
After taking the baby for a week, my daughter-in-law lost 50,000 yuan, and my son's words made me decisively call the police

author:Blaze in the headlines
After taking the baby for a week, my daughter-in-law lost 50,000 yuan, and my son's words made me decisively call the police

1. Unexpected visits, mixed blessings

On the weekend before the Qingming Festival, I received a call from my son Xiaoyu.

"Mom, can you come and help us take care of the children for a few days? Xiaomei has been too busy with work lately, and we really don't have the skills. "

When I heard my son's request, I was both happy and worried. I'm happy that I finally have the opportunity to get along with my cute little grandson, but I'm worried that my relationship with my daughter-in-law Xiaomei has not been very good.

After hesitating for a while, I agreed. After all, my grandson is my heart, and I can't ask for more time to spend more time with him.

After packing my bags, I got on the high-speed train to my son's house. Along the way, I kept thinking about how to get along with my daughter-in-law, hoping that this time would improve our relationship.

When I arrived at my son's house, Xiaoyu and Xiaomei warmly received me. Seeing them busy, I secretly made up my mind to help them and not cause them trouble.

Second, with a baby daily, accidents are frequent

The days with my grandchildren were much harder than I thought.

The three-year-old is so energetic that he can't stop for a moment. I ran after him every day, for fear that he would bump into him. Sometimes I can't get busy, and I accidentally knock things over.

What gives me even more headache is that the little guy is a picky eater. I cook meals, he always doesn't want to eat. Once, when I tried so hard to make fish soup, he didn't want to taste a bite.

"Grandma, I don't want to drink fish soup, I want to eat KFC!" The little guy pouted.

I coaxed him for a long time, but he still refused to eat. In desperation, I had to promise to take him to KFC next time.

After a few days like this, I felt like I was about to break down. But seeing the innocent smile of the little guy, I felt that everything was worth it.

After taking the baby for a week, my daughter-in-law lost 50,000 yuan, and my son's words made me decisively call the police

3. Accidental loss of money and escalation of contradictions

Just when I thought everything was slowly getting better, the unexpected happened.

That night, Xiaomei came back from work with a very bad face. She rushed straight to me and asked, "Auntie, did you see the money I put on the bedside table?" "

I was at a loss, "What money?" I didn't see it. "

Xiaomei was so anxious that she stomped her feet, "The 50,000 yuan I put there is gone!" No one has ever come into our bedroom but you! "

When I heard this, I instantly felt like the world was spinning. 50,000 yuan, that's not a small amount. I hurriedly explained: "Xiaomei, I really didn't take your money. I don't even get into your bedroom. "

Xiaomei obviously didn't believe my explanation, she said coldly: "That money won't run away by itself, right?" "

I was so aggrieved that I was about to cry. Although I am not rich, I have never stolen from others. It's not easy to help take care of the children this time, but I didn't expect to have to carry this kind of black pot.

Just when Xiaomei and I were at a stalemate, Xiaoyu came back.

Fourth, the truth is revealed and misunderstandings are resolved

Xiao Yu heard what happened, first calmed down the emotional Xiaomei, and then turned to me and said, "Mom, don't worry, let's calm down and think about it first." "

He thought for a moment, and suddenly said something that surprised me: "Let's call the police." "

When I heard this, I panicked: "Call the police? Xiaoyu, do you doubt me too? "

Xiao Yu shook his head and said, "Mom, I believe in you." But calling the police can help us find out the truth. If it was really a thief, the police could help us find evidence. If... If it's really you who took it, it can also give you back your innocence. "

Listening to my son's words, I was moved in my heart. Although facing a loss of 50,000 yuan, he still chose to believe me. I immediately agreed to call the police.

The police soon came. They carefully surveyed the site and asked each of us about the situation. Just when we thought we were going to go back in vain, an unexpected discovery stunned everyone.

It turned out that the 50,000 yuan was hidden by the naughty little guy! He hid the money in his favorite toy box and covered it with blocks.

When the police took out the money from the toy box, the little guy innocently said, "This is the treasure I have hidden!" "

At this moment, all of us couldn't help but laugh and cry.

After taking the baby for a week, my daughter-in-law lost 50,000 yuan, and my son's words made me decisively call the police

Fifth, turn hostility into jade silk and harvest warmth

Although the matter is resolved, the embarrassment between me and Xiaomei is still there.

Just as I was about to pack my bags and go home, Xiaomei suddenly stopped me.

"Auntie, I'm sorry." Xiaomei said with red eyes, "I shouldn't have doubted you so arbitrarily. This incident made me realize that there was a lack of communication and trust between us. "

When I listened, my heart warmed. I patted her hand and said, "Silly boy, we're all at fault. In the future, we will communicate more and understand each other more. "

Xiao Yu added on the side: "Yes, although this incident is thrilling, it also makes us know how to cherish each other more." Mom, you have to come often in the future, and our family has to get together often. "

Hearing my son's words, I couldn't help but redden. The accident was thrilling, but it made our relationship even closer.

Since then, my relationship with Xiaomei has improved significantly. We often talk on the phone and share interesting things in our lives. Xiaomei also invited me to her house from time to time to take care of the little one together.

This experience taught me that the most important thing for family members is trust and communication. As long as we think in one place, no matter how big the misunderstanding is, it can be resolved.

And the naughty little guy also took a vivid financial lesson because of this "hidden treasure" incident. Xiaoyu and Xiaomei began to teach him the value of money and cultivate his correct view of money.

Life is like this, there is sunshine and haze. But as long as we work together, there is no hurdle that cannot be overcome. This accident not only did not separate us, but brought our hearts closer and closer.

Now, whenever I think about it, I feel a warm current in my heart. Because I know that in this world, there is a family that will always trust me and support me, and this is the greatest happiness.

After taking the baby for a week, my daughter-in-law lost 50,000 yuan, and my son's words made me decisively call the police