
5,000 Years of Chinese Painting History - Famous Artists of the Past Dynasties: Jin Wang Tingyun

author:Yanaginami Gaen

Wang Tingyun (1151-October 27, 1202), a native of Bohai, was a writer, calligrapher and painter of the Jin Dynasty. The word end, the name Huanghua Mountain Lord, Huanghua Old Man, Huanghua Laozi, alias Xuexi. A native of Liaodong in the Jin Dynasty (now Xiongyue in Yingkou). Tingyun's literary name is early, Jin Dading 16 years (1176) Jinshi, Liguanzhou County, Shi to Hanlin revision. The words are elegant, the calligraphy and painting are exquisite, and "Zhongzhou Yafu" collects sixteen songs, which are known for their seclusion and mistleness.

5,000 Years of Chinese Painting History - Famous Artists of the Past Dynasties: Jin Wang Tingyun

Wang Tingyun was born in 1151 A.D. in Liaodong, Jin Dynasty, in the present-day Yingkou Gaizhou region. Born in a scholarly family, he is the grandson of Zhang Hao, the nephew of the calligrapher and painter Mi Fu, and the 32nd grandson of Wang Lie, a wise man in Taiyuan in the Han Dynasty. His father Wang Zungu (the word Zhongyuan), Zhenglong five years (1160) in the Jinshi, the official to the Hanlin straight bachelor, for the official Qingzheng, knowledgeable, the people of the time known as "Liaodong Master", married the daughter of the king of Nanyang County, Zhang Hao, gave birth to four sons, Wang Tingyun ranked third.

5,000 Years of Chinese Painting History - Famous Artists of the Past Dynasties: Jin Wang Tingyun

Tingyun has been smart since childhood, "Yuan's Tombstone" contains, six years old with his father and brother to read books, can understand righteousness, seven years old to learn poetry, eleven years old to write poems, reading five elements, diary more than 5,000 words. Wang Xiu, a talented son of Zhuojun, does not follow the customs, and rarely praises people, but as soon as he sees Tingyun, he is allowed to be a national scholar.

5,000 Years of Chinese Painting History - Famous Artists of the Past Dynasties: Jin Wang Tingyun

In the sixteenth year of Jin Shizong's reign (1176), he was appointed as a military judge in Enzhou. When he was in office, "Zou Si, a county citizen who plotted against him, and released more than 1,000 innocent and implicated people." However, in the political environment where severe punishment is still the norm, it does not rise but falls, and then transfers the main book of the museum pottery, and is still trapped in the work of the book period, the general inspection and the arrangement. After the expiration of his term, Buju Zhangde (i.e., Xiangzhou, now Anyang), bought Tian Longxi, studied in Huanghuashan Temple, and called himself "Huanghua Mountain Lord".

5,000 Years of Chinese Painting History - Famous Artists of the Past Dynasties: Jin Wang Tingyun

Jin Zhangzong Mingchang three years (1192), summoned into the pavilion, called for the Hanlin script, ordered with the secretary Lang Zhang Rufang to identify the calligraphy and painting of the inner house, set the treasures seen and the collection of the scholars at that time before the sage ink collection into the "Snow Creek Hall Post" (now gone). Later, it was revised.

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