
Pokémon Special Chapter The power ranking of the protagonists of the past dynasties, can Ash beat the crowd?

author:Anime lovers

There are many protagonists with different personalities in the Pokémon special manga, many of whom are powerful, and there are even some protagonists who can control multiple legendary Pokémon to fight, and their strength is better than that of the anime version of Ash. Let's start with the rankings.

Pokémon Special Chapter The power ranking of the protagonists of the past dynasties, can Ash beat the crowd?

NO.11 Christael (Crystal)

Pokémon Special Chapter The power ranking of the protagonists of the past dynasties, can Ash beat the crowd?

Crystal is the one who captures, and no one is invincible in the ability to capture, but there is no achievement in the Pokémon battle, and he failed to capture the water king in the scorched tower, and it is also in the case of the water king's release, compared to the situation of Xiaozhi (Crimson) to capture Mewtwo, the strength of the two is significantly different, and in the "gold, silver, crystal" chapter as the third protagonist, there is no single record, in the battle tournament, Christal lost to Blue in the first round, so the strength ranks first from the bottom.

Crystal's Pokémon lineup: Dachiranium (525) Pyrast (405) Caracalla (320) Kuaiken Lang (455) Natural Bird (470) Wind Speed Dog (555)

NO.10 blue (small blue)

Pokémon Special Chapter The power ranking of the protagonists of the past dynasties, can Ash beat the crowd?

Although Blue is the original owner of the Illustrated Book, her combat talent is not strong among the many Illustrated Book owners, she is best at tactics to "confuse" the opponent, and win under the opponent's relaxed vigilance, the ability to face up to the head is only slightly stronger than Christal, the Blue Pokémon strike surface is very average, and the battle can only be won by tricks, and there is no possibility of winning in the face of opponents with hard power.

Record: Defeated Crimson, Dr. Oki, Rika Blossom, Daiochhis, Kamen Man, Thatch

Victory: Sneak attack on careless Kona, victory over Christal in the tournament

Blue Pokémon Lineup: Fat Ding (270), Super Blastoise (630), Changeling (288), Picoxi (435), Queen Nido (505), Blue Emperor (450)


Pokémon Special Chapter The power ranking of the protagonists of the past dynasties, can Ash beat the crowd?

Silver is the son of Sakaki's boss.,Studied under the masked man.,But silver escaped from the control of the masked man with Bilan when he was 6 years old.,So silver and have been completely systematically trained.,Although the later progress is great.,But because the shadow in his childhood is too big.,His ceiling is not high.,It's just a relatively mediocre level among the many illustrated owners.,The opponents who defeated are basically nameless characters.,Although his strength was greater than that of Xiaojin in the early days.,But Xiaojin was still a newcomer at that time.,Xiaojin's strength in the later period progressed rapidly., And the Pokémon lineup is also stronger than Silver.

Record: Defeated by Kamen Man, Kazuki, Rika , Thatch, Ryub (Kamen Man), Lambda, Athena, Lance,

Victory: Rookie Kim, Kaz, Team Rocket Remnant, Kazuki, Lambda

Silver Pokémon lineup: Mahula, Mighty Crocodile, Raven Head, Thorn Dragon King, Red Tyrannosaurus, Ring Bear, Bangiras


Pokémon Special Chapter The power ranking of the protagonists of the past dynasties, can Ash beat the crowd?

Mirat doesn't like Pokémon, she just likes Pokémon battles, so when measuring her strength, she can't be analyzed from her Pokémon team, but she can get the last symbol in the contestants of the Dome and successfully dominate the battle development area.

NO.7 Shafiya

Pokémon Special Chapter The power ranking of the protagonists of the past dynasties, can Ash beat the crowd?

Although Safiya is pursuing the strongest power of Pokémon, her talent is only at a medium level among many Pokémon bestiary owners, compared to her boyfriend Ruby, Ruby is a genius, Safia is an acquired effort, Ruby only needs to have a "will to fight" situation, even if she does not fight for a long time, she is still much stronger than Safia, this is the gap in talent, although Safia got eight gym badges, but in the final battle against Chisato, Chisa just came back from the dead and released water, Safia barely defeated Chisari, All I can say about Shafiya is that she works very hard, but her mediocre talent means that her ceiling is not very high.

Record: Defeated Cuckoo, Fujiki, Naki, Kaede, Minami, Chisato (release water)

Defeated: Fire Goose, Naki, Red Flame Pine, Water Sycamore, Hills, Ruby

Pokémon lineup: Bosco Dora, Super Flame Chicken, Dunjia, Tropical Dragon, Super Eluredo, Howler Whale King


Pokémon Special Chapter The power ranking of the protagonists of the past dynasties, can Ash beat the crowd?

The main reason why Xiao Jin can't beat Silver in the early stage is: he has not received orthodox Pokémon battle training, compared to Yin, Xiao Jin is just a wild way, but Xiao Jin has grown up very quickly after having the Illustrated Book, and the power of the Pokémon hatched by Xiao Jin is extremely strong, which invisibly enhances his hard power, after the Kamen Man incident, he went to Silver Mountain with his predecessor Crimson to practice, and the strength of the follow-up work Xiao Jin has reached a higher level when he appears again, At this time, Xiao Jin has surpassed Silver in both the Pokémon lineup and the quality of the battle, although he is not as good as his predecessor Crimson, but his potential is huge.

Record: Defeated Team Rocket's remnants, Parenting Pokémon, Kaz, Sham, Lyuber,

Defeated: Kamen Man, Xiao Yin, Liu Bo

Pokémon lineup: Twin-tailed Monster Hand, Mosquito Frog Emperor, Fire Storm Beast, Pokkiss, Tree, Giant Winged Flying Fish, Iron Cannon Fish, Pichu


Pokémon Special Chapter The power ranking of the protagonists of the past dynasties, can Ash beat the crowd?

Green (Xiao Mao) ranked fifth may be a lot of people who don't understand, after all, Green is Ash's (Crimson) rival, the owner of the original Pokédex, the runner-up of the Pokémon Alliance, but the first four people are really too "BUG", so the second in 10,000 years can only rank fifth this time, Green has been stronger than Ash (Crimson) before having the Pokédex, but Crimson began to awaken the soul of battle after obtaining the Pokédex, so Green has never been able to defeat Ash (Crimson), But Teal has an overwhelming advantage over other Bestiary owners, Teal is not only experienced in battle, but the depth of the Pokémon lineup is also the best among the protagonists of the past, after all, it is a person cultivated by Pokémon, and the only flaw is the lack of ability to fight hard, and there is no record of defeating the boss alone.

Teal (Xiaomao) Pokémon lineup: Super Charizard Y, Giant Pincer Mantis, Super Armor Rhino, Three-D Dragon II., Gotha Duck, Monster Power, Nine-Tails, Dabi Bird, Coconut Egg Tree, Hudi, Wind Speed Dog

NO.4 Xiao Huang (Xiao Huang Dai Tokiwa Lilac)

Pokémon Special Chapter The power ranking of the protagonists of the past dynasties, can Ash beat the crowd?

When Xiao Huang has no will to fight, his ability is mediocre, and he is basically the most vegetable protagonist in the past dynasties, but when Xiao Huang is serious, she can improve the ability of Pokémon through her own willpower, which is equivalent to the effect of Pokémon power increase, even the head of the Four Heavenly Kings has suffered losses when fighting against Xiao Huang, and the Three Beasts Thatch and others dare not fight against it, and Thatch thinks that the battle with Xiao Huang will be defeated, if you want to say that Xiao Huang has any shortcomings, that is, she usually doesn't like Pokémon battles, Compared to other bestiary owners, Xiao Huang is basically a bad player, and his Pokémon ability can't keep up with those hard-working players.

Pokémon lineup: Pikachu, Ba Da Die, Spiky Ammonitemon, Rumble Rock, Lada, Duduli

NO.3 road ratio

Pokémon Special Chapter The power ranking of the protagonists of the past dynasties, can Ash beat the crowd?

Ruby is the son of Chisato Chisato, the strongest gym owner in the Hoenn region, Lubi has a higher Pokémon battle talent than Chisato, even if he doesn't fight Pokémon for a long time, as long as he is a little serious, he can crush a lot of bestiary owners, this is an innate talent, Safiya trains hard every day, but there is still a world of difference with Rubi, and the battle talent is not an acquired effort that can be made up, and Rubi can also freely manipulate the legendary Pokémon, like Sherabi, Red and Blue Water, Split Sky Seat, etc., to say what flaws Rubi has, Ruby's ambition is not to fight against Pokémon, he is dedicated to the Pokémon Gorgeous Competition, it can be said that his talent is not used on the right path, so his strength can only be ranked third.

Pokémon lineup: Big Wolf Dog, Graceful Cat, Giant Swamp Monster, Menas, Shanaido, Negative Pat, Weather Kid, Sherabi

NO.2 Aix

Pokémon Special Chapter The power ranking of the protagonists of the past dynasties, can Ash beat the crowd?

If you want to say which protagonist can compete with Crimson for the name of the strongest protagonist, only Ax can, Ax borrows Huayi, Karunai, Green, Kernie and his own keystone and evolution ring, so that he can make his own Thyzour, Charizard, Thundermon, Geng, Kairos Mega evolution, Aix's five Pokémon super evolution after the race value reaches 590, 634, 575, 600, 600, which is equivalent to Ax has 5 quasi-god-level Pokémon, in X· In the Y chapter, Ax commands 5 super evolved Pokémon to defeat Vladali, who controls Kigeld, and the Ax Pokémon team is the most luxurious lineup of the protagonists of the special chapter.

Pokémon lineup: Thysmansian, Charizard, Raidimon, Genga, Kairos, Kalibron

Pokémon Special Chapter The power ranking of the protagonists of the past dynasties, can Ash beat the crowd?

NO.1 Ash (Crimson)

Notes: The original manga was translated Crimson even Ash

Pokémon Special Chapter The power ranking of the protagonists of the past dynasties, can Ash beat the crowd?

Although Ash (Crimson)'s Pokémon lineup is not the strongest, and his talent is not necessarily stronger than the protagonists of previous generations, but Crimson wins in the will to fight, Ash (Crimson) travels with the goal of becoming the ultimate Pokémon trainer, Ash (Crimson) won the championship in the first league tournament and became the "youngest" league champion, and still continues to improve the strength of himself and Pokémon in follow-up works, Ash (Crimson) has an amazing talent for fighting, often defeating the strong with the weak in the battle, and quickly formulating a battle strategy, According to the scene environment, it can respond quickly and quickly, so Ash (Crimson) can always turn the tables in the headwind, Ash (Crimson) has the ability to command the legendary Pokémon (Mewtwo, Daiochisis) to fight, if you take the peak of the protagonist's combat power in the past dynasties, Ash (Crimson) can be ranked first.

Pokémon Special Chapter The power ranking of the protagonists of the past dynasties, can Ash beat the crowd?

Record: Defeated Sakaki, Chakra, Pokémon of the Pokémon Association, Green (Xiaomao), Mewtwo, Ju, Ma Zhishi, Team Rocket's men, Azure, and Xiaogang

Pokémon lineup: Super Frog Flower, Fossil Pterodactyl, Mosquito Coil, Pikachu, Kirbymon, Sun Eevee, Tyrannosaurus, Mewtwo, Daiochishi

Pokémon Special Chapter The power ranking of the protagonists of the past dynasties, can Ash beat the crowd?