
Those who witnessed it recalled the life of the anti-Japanese military and civilians under the three-light policy, and everyone was constipated when they ate cotton cakes

author:Talking about Xiao Li

Those who witnessed it recalled the life of the anti-Japanese military and civilians under the three-light policy, and everyone was constipated when they ate cotton cakes. In those cruel years of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, in order to feed the war with war, the Japanese devils carried out the inhumane "three-light policy" against the anti-Japanese base areas on the mainland, destroying the lives of the local military and civilians, causing the soldiers and civilians to struggle for survival and embark on a difficult but glorious road of struggle.

The anti-Japanese heroes were devastated by the war, but they never gave up resistance. They cloak themselves in sand, eat cottonseed cakes, drink salt water to satisfy their hunger, and even dig by hand to meet their physiological needs. One can't help but wonder, how did you get through such a hard life? Follow us into that era and face those unforgettable years.

Those who witnessed it recalled the life of the anti-Japanese military and civilians under the three-light policy, and everyone was constipated when they ate cotton cakes

Dude, can you imagine what life was like in the war-torn era? The Japanese devils carried out the devastating "three-light policy" in our anti-Japanese base areas, looting all the grain, burning down the houses, and killing all the soldiers and civilians everywhere. As soon as some farmers returned home, they saw wolves giving birth to wolf cubs on their kangs. More than 500 people in Yangxin Tiejiaying Village were driven into a big house by devils, and as soon as the door was closed, kerosene was poured on fire and burned alive!

This can make my Eighth Route Army and the common people feel aggrieved. Survival has become a big problem, and it is difficult to eat a full meal. Li Xingmin was the head of the cultural and educational section of the anti-Japanese government in Linyi at that time, and he experienced those difficult years. He said that 41 years ago, the village could still receive some corn tortillas and sorghum nests, although sometimes it was quite depressing to twist the bran. Later, the devil sweep became more and more rampant, and it was difficult to even farm the land, so people could only desperately eat tree bark and bran vegetables to satisfy their hunger. The situation of the Eighth Route Army was even worse, not to mention how good it was when the leaves were mixed into the rice.

Those who witnessed it recalled the life of the anti-Japanese military and civilians under the three-light policy, and everyone was constipated when they ate cotton cakes

The most suffocating thing is to eat cotton cakes, hard gnawing can't move, hot and smelly, nauseous and nauseous, chewing in the mouth to run to both sides, can't swallow. There is no oil and water at all, and everyone can't pull it out every day, so they can only dig it by hand in the end. Before setting off to fight, you must urinate and defecate all over the place, and you will subconsciously do this as you walk. But no one can pull it out, the pit is empty, and they have to gather and set off, and the battle is a ridiculous comedy.

It's also difficult to wear, and from the winter of 41, the Eighth Route Army can only wear civilian clothes. In summer, it is thin, in winter, it is covered in cotton, and it is bitten by lice all over the body, and when it is hot, the lice crawl wildly, and when it is cold, it is even more cold to freeze hands and feet. The cold winter in the north is minus twenty or thirty degrees, and the north wind brings ice particles to the face when marching. Don't want to take a breath when you go to the village, for fear of alarming the villagers, you can only stand stupidly in the cold.

Those who witnessed it recalled the life of the anti-Japanese military and civilians under the three-light policy, and everyone was constipated when they ate cotton cakes

As a result, Li Xingmin came up with a clever trick to dig a hole in the firewood and grass shed of the villagers' houses, cover it with grass and sleep warmly. When you can transfer areas, you can't do it, you have to live from house to house. On one occasion he and another correspondent, Fan Guangju, were huddled together in a large room, with their heads resting on high beams and wearing straw coats. I wanted to have a good night's sleep, but I was so frightened that I jumped up when a gunshot rang out in the middle of the night, and my legs were numb and I couldn't straighten my waist for a long time.

As soon as the heat arrives, difficulties are another matter. The devils blocked the base area, and they couldn't live in the village, so they could only sleep in the wilderness. On rainy days, I basically lie in the rain and be watered, and then cover my face with a towel when I get drenched, but I can't breathe...... The environment was difficult to force the idea, so I used small wooden nails to prop up the towel, and the rain leaked out.

Those who witnessed it recalled the life of the anti-Japanese military and civilians under the three-light policy, and everyone was constipated when they ate cotton cakes

Changing means and coping with copies, I barely survived day after day. There were marches every day, and 41 years ago they still took turns living in the village, and then they had to move their nests overnight every day, going back and forth for a few dozen miles, and starting for hundreds of miles, and passing through the areas controlled by the national army in the middle, which was too tiring. The team always had to rest halfway through the march, but after resting, some people directly took a nap on their stomachs. Later, one person simply pillowed one person's leg, so that the first one could get up and hook up the whole team.

If you want to say that the happiest time of this march is when you walk from the enemy area to the base area. I heard the children in the village singing from afar, and the brothers in the team began to whisper and flirt. Someone would suggest that the editor make it up to amuse. At that time, I was really fighting guerrillas during the New Year's holidays, and the dumplings were trampled on by devils. But even so, the joy will not be less. On Chinese New Year's Eve, you can make dumplings, and even if you make minced meat soup, the brothers will happily swallow it.

Those who witnessed it recalled the life of the anti-Japanese military and civilians under the three-light policy, and everyone was constipated when they ate cotton cakes

This is the story of our Eighth Route Army and the common people struggling to survive in the anti-Japanese era. No matter how ferocious the enemy was, they never gave up resistance. Clothed in sand clothes, ate tree bark, drank salt water, and used his hands to pick up the hardships of life, just to win the final victory of the war. Although suffering is ever-present, they have defended the dignity of their homeland with tenacious will.

It is precisely with the bloody struggle of these ordinary heroes that the motherland's tomorrow can open up a new sunshine. We will always cherish and remember the great achievements of the revolutionary martyrs, who won us an era of peace with their blood and lives. Let us unite closely under the banner of the party and make unremitting efforts to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation#头条首发大赛! #

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