
Chapter 3 of the novel "Blacksmith's Sleepover (Revised Edition)" is a turmoil

author:Water bouldering

As mentioned last time, in the garden house, Zhang Boxzi has not fallen asleep since waking up, and the shadow of the young woman of the landlord keeps dangling in front of him. He tossed and turned, cranky, and his body was hot.

His father died early, the family had no pillars, the family was poor, and he was very inferior. He had never thought of a woman in any way, and no woman had ever treated him like a young woman, and he felt that he was fond of her. Zhang Jiuzi scolded himself in his heart: What's wrong with you, people are family people, why are you so unproductive! He twisted his own thighs himself. It was only with this twist that his thoughts were cut off, and he sat up suddenly.

The sky was already dark, and the roosters and dogs in the village could be heard. He hurried up, because today he was going to choose a place to support the red furnace and set up the blacksmith's furnace.

Zhang Qiangzi moved to the old cypress tree at the head of the village, and looked around: the old cypress tree has the best stove, shade, and bright, close to the garden house, and is the only place for the stone castle to enter and exit, and the people in the village come to make iron tools, which is very convenient.

Once the location was chosen, he began to spread out the stove. At this time, the men of the village began to go out of the village, and when they passed under the old cypress tree, they all looked at him strangely as a stranger. After a while, an old man in his sixties came over in a hurry, he had a long beard, a melon-skin hat, a thin long silk shirt with a thin footcap, a collarless multi-button cardigan, and a civilized stick, his eyes were blazing, and he looked very majestic. When he saw the box, he said, "You are the one who came here last night?" ”

Seeing that the person who came was extraordinary, Zhang Jiuzi hurriedly saluted and said carefully: "Yes, old man, I will come to your treasure land, beat iron, and eat with food." ”

This old man is none other than Luan Wenzhai, the chief of the stone castle. Last night, someone reported to him that there was an ironsmith in the village, and he was worried that the ironman would prop up the red furnace under the old cypress tree at the head of the village. So, I came to the village early in the morning.

Seeing that there were a lot of courtesies in the box, and he was also a kind person on his face, the majesty suddenly turned into kindness, and asked softly: "Where did you come from?" What is your name? He replied, "Old man, I am from Shixia Village, fifty miles away, and my name is Zhang Jiaozi." Luan Zhuang nodded and said: "We are really short of iron-striking here, but this old cypress tree cannot be built under the furnace, this is the tree planted by the first generation of our ancestors four hundred years ago." ”

However, this Luan Zhuang chief also felt that it was the best place to install a blacksmith furnace at the head of the village, so he looked around, found a proud position, and said to Zhang Box: "I think, you can build a blacksmith shed against the wall of the west courtyard of the Niujiachang Garden House." ”

Zhang took a look at it and felt that it was better, it was closer to the field garden house, and it was more convenient to take a guy. But he's a newcomer, so how can he build this shed! The old chief saw his thoughts and said, "Child, don't worry about building a shed, I'll call someone to help you build it later." ”

After this Luan Zhuang finished speaking, he entered the village. In a short time many people came, some carrying sticks, some carrying branches, some carrying broken mats. Everyone set up the blacksmith's shed with all their hands. Now, under the old cypress tree, there are more and more people watching the excitement, there are old people, women, and children, everyone is pointing and scratching, chattering, all there to see the fresh.

Zhang Jiaozi was striking iron in Shixia Village, and he had never seen such a lively scene, so he didn't dare to look up, and only cared about cleaning up the debris and soil and stones in the shed. After a while, I suddenly heard a woman's voice: "Ouch, where did this strong man come from, he looks so porcelain, you look at these arms and legs, they are so strong, tsk, they are happy with that person." Everyone laughed. This woman is none other than Pan Danizi, the famous "fox spirit" in the village. This Pan Dani has a long willow thin waist, thin lips and phoenix eyes, and likes to tease men and tell jokes on weekdays.

Zhang Jiuzi listened to Pan Dani's sour and seductive teasing words, and he didn't dare to raise his head. When Zhang Zhizi was feeling ashamed, he heard the words of the young lady of the landlord: "Pan Danizi, what are you talking about, he is a guest in our family's garden house, and you are not allowed to bully him in the future." As she spoke, the young woman came to Zhang Boxzi and said, "Big brother, I will put water and rice in the house for you, and then set up the stove after eating." A warm feeling in his heart spread throughout his body, and he raised his head to meet the young woman's eyes.

Within a short distance, the light of the four eyes converged like lightning, and the fiery feelings of the two penetrated into each other's eyes, and this was just a flash of time. Their eyes flashed, and they both lowered their heads at the same time. At this time, Zhang box's nose inhaled an aroma that he had never smelled before, and he asked himself: Is this feminine? Liu Juhua also caught the smell of mud and sweat on the man who had not been smelled for many years. Zhang Box's half-ringing voice replied: "Well." Then he turned and went down the wall into the garden house for breakfast.

This short scene was seen by the men and women under the old cypress tree. "Fox Spirit" Pan Danizi looked at the intimacy between Liu Juhua and Zhang Jiaozi, and was jealous, and scolded Liu Juhua: "Liu Juhua, you are a prodigal goods." When you see this strong man, you can't even pull out your legs. Then he stretched the corners of his clothes with both hands and walked away with a big buttocks.

Pan Danizi scolded Liu Juhua for being a "prodigal goods" with her own basis. Liu Juhua has been widowed for more than three years, and the singles in the village have harassed her. Just said that Bu Da Ear, three days and two heads went to the village to wander, saw Liu Chrysanthemum come back from the ground, he was courteous, and was always stared away by Liu Chrysanthemum. Sometimes, when I was bumped into by women who chewed their tongues such as Pan Danizi, they added fuel and vinegar to joke.

When everyone saw that the show was over, they all dispersed. Liu Juhua then cleaned up the blacksmith's shed, swept the ground, brought a few buckets of water from the creek, sprinkled a layer of water inside and out of the blacksmith's shed, and took wheat bran from the garden and sprinkled it on the wet field. In this way, all the floating soil is suppressed.

After Liu Juhua cleaned up, Zhang Box finished breakfast. Seeing this, Zhang Boxzi was so happy that he couldn't do it, he looked at the people around him, and only then did he dare to talk to Liu Juhua: "Sister-in-law, you help me so much, I'm really sorry, thank you." Liu Juhua heard Zhang Jiuzi's first complete sentence to herself, thinking that this strong man looked naïve, but she didn't expect to be very good at talking, so she immediately responded: "You come out to eat alone, and you are not familiar with life, it is not easy." Liu Juhua looked at the black and red face of the box, and said, "I don't have much work to do in the field today, so I'll help you put up the stove." ”

Liu Juhua said, and reached out to carry those iron guys. Zhang Jiuzi hurriedly stopped it and said, "These iron things are very heavy, don't prick your hand, I'll do it myself." Liu Juhua said: "How can I be so delicate, after the death of the child's father, I do all the work in the field, and I have energy!" Besides, when I was in my parents' house, my father and my brother taught me kung fu. As she spoke, Liu Juhua lifted the anvil weighing dozens of catties from the ground at once, and moved it to the blacksmith shed with very strong steps.

After listening to Liu Juhua's words, Zhang Zhizi knew that the landlord and young woman had no man, and his face was sad for a while. Liu Juhua saw that the strong man's face was heavy and stopped squeaking, knowing that his heart was still quite small, so she said again: "Life has to be lived, for the sake of the two children, I must also insist on living." Zhang Boxzi then answered: "Yes, my mother also said that there is no endless road to heaven, and there will be blessings after great suffering." "In this way, you broke the deadlock with every word you said.

Liu Juhua saw that Zhang Box's face was happy, so she took the opportunity to ask, "Big brother, how old are you this year?" Got married, right? Zhang replied: "Twenty-seven years old, a cow, still a bachelor." Liu Juhua saw that Zhang Boxzi was very humorous, so she smiled and said: "It's really fate, you belong to the cow, and my mother-in-law's surname is Niu." I am three years older than you, my maiden name is Liu, my name is Liu Chrysanthemum, and you will call me Chrysanthemum sister-in-law in the future. ”

Zhang Boxzi was also busy introducing himself and said: "My name is Zhang Box, nothing else, just have strength, you can call me Box in the future, there is tired work at home in the field, I will help you do it." The two men were talking to each other, and two children, a man and a woman, came running over. The boy said, "Mother, my sister and I went to school." Liu Juhua said: "Listen to Mr. Zhu's words carefully." The girl replied sharply, "Got it." "I ran away in a puff of smoke. Liu Juhua said to Zhang Box: "This is my pair of children. Zhang looked at the two lively and lovely children, and unconsciously liked it.

Men and women match, work without getting tired. It didn't take long for the blacksmith's furnace to be ready. Liu Juhua pulled up the wind box and tried the wind, and the wind was very strong. Zhang Jiuzi picked up a small hammer and tried to knock on the anvil to hear if it was the original sound. He knew that his uncle had told him that he must first try whether the sound of the anvil is the original sound, such as the original sound, indicating that the anvil and the rootstock are firmly connected, and the rootstock and the earth are also connected as one, so that the furnace can be opened to strike iron. If the original sound is not used, it means that the installation is not firm, the furnace cannot be opened, and it needs to be reinstalled. Thinking of his uncle's words, Zhang raised his hammer and was about to try it, when suddenly a big foot reached over and knocked his blacksmith's anvil down.

Zhang Bozi was stunned for a moment, and when he turned his head, a hideous-looking man looked at him and said, "Who told you to build a blacksmith's furnace here?" ”

Find out what's next, and listen to the next breakdown!


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