
After the guard returned to the dormitory with his fiancée in 42, he committed suicide with a gun, Peng Dehuai: Thoroughly investigate that he saved me

author:Darcy loves to share

After the guard and his fiancée returned to the dormitory in 42, they committed suicide with a gun, Peng Dehuai: thoroughly investigate that he saved me, the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, a gunshot shook the earth, it turned out to be Marshal Peng Dehuai's personal guard Wang Manxin committed suicide without explanation. The next scene is even more incredible: Wang Manxin's fiancée Mei Fang is a notorious traitor spy who wants to put Peng Dehuai to death! What's going on here?

After the guard returned to the dormitory with his fiancée in 42, he committed suicide with a gun, Peng Dehuai: Thoroughly investigate that he saved me

On the winter night of 1942, the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army in the hinterland of Taihang Mountain was particularly quiet. The boys were chatting in the dormitory when suddenly a gunshot sounded like thunder, startling everyone. When I arrived at the scene, it turned out that the young guard Wang Manxin had died, bleeding from his head and holding a gun in his hand. His fiancée, Mei Fang, burst into tears, her body trembled, and her mouth was babbling nonsense.

After the guard returned to the dormitory with his fiancée in 42, he committed suicide with a gun, Peng Dehuai: Thoroughly investigate that he saved me

Marshal Peng Dehuai was immediately furious, Wang Manxin had saved his life, he must not die in such a daze, and he must thoroughly investigate and find out. Yang Qiqing, the combat hero, accepted the mission and immediately launched a secret investigation.

Soon, Mei Fang's feet were exposed. She used to cry and cry, but three days later she suddenly went out, her whereabouts were strange, and she secretly connected with a young man. Yang Qiqing took a peek and found that the two of them had a Japanese book hidden in their hands, which was actually a tool for Japanese agents to exchange codes!

After the guard returned to the dormitory with his fiancée in 42, he committed suicide with a gun, Peng Dehuai: Thoroughly investigate that he saved me

Under the interrogation, the young man did everything he could, and Mei Fang even confessed the shocking truth: she was originally a country girl with a simple nature. But once upon a time, when the Japanese invaders swept her hometown, she was coerced to act as a traitor, and went deep into the Eighth Route Army to assassinate Peng Dehuai in exchange for a bounty for her superiors.

After the guard returned to the dormitory with his fiancée in 42, he committed suicide with a gun, Peng Dehuai: Thoroughly investigate that he saved me

But Mei Fang didn't expect that Wang Manxin was a tough guy who would not betray him even if he died. That night, Mei Fang actually said rebellious things to him, tempting him to go to Tokyo with him viciously to eat and drink, leaving behind the impoverished Eighth Route Army. Wang Manxin was furious when he heard this, and slapped Mei Fang. Mei Fang bit back angrily, saying that Wang Manxin had forced her to fornicate, and she wanted to sue him for framing him.

Seeing that the conspiracy was revealed, Mei Fang instigated Wang Manxin to commit suicide, but she didn't want Wang Manxin to simply raise a gun and die. This angry move made Mei Fang also frightened.

After the guard returned to the dormitory with his fiancée in 42, he committed suicide with a gun, Peng Dehuai: Thoroughly investigate that he saved me

During the interrogation, Mei Fang recounted the painful experience of being coerced into being a servant. In that year's sweep, the Japanese invaders drove the villagers to the drying field, and someone deliberately framed Mei Fang for harboring the Eighth Route Army, although Mei Fang's defense was useless, she was still punched and kicked. Just when Mei Fang thought that she was going to die in Huangquan, a Japanese officer took a fancy to her and took her as a prostitute. Mei Fang didn't want to be a ghost, so she had to act as a spy and lurk inside the Eighth Route Army.

After the guard returned to the dormitory with his fiancée in 42, he committed suicide with a gun, Peng Dehuai: Thoroughly investigate that he saved me

Wang Manxin's suicide made Mei Fang suddenly wake up and awaken her conscience. She realized that it was forgivable to tempt Wang Manxin to betray her ideals, but it was an unforgivable crime to murder her life-saving benefactor Peng Dehuai. She took the initiative to confide in all her crimes and expressed her willingness to atone for her sins and serve the just cause of the nation. Hearing this, Peng Dehuai sighed, ordered someone to deal with Mei Fang leniently, and told her never to betray the party, and to always be vigilant.

After the guard returned to the dormitory with his fiancée in 42, he committed suicide with a gun, Peng Dehuai: Thoroughly investigate that he saved me

Although the incident is dramatic, it is irrefutable evidence of blood and tears. It warns us that even the closest people can become spies with hidden murder motives; Everyone's destiny and future are in their own hands, and we must always be cautious and not be tempted by wealth. Let us, like Wang Manxin, maintain unswerving loyalty to the ideal cause and defend peace and justice with ironclad determination#头条首发大赛! #