innovation, and they are not achieved overnight. This also reflects Huawei's strength as a technology-based company.

In just one year, Huawei has made tremendous progress! Mate 70 configuration parameters compared to Mate 60, leaps and bounds!

The scientific and technological strength of a company and the speed of change of its products can best reflect the development potential of the enterprise. Huawei's rise in the field of consumer electronics has made the Chinese people extremely proud. As the flagship series of domestic mobile phones, Huawei Mate has completed the transformation from catching up to leading in just a few years. It will also further promote the competitiveness of domestic brands in the high-end market.

Today, when there are more and more domestic mobile phones, the birth of Huawei Mate70 is undoubtedly an exciting event. It indicates that domestic mobile phones have the strength to compete head-on with Apple and Samsung, and domestic brands are also becoming more and more stable on the road to high-end.

In just one year, Huawei has made tremendous progress! Mate 70 configuration parameters compared to Mate 60, leaps and bounds!

In the future, we will also see Huawei's technological innovation in more fields and its unremitting pursuit of product quality. This will encourage more domestic enterprises to join the ranks of technological innovation, making "Created in China" a beautiful scenery on the world stage. Let's look forward to the official release of Huawei Mate70 and witness the domestic brand enter a new stage of development!

In just one year, Huawei has made tremendous progress! Mate 70 configuration parameters compared to Mate 60, leaps and bounds!

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