
Men who want to flirt with you will take the initiative to do these things, don't understand


There is such a sentence in "The Book of Songs, Yue Ren Song": "The mountain has trees, the trees have branches, I like you, but you don't know." ”

The mountain is covered with lush trees and foliage. My heart is full of warmth and joy for you, but you can't grasp the meaning.

In a relationship with the opposite sex, it is natural to have a mutual affection and spark, especially when we are young, and the other person's every move is unconsciously amplified, carefully observed and evaluated.

Therefore, it is very common for men to start pursuing women when they have a good feeling, but they may not have achieved a happy result, and the other party may not understand the woman's "prompt".

Men who want to flirt with you will take the initiative to do these things, don't understand

In the stories we once knew, in addition to the hero and heroine falling in love with each other, there are often a series of "smooth" characters appearing, helping them understand their true feelings in different ways, and finally allowing the lovers to be together.

However, in real life, women tend to be more conservative in the face of feelings, and men are not as easy as in novels. A small misunderstanding is likely to become a lifelong regret.

Often, we are only one step away from love, and if a woman understands a man's invitation and can recognize what he is saying, perhaps the outcome will be different.

When a man likes someone, he is not very good at hiding his feelings, he will take the initiative to approach you and make you feel his presence. So, if he behaves like this in front of you, then he is actually courting you, don't be confused.

Men who want to flirt with you will take the initiative to do these things, don't understand

Take the initiative to find opportunities to chat with you, and ask for your contact information for various reasons

In life, if a stranger of the opposite sex takes the initiative to chat with you on a certain occasion, then he is likely to have a good impression of you.

While everyone's social circle may be wide, there are still very few people who follow strangers and ask for contact information.

Since the contact information is relatively private, if it is a stranger meeting for the first time, it is rare to take the initiative to ask the other party.

And when a guy likes you, he will want to know more about you, and adding your contact information is also to have a more in-depth communication with you, and only with communication can he have the opportunity to date you next time.

Then, if a man who is not very familiar with you takes the initiative to contact you, approaches you frequently, and hopes to have more intersections with you, then love may come to you.

Men who want to flirt with you will take the initiative to do these things, don't understand

Take the initiative to help you, and he will be there when you are in trouble

If a man wants to strike up a conversation with you, he will be very attentive to you, very attentive to your affairs, and always ready to help you, especially when you need help.

When they are still strangers to each other, the man will always provide the lady with a little support at the first time, and when the lady needs help, he will appear by her side, which will naturally make the lady feel a little more fond of him.

Especially when a girl has not yet made much impression of a boy, a small demeanor will gradually enhance his affection in your heart.

But the man knows this well, he knows that you don't know much about him, and creating a good impression at this time is crucial.

So, if there is a man or a woman who can always show up when you need help, then the girl should pay attention, this man may want to show affection for you.

Men who want to flirt with you will take the initiative to do these things, don't understand

Take the initiative to make an appointment with you and prepare a space for two people to be alone

This is particularly obvious, only when a guy has feelings for you, he will take the initiative to ask you out and want to get along with you more.

The man who wants to attract you will create a kind of intimate space for the two of you, inviting you to play, eat or go shopping, etc., so that he can get closer to you.

Because he wants you to know more about him and get along with you more. Every invitation is a hint that he likes you.

After all, if a man is not interested in you, he will not ask you out. For men, the real liking is the can't wait to meet you, not just words.

If there is a guy in your life who likes to ask you out to dinner alone, then you may feel that he is actually confessing to you in a special way.

Men who want to flirt with you will take the initiative to do these things, don't understand

At the moment, you have to take the initiative to have a chance to write a great story, and if you don't want to take the initiative, there is no possibility between us.

In the face of love, we must not be cowardly, and we must be brave to start our story. Especially chasing girls, you need to take the initiative. After all, everyone is busy, and no one asks you about the depths of your heart.

Flirting with you is actually a way to show that they like you, and no one likes to give their feelings to strangers and become someone else's traction.

Women should understand the indication of the opposite sex to you in time, love will not always be waiting for you by your side, and the opportunity will often pass in an instant.