
China did not agree to share lunar soil, and the United States began to circumvent domestic laws, saying it had given the green light to apply for research

author:Dragon's Groaning World

Who would have thought that the once dominant space hegemon would now be reduced to a supporting role on the stage of lunar exploration? Not only that, but they even have the cheekiness to want a piece of the pie! This scene is arguably the most ironic international stage play of the 21st century.

A few days ago, when Chang'e-6 returned triumphantly with precious samples from the far side of the moon, the eyes of the world were focused on China. This is not a small fight, but a major breakthrough in the history of human spaceflight! Just as the global scientific community was cheering, China made an atmospheric decision: to open up lunar soil research to the world.

China did not agree to share lunar soil, and the United States began to circumvent domestic laws, saying it had given the green light to apply for research

This act of generosity immediately caused a sensation in the international community. Scientists from all over the world are eager to get a glimpse of the mysterious substance on the far side of the moon right away. However, in this jubilant atmosphere, the words of NASA Administrator Nelson were like a basin of cold water, which made people sober up instantly.

Nelson first said with a smirk that he was "glad to hear that China intends to share," and then moved on to the infamous "Wolf Clause." He said NASA is working with lawyers to make sure that the U.S. does not violate the "Wolf Clause" when it applies for lunar soil quotas.

China did not agree to share lunar soil, and the United States began to circumvent domestic laws, saying it had given the green light to apply for research

This can't help but remind people of the old saying: "Stand and stand." "

This contradictory attitude of the United States cannot help but remind people of a child who is not greedy enough. He wants to eat candy, but he is not willing to pay any price. This kind of behavior may be forgiven in kindergarten, but it is particularly ridiculous as a long-established veteran.

China did not agree to share lunar soil, and the United States began to circumvent domestic laws, saying it had given the green light to apply for research

Looking back on history, China's space industry has traversed a road full of thorns. From being poor and white to being the world's leading today, every step embodies the hard work and sweat of countless scientific research workers. And what about the United States? They seem to be still immersed in the glory of the past, forgetting that times have long since changed dramatically.

Take Chang'e-6, for example, this is a remarkable achievement. It not only successfully collected samples from the far side of the moon, but also achieved the first soft landing sample return on the far side of the moon. In the past, I am afraid that this kind of breakthrough achievement would make Americans jealous and unable to sleep, and they will try to surpass it by all means. But now? They can only watch with their eyes open, and they have to pretend that nothing happened.

China did not agree to share lunar soil, and the United States began to circumvent domestic laws, saying it had given the green light to apply for research

What is even more ironic is that the Americans also want to obstruct Sino-US space cooperation through a piece of paper "Wolf Clause". As everyone knows, this approach not only cannot stop the development of China's aerospace industry, but also makes them miss valuable opportunities for cooperation. Isn't this exactly "lifting a stone and shooting yourself in the foot"?

What will China do in the face of such an attitude of the United States? In my opinion, you don't have to pay attention to it. Lunar soil samples are Chinese, and they can be given to whomever they want. If the United States really wants a piece of the pie, it might as well abolish the ridiculous "Wolf Clause" first. Otherwise, don't blame China for not giving face.

At the end of the day, the problem for the United States is that they have not put themselves in the right place. They seem to have forgotten that the world is no longer the time when they were the only one. China's rise is not accidental, but inevitable. From "two bombs and one satellite" to "Chang'e lunar exploration", every step shows the indomitable spirit of the Chinese.

China did not agree to share lunar soil, and the United States began to circumvent domestic laws, saying it had given the green light to apply for research

Americans always like to cast themselves as "the center of the world," as if the whole world should revolve around them. Unfortunately, this idea has long been outdated. In the field of aerospace, China has proven its position with strength. And what about the United States? In addition to shouting and complaining, it seems that there are no decent results.

In conclusion, I would like to say that if the United States continues to cling to this arrogant mentality, it will only suffer in the end. International cooperation should be based on equality and mutual benefit, rather than anyone who is stronger than the other can do whatever he wants.

China did not agree to share lunar soil, and the United States began to circumvent domestic laws, saying it had given the green light to apply for research

China's space industry is in a golden period of vigorous development, while the United States is still standing still. If they don't adjust their attitude as soon as possible, I'm afraid they will really be abandoned by the times.

So, American friends, wake up! Don't be that frog sitting in the well anymore. This world is no longer the time when you are the only one. Instead of clinging to outdated prejudices, it is better to be open-minded and cooperate sincerely. After all, the journey to explore the universe is a common dream of mankind, isn't it?

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