
With a monthly salary of 20,000 yuan, I want to marry my daughter, and I have no way to go on a blind date, which is alarming


While shopping at the mall today, I saw a couple of lovers who were proposing. Although I didn't know them, the people around me spontaneously surrounded them and cheered them on with silent blessings. Looking at them, I can't help but sigh, hoping that this strong love can get a happy ending. Of course, the surrounding ladies are also secretly envious of the proposed person in their hearts.

In fact, both men and women, we always look forward to entering the marriage hall with the person we love. But in reality, it is often full of helplessness. Even if you love each other deeply, you may not be able to enter the door of marriage in the end. So, at such a moment, blind date has become the only emotional outlet.

With a monthly salary of 20,000 yuan, I want to marry my daughter, and I have no way to go on a blind date, which is alarming


Zhang Zhenhua and her girlfriend Zhao Yifan have been together for three years. During this time, their relationship became deeper and deeper, and they traveled to many places together. Their sweet relationship is enviable, and those around them generally believe that they will soon enter the palace of marriage and become lifelong partners.

But what is surprising is that at the beginning of this year, Zhang Zhenhua and Zhao Yifan announced in the circle of friends that they would return as single and would continue to get along as friends. Zhang Zhenhua's friends are difficult to understand, because they are so affectionate, but they suddenly broke up.

Zhang Zhenhua shook his head with a wry smile, and said to his good brother that the two ended up peacefully, although the two loved each other deeply, breaking up was their best choice. As for why they broke up, it became a mystery and no one knows.

After the breakup, Zhang Zhenhua did not sink, but was more energetic than before and devoted himself to his work. As a result of his enthusiasm, he continued to gain the appreciation of the company and his salary gradually increased.

With a monthly salary of 20,000 yuan, I want to marry my daughter, and I have no way to go on a blind date, which is alarming


After a few years, he may have come out of the relationship at that time, and he began to think about his marriage, and he didn't want to develop from friends. So Zhang Zhenhua wanted to end his single life through a blind date.

Zhang Zhenhua himself is handsome, and he earns 20,000 yuan a month, so he is naturally very popular. However, he is very picky and feels that the gap between the three views is too big. Finally, one day, he met a satisfied woman, and the two of them had a good chat, and the first date party was lively.

With a monthly salary of 20,000 yuan, I want to marry my daughter, and I have no way to go on a blind date, which is alarming


But on the second date, the girl actually showed up with her mother. Zhang Zhenhua was surprised by this, but he still took the date seriously. He thought that he could take this opportunity to promote the development of the relationship between the two parties, but when the girl's mother learned that he earned 20,000 yuan a month, she categorically vetoed: "You still want to chase my daughter with a monthly income of 20,000 yuan, no way!" ”

Hearing these words, Zhang Zhenhua's good impression of this girl gradually disappeared. He smiled and said to the girl's mother: "Auntie, first of all, your daughter and I have not established a relationship, but we just have a good impression of each other. Actually, I'm not looking for that kind of material woman, such a family, no matter how high my monthly salary is, it can't satisfy you. Thank you for coming today, and I won't have any contact with your daughter from now on. ”

After Zhang Zhenhua finished speaking, he went directly to the front desk to check out.

With a monthly salary of 20,000 yuan, I want to marry my daughter, and I have no way to go on a blind date, which is alarming

Sentiment Analysis:

It is indeed enviable to have a relationship from love to marriage, but sometimes we may not have this relationship. At this time, if you want to end your single life, you can only rely on blind dates.

Some people live happily after getting married, but the two do not necessarily meet from love to the present, but through blind dates. Sometimes, someone you know on a blind date may be able to give you a more grounded feeling.

But you still need to be cautious when getting to know new people. After all, before this, the two did not intersect, and only met because of the desire to live together. If you choose the wrong one, it will have an immeasurable impact on the rest of your life.

If fate arrives and you meet true love on a blind date, your love life will become more fulfilling and colorful.