
No matter how much NATO threatens, China must bear it, and there is no possibility of "selling geese and chickens".



No matter how much NATO threatens, China must bear it, and there is no possibility of "selling geese and chickens".

On the eve of the NATO summit in Washington, D.C., in July, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg threatened China, saying that "NATO has never regarded China as an adversary", but that China is "adding fuel to the fire of the biggest conflict in Europe since World War II", which "challenges NATO's values, interests and security" 。

In addition to actively building the prototype of the Asia-Pacific version of NATO, Stoltenberg also mentioned the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea, but on these issues, on the possible actions and roles of NATO, Stoltenberg still showed a "cautious attitude", stressing that "NATO is still an alliance between North America and Europe", and he said that during the summit, no decision will be made on "setting up a NATO liaison office in Tokyo, Japan." In this regard, Japan's "Yomiuri Shimbun" interpreted that this move shows that Stoltenberg "does not want to stimulate China too much".

Obviously, Stoltenberg wants to strengthen NATO's cooperation with Japan, South Korea, Australia and other countries in order to build an Asia-Pacific version of NATO in the future, which is a threat to China on paper; He mentioned the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea issues, and was cautious about NATO's actions, which is a kind of threat off paper, that is, "leading but not triggering," telling China that NATO can exert force on these two points, and the reason why it has not done so is not because of friendship, but because it gives China a time to consider, and if China's actions cannot satisfy NATO, NATO will get involved in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea issue, which is a potential threat.

No matter how much NATO threatens, China must bear it, and there is no possibility of "selling geese and chickens".

So, what exactly does NATO want China to do? In fact, the demand is very simple, Stoltenberg arrogantly said a few months ago that China must "choose between the West and Russia", either choose the West, then stop supporting Russia and cut off or at least reduce trade with Russia; Either it will turn to Russia, and the result will be that in the face of the "Asian version of NATO", NATO may meddle in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea. On the occasion of the upcoming NATO summit in Washington, Stoltenberg once again put aside his harsh words, undoubtedly urging China to "make a decision quickly".

At present, China does not seem to have responded to NATO's military threat, but Russia has taken the lead in "taking the call". On July 1, Putin's press secretary and Kremlin chief Dmitry Peskov publicly "expressed dissatisfaction" with Stoltenberg's China-related remarks, noting that "this is negative." We believe that our Chinese friends themselves will be able to make a proper assessment of such remarks. In other words, the NATO Secretary General did not say good things, and Moscow did not believe that China would give in and would certainly "respond appropriately" to the statements of the NATO head.

In addition, Peskov warned NATO and the United States that "blackmail and threats are unacceptable" when dealing with a "big, powerful, and sovereign state" like China, "China will not be intimidated by anyone," and "even the United States is unlikely to be able to afford to speak to China in such a tone." Obviously, it can be seen from Peskov's statement that Moscow "holds China very high", and "there are words in the words", Peskov's implication is to remind China that you are a big country, a strong country, you can do it, you must have confidence, and you must not succumb to the pressure of the United States and Europe; In addition, you are still a "sovereign state" and must be "independent", but don't kneel, then you can't talk about a "sovereign state".

No matter how much NATO threatens, China must bear it, and there is no possibility of "selling geese and chickens".

Whether it is "praising China" or reminding China "with something in the words", to put it bluntly, it actually shows that Russia is really worried that China "can't bear it". So, can China "hold it"?

On the one hand, it must be carried, at this stage, China and Russia are dependent on each other, the goose is slaughtered, and the next one to enter the pot is the rooster, which former NATO Secretary General Rasmussen said very clearly, after getting Russia, free up his hands to deal with the biggest threat to the West - China.

On the other hand, to help Russia "carry it" is to carry it yourself. As long as Russia does not lose a day, NATO's center of gravity will be in Europe and the Atlantic, but if the goose is stewed, NATO warships will really sail into the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait.

Therefore, no matter how NATO threatens, China must carry it, and there is no possibility of "selling geese and chickens", because Russia has fallen, and China has no "bargaining" ability, and you can't get it on the battlefield, let alone at the negotiating table? Therefore, there is no such thing as a compromise, it can only be done to the end.

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