
Mr. Feng Shui's Black Snake

author:Chuangyi is important

In the south of our big country, there is a small place called Cuiping Village. Don't look at this village as inconspicuous, but its story is not small, and it is related to a mysterious feng shui gentleman. This gentleman's surname is Li, and everyone calls him Li Banxian, not only does Feng Shui play well, but also has a pair of eyes that can see through yin and yang. One day, Li Banxian was chatting happily with a few old buddies in the teahouse at the head of the village, when suddenly, a man in black clothes hurriedly broke in, his face was so flustered, he knew that something was wrong at a glance. This man's name is Qin Hui, a well-known rich man in our village, but his appearance today is very different from usual. Qin Hui sat down opposite Li Banxian, as anxious as if he was something: "Mr. Li, you can save me!" My house has been haunted recently, and there is a black snake every night, which makes the chickens and dogs jump in the house! When Li Banxian heard this, he frowned, put the tea bowl down, and asked, "Rich Master Qin, did your family offend anyone, or moved something that shouldn't be moved?" Qin Hui shook his head, looking confused: "No, we have always been honest and have not offended anyone." If you want to say anything, it is that I built a new house some time ago and found a few craftsmen from other places. As soon as Li Banxian heard this, he knew it in his heart. He stood up and patted Qin Hui on the shoulder: "Rich Master Qin, I'll take this matter." But you have to promise me that no matter what you see or hear, you can't make a fuss. Qin Hui nodded like pounding garlic, and followed Li Banxian to rush home.

When I arrived at Qin's house, it was already dark. Li Banxian circled around the house, his brows furrowed more and more. The location of this house is remote, and I didn't look for a local master to see feng shui when I built it, so I accidentally broke the rules. Li Banxian entered the house, asked the Qin family to stay away, and sat in the hall by himself, closing his eyes and recuperating. After a while, there was a rustling sound outside, and it sounded like something was crawling. When Li Banxian opened his eyes, he saw a black snake as thick as a bucket squeezing in through the crack in the door. The scales on the snake's body shone with a ghostly glow, and its eyes were as red as blood, and it was terrifying to watch. But Li Banxian didn't panic at all, he patted the table lightly and shouted: "Where did the monster come from, dare to spread wild here!" The black snake seemed to be startled, and stood still. Li Banxian slowly stood up and walked towards the black snake step by step, with words in his mouth. Suddenly, he reached out and grabbed the black snake's seven inches, and the snake struggled hard, but couldn't break free. Li Banxian sneered and said, "You were originally a god in the mountains, but you coveted the wealth of the world and went down to earth privately. If I don't teach you a lesson today, you really think that this world is a place where you can make trouble casually! After speaking, Li Banxian took out a piece of talisman paper from his arms and pasted it on the head of the black snake. The black snake immediately let out a scream, and its body slowly became smaller, and finally turned into a small snake. As soon as Li Banxian let go, the little snake ran away as if it had been beaten with chicken blood. When Qin Hui heard this, he hurriedly rushed out of the back room, and saw that only the tail of a small snake was left on the ground, so he was so shocked that he opened his mouth wide and couldn't close it for a long time. Li Banxian patted him on the shoulder and said slowly, "Rich Master Qin, let's settle this matter." But you have to remember that if you build a house or break ground in the future, you have to find someone who knows how to show you feng shui, so as not to cause some trouble. When Qin Hui heard this, his head nodded like a rattle, and he was very grateful to Li Banxian.

Qin Hui's gratitude to Li Banxian, that is not to be said. Li Banxian didn't delay much, put on the compass on his back, hummed a little tune, and walked outside the village. He knew in his heart that the matter of this black snake was not so easy to end. When he got home, Li Banxian lit a dry cigarette and took a deep breath, and his thoughts drifted far away in the smoke. This black snake is definitely not a good bird, and there must be a cat behind it. He decided that he had to go to the Qin family's new house again, take a good look at this feng shui, and see what went wrong.

Mr. Feng Shui's Black Snake

Early the next morning, Li Banxian took the guy and went to Qin's house again. He circled around the house a few times, his brow furrowing more and more. This house, sitting in the north and facing south, it stands to reason that the feng shui is good, but there is an inconspicuous small pond in the northwest corner, the water is muddy like muddy soup, and it also exudes a smell. Li Banxian squatted down and dipped his hands in water, and the chill penetrated his heart. He was shocked, this pond must be a gloomy place, no wonder it would attract the black snake. He stood up and said to Qin Hui, "Rich Lord Qin, this pond is a bane, and it must be dealt with quickly." When Qin Hui heard this, he hurriedly nodded: "Mr. Li, you can do whatever you say, I will listen to you." ”

One day, Li Banxian was chatting with a few old buddies in the teahouse, when he suddenly heard a noise outside. He slapped his thigh, stood up and looked out the door, good guy, a crowd of people surrounded him, pointing and pointing. Li Banxian became curious, squeezed into the crowd and took a look, and there was a bucket-thick black snake coiled in the middle, like a sculpture, motionless. Li Banxian recognized it at a glance, isn't this the one he sent away before. At this time, an old man came out, sighed, and said, "This black snake is actually the mountain god of the mountain behind our village. It has been guarding this mountain forest to ensure that the wind and rain are smooth. But a few years ago, a foreigner cut down the sacred tree on the mountain in order to build a house. The mountain god was furious, and he came down to look for trouble. When Li Banxian heard this, his heart was like a mirror. He stepped forward and said to the black serpent, "Lord Mountain God, if you are willing, I will take you back to the mountain." The black snake glanced up at Li Banxian, as if he was pondering something. After a while, it nodded, twisted its body, and swam into the mountains and forests outside the village. The crowd slowly dispersed, and Li Banxian also returned to the teahouse. He sat down, picked up the tea bowl, and took a sip of tea. This tea, bitter and sweet, is like the taste of his half life.

Mr. Feng Shui's Black Snake

Since then, Li Banxian's reputation has become even louder. Not only is he good at Feng Shui, but he also has a soft heart. With his wisdom and strength, he has helped people solve countless problems and has become a legend in people's hearts. The black snake never showed up again. Some people say that it returned to the mountains and forests and continued to guard the land; Some people say that it has become a dragon vein, guarding the whole village. In any case, the story of this black snake has become a beautiful story in Cuiping Village through the ages. As for Li Banxian, he still carries a compass on his back every day, wandering around the village, showing the way to those who need it. His figure has become a beautiful scenery in the village.

This is the story of Mr. Feng Shui and the Black Snake. It tells us that although Feng Shui is mysterious, behind it is people's reverence and respect for nature. Only by respecting nature and conforming to nature can we achieve true happiness and peace.

Mr. Feng Shui and the Black Snake (continued) Since the black snake is gone, Cuiping Village has returned to its former peace. Li Banxian has become a celebrity in the village, and whoever has any big or small affairs has to find him as a staff officer. As soon as the sun was good, the people in the village loved to gather under the big locust tree, chatting about family life, and naturally talked about the story of Li Banxian and the black snake. Oh, take a look, Li Banxian in our village, that's really a living treasure! Aunt Wang slapped her thigh and pulled her voice loudly, "If it weren't for him, wouldn't the black snake have turned our village upside down?" "

Mr. Feng Shui's Black Snake

"That's not it," Liu Laohan took over, "As soon as the black snake came, my wife didn't dare to go out at night, for fear of being bitten by the snake." Now it's okay, as soon as Li Banxian comes out, there is no trouble. ”

As he spoke, Li Banxian put his hands behind his back and slowly shook it over. When everyone saw him, they all greeted him warmly: "Mr. Li, come and sit here!" Li Banxian happily responded, walked to the middle of the crowd, found a stone and sat down. He took out his cigarette pouch and pot, lit a bag of cigarettes, took a deep breath, and spat out a string of smoke rings.

"Mr. Li, can you tell us about the black snake?" A young man asked curiously.

Mr. Feng Shui's Black Snake

"That black snake," Li Banxian squinted his eyes and began to say slowly, "Actually, it's not a bad thing, it's just a moment of confusion." Do you know that the mountains and rivers of every place have spirituality, and the black snake is the patron saint of our mountains and rivers. It's a pity that people's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants, and some people are ignorant and don't respect these gods, and as a result, they get into trouble. ”

Listening to Li Banxian's words, the villagers all fell into deep thought. They understand that this feng shui technique is not superstition, but reverence and respect for nature.

"And what's wrong with the black snake now?" Someone asked.

Mr. Feng Shui's Black Snake

"It," Li Banxian smiled, "it's back to where it belongs, and continues to protect our landscape." But you have to remember, don't break the ground or cut down trees in the future, so as not to get into trouble again. ”

Everyone nodded yes, and secretly wrote down Li Banxian's words in their hearts. As the days passed, life in Cuiping Village became more and more prosperous. The villagers lived in harmony and helped each other, as if the departure of the black snake had also taken away all the bad luck.

Li Banxian is still the most popular person in the village. He often wanders around the village, giving advice and guidance to those who need it. However, the sky is unpredictable. Just when everyone thought that life would always be so stable, a strange thing suddenly happened in the village.

Mr. Feng Shui's Black Snake

Early that morning, there was a sudden exclamation from the old Zhang family in the east of the village. The villagers rushed to take a look, and there was a bottomless well in the courtyard of Lao Zhang's house, and the well water was still steaming!

"What's going on?" The villagers were talking, "Could it be that the black snake is back again?" Li Banxian rushed over when he heard the news, and looked around the well for a while, his brows furrowed. He took out his compass and fiddled with it, then sighed and said, "This has nothing to do with the black snake." "Oh, this well suddenly popped up, and eighty percent of it was someone in our village who did something that shouldn't have been done." As soon as these words came out, everyone in the village was nervous. Everyone knows in their hearts, Li Banxian is a capable person, and what he said is definitely not groundless. So, everyone began to wonder if there was something wrong recently. After such a check, it turned out to be a traveler from other places who did some kind of magic in our village, but in the end, it was self-defeating and he got this well out. As soon as Li Banxian heard this, he immediately found the wanderer, and the two negotiated, and the wanderer also admitted his mistake and promised to help seal the well. With the concerted efforts of Li Banxian and the wanderer, the troublesome well was finally completed. Cuiping Village has returned to the calm and tranquility of the past, and the villagers are also relieved, and they are all grateful to Li Banxian and the wanderer, which also sounded the alarm for everyone, making them cherish the current days and the nature around them even more, and dare not mess around again. Since then, there have been no moths in Cuiping Village, and the villagers have also lived a happy and stable life, all thanks to Li Banxian's help and protection.