
The son of a football celebrity: My father told me not to be like him! It's so hard to play football in China!

author:Big cars chase sports
The son of a football celebrity: My father told me not to be like him! It's so hard to play football in China!

After a one-round victory at Wimbledon, Zhang's choice sparked heated discussions

After Zhang's historic victory at Wimbledon, he was interviewed by Tennis Channel. The choice of this Chinese tennis rookie to give up football has made people think deeply: why are more and more talented athletes giving up football and choosing tennis instead?

Zhang Zhizhen is not without a football background. His father, Zhang Weihua, was a member of Chinese professional football, playing for the sports team of the A-League and a number of domestic clubs such as Shanghai Dongya, Guangzhou Songri and Qingdao Manatee. Over the years, Zhang Zhizhen admitted in interviews that he chose tennis not because he had no interest in football, but because he saw the real challenges in the football environment. He pointed out that the development of football in China is constrained by many factors, such as the lack of open school venues, limited training resources, and the gap in competition level compared with other countries.

The son of a football celebrity: My father told me not to be like him! It's so hard to play football in China!

In the interview, netizens expressed their opinions on Zhang Zhizhen's choice of tennis. A netizen "football enthusiast" believes that there are indeed problems in China's football environment: "School football fields are not open enough, and many potential children cannot get enough training opportunities. Another "tennis fan" expressed understanding and support for Zhang's decision: "Tennis does give him more opportunities to take control of his career, which can be more difficult in football. ”

Zhang Zhizhen also mentioned that his father gave support and encouragement to his choice. Zhang Weihua believes that football relies on teamwork, while tennis focuses more on individual technical and tactical decisions, which allows him to choose his own path in his competitive career. This point also caused netizens to think deeply. "Fan Pony" commented on social platforms: "Zhang Zhizhen's choice reflects the shortcomings of Chinese football in the training system, and I hope that the Football Association can pay attention to the development of grassroots football." ”

Zhang Zhizhen was full of firepower, whether it was a forehand, a backhand or a serve, he showed a very good performance, and often made me feel very uncomfortable. The games he won were really good. In contrast, he probably prefers the feel of a hard court, and I guess he grew up on such a court. This kind of self-effacing performance makes people think about his growth background and training experience.

The son of a football celebrity: My father told me not to be like him! It's so hard to play football in China!

On social media, netizens also had a heated discussion about Zhang Zhizhen's performance. A netizen "tennis observer" said in the comments: "Zhang Zhizhen's performance today is really eye-catching, and his adaptability on hard courts is impressive. This view reflects an affirmation of his technical adaptability, and the belief that hard courts may be more comfortable for him.

Another "tennis fan" shared his feelings: "Seeing Zhang Zhizhen's comfortable performance on the court, I think he is not only technically excellent, but also has an in-depth understanding of the playing field. Maybe he does have more training time and experience on hard courts. This perception underscores Zhang's psychological strength and familiarity with the venue during the game.

When comparing Zhang Zhizhen's performance on different courts, another netizen "tennis enthusiast" put forward his own opinion: "There is indeed a big difference between clay and hard courts, and it is a challenge for every player. Zhang may have been better on hard courts, but he also had good performances on clay. Hopefully he can play well on different courts. "This objective commentary demonstrates an understanding of the challenges of different venues and looks forward to his future progress in different competitions.

Zhang Zhizhen's father, Zhang Weihua, also gave support and understanding to his choice in an interview. He said: "Zhang Zhizhen has a lot of potential in the field of tennis, and I support him in choosing his favorite sport. This kind of family support is not only a support for Zhang's personal career, but also a recognition of his growth and development direction.

The son of a football celebrity: My father told me not to be like him! It's so hard to play football in China!

As for the future outlook of Chinese football, netizens generally expressed their expectations for improving the existing training system. "Football Observer" believes: "With the emphasis on the development of sports in society, it is hoped that more football training venues and opportunities can be provided for young people. "Youth Coach Mr. Zhang" pointed out: "We need more talented and determined young players like Zhang Zhizhen, who can bring new hope to China in the field of football." ”

Behind this choice, it reflects the real problems of China's football environment. The school's football pitch is not open and it is impossible to continue training after school, which is a major obstacle to the development of young players. Many fans and experts have expressed concern about China's football development system, which still needs to be improved in terms of providing opportunities and environment.

The decision by Zhang Weihua and other football celebrities, such as Shang Yi, to choose their children to play tennis instead of football has sparked a deep public reflection on the future of Chinese football. These seniors in the football industry are well aware of the practical challenges of Chinese football in the cultivation and development of grassroots football. They are not only former stadium heroes, but also representatives of deep concern about the current state of Chinese football.

During his career, Zhang Weihua has played for a number of clubs in the A-League, such as Shanghai Dongya, Guangzhou Songri and Qingdao Manatee, showing excellent defensive skills and leadership. However, his support for his children's choice of tennis reflects the practical problems facing Chinese football today. He is well aware that the inadequacy and development space of China's football training system forced him to make this decision.

The son of a football celebrity: My father told me not to be like him! It's so hard to play football in China!

Similarly, Shang Yi, as a representative figure in Chinese football, his children also chose tennis. This phenomenon is not only a reflection of individual choices, but also a silent protest against the current state of football development in China. They hope to see Chinese football achieve new breakthroughs in basic youth training and competitive level, and provide a better development platform for more talented young people.

The decisions of these football legends have sparked widespread discussion and reflection on social media and the sports world. In the comments, netizens expressed their concerns and expectations about the current situation of Chinese football. A netizen named "Fan Xiaolong" wrote: "Seeing these football heroes choose to let their children play tennis, I think Chinese football does have a lot to improve, especially in the cultivation of grassroots football." His remarks have been praised and resonated by many netizens, showing the general concern and appeal of the society for the development of Chinese football.

At the same time, some netizens "Football Observer" put forward specific suggestions: "Chinese football needs to pay more attention to the basic training of young people, provide more venues and resources, so as to cultivate more players like Shang Yi and Zhang Weihua." His views reflect the urgent need to improve the football development system, hoping to create a better environment and opportunities for young and talented talents.

Therefore, the choice of Zhang Zhizhen and his father is not only a personal career path decision, but also a microcosm of the current situation of Chinese football. As time goes by, we look forward to seeing new changes in Chinese football, allowing more talented athletes like Zhang Zhizhen to shine in their favorite fields.

The son of a football celebrity: My father told me not to be like him! It's so hard to play football in China!

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