
Whether the child is biological or not, just look at the blood type to understand, collect it and take a look

author:That Man in Oman
Whether the child is biological or not, just look at the blood type to understand, collect it and take a look
Whether the child is biological or not, just look at the blood type to understand, collect it and take a look
Whether the child is biological or not, just look at the blood type to understand, collect it and take a look
Whether the child is biological or not, just look at the blood type to understand, collect it and take a look
Whether the child is biological or not, just look at the blood type to understand, collect it and take a look
Whether the child is biological or not, just look at the blood type to understand, collect it and take a look
Whether the child is biological or not, just look at the blood type to understand, collect it and take a look
Whether the child is biological or not, just look at the blood type to understand, collect it and take a look
Whether the child is biological or not, just look at the blood type to understand, collect it and take a look
Whether the child is biological or not, just look at the blood type to understand, collect it and take a look
Whether the child is biological or not, just look at the blood type to understand, collect it and take a look
Whether the child is biological or not, just look at the blood type to understand, collect it and take a look
Whether the child is biological or not, just look at the blood type to understand, collect it and take a look
Whether the child is biological or not, just look at the blood type to understand, collect it and take a look
Whether the child is biological or not, just look at the blood type to understand, collect it and take a look
Whether the child is biological or not, just look at the blood type to understand, collect it and take a look

In the prosperous era of the Tang Dynasty, there was a young man named Li Xiaobai, who lived in a warm and ordinary family, and had a son with his wife Lin Wan'er, whose nickname was Xiaobao. However, as Xiaobao grew up, some gossip in the neighborhood quietly surged like an undercurrent, causing ripples in Li Xiaobai's heart.

"Did you hear that? The child of the Li family doesn't look like his father and mother. ”

"Yes, I've noticed too, this blood type is really a mystery."

These unintentional words, like a sharp blade, inadvertently stabbed Li Xiaobai's heart. At that time, when science was not yet enlightened, people's understanding of heredity and blood type was still quite limited, but ancient methods such as "blood recognition" were deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and became an inexplicable "evidence".

Li Xiaobai is not an ignorant person, he knows that Xiaobao's life history cannot be determined by appearance or gossip alone. But in the dead of night, when he looked at Xiaobao's sleeping face, there would always be an indescribable emotion in his heart. "Do I really want to doubt my own flesh and blood because of these nonsense?" He asked himself countless times, but he never found the answer.

Chapter 1: Doubts emerge and family undercurrents emerge

One day, Li Xiaobai met a doctor who traveled all over the world in the market, and the other party talked extraordinarily and had insights into medical skills and pharmacology. During the chat, Li Xiaobai couldn't help but pour out the doubts in his heart.

"Healer, do you think there is really a way to recognize relatives by dropping blood in this world? Can paternity be determined by blood type alone? ”

Hearing this, the healer smiled slightly and shook his head. "The theory of blood type is the essence of Western medicine, and it has only been a few years since it was introduced to the Central Plains, and there are many misunderstandings among the people. Although blood type is related to genetics, it is too hasty to determine paternity based on this alone. ”

After Li Xiaobai heard this, his heart was a little relieved, but his doubts did not completely dissipate. "So, how do I prove that Xiaobao is my child?"

The healer pondered for a moment and said, "The real proof lies not in the external examination, but in the inner emotions and responsibilities. If you truly love him and consider him your own, why should you care what others say? ”

Chapter 2: Investigate and Seek the Truth

Although the doctor's words made Li Xiaobai feel relieved, he decided to investigate the matter in depth to dispel the last trace of doubt in his heart. He secretly visited a number of famous doctors, consulted a large number of ancient books, and even invited a scholar from the Western Regions from afar to explain the mysteries of blood type and heredity.

"It turns out that blood type is indeed related to genetics, but it is not absolute. The blood type of the father and son does not directly negate the parent-child relationship. The words of the scholars of the Western Regions were like a dawn, illuminating the fog in Li Xiaobai's heart.

At the same time, Li Xiaobai also began to pay more attention to Xiaobao's growth, and he found that Xiaobao had many habits and hobbies similar to his own, and the feeling of blood connection was inseparable from any external factors.

Chapter 3: The test of family affection, the truth is revealed

Just as Li Xiaobai was about to let go of the baggage in his heart and spend a good time with his family, a sudden change pushed him to the forefront again.

It turned out that Xiaobao was accidentally injured during a play and needed a blood transfusion. There is a new way to test blood type in hospitals, and doctors recommend blood group testing in order to find the right blood source.

Faced with this sudden situation, Li Xiaobai did not hesitate, he was the first to stand up and ask for blood donation for Xiaobao. However, when the test results came out, everyone was stunned - Xiaobao's blood type did not match Li Xiaobai!

This result undoubtedly ignited the fire of rumors in the neighborhood again, and also made Li Xiaobai fall into deep self-blame and pain. He began to doubt his own judgment, and even wanted to give up this family relationship at one point.

However, at this moment, Lin Wan'er stood up. She held Li Xiaobai's hand tightly, and her eyes flashed with determination. "Xiaobai, no matter what Xiaobao's blood type is, he is our child. Our love will not change because of any external factors. ”

Lin Wan'er's words were like a warm current, warming Li Xiaobai's cold heart. He looked at Lin Wan'er, and then at Xiaobao lying on the hospital bed, and suddenly an unprecedented power surged in his heart. "Yes, no matter what the outcome, I will not give up on my family."

Chapter 4: The Warmth Behind the Truth

After further investigation and understanding, Li Xiaobai finally learned the real reason for Xiaobao's blood type. It turned out that Xiaobao's grandmother had experienced an accidental blood transfusion when she was young, and that blood transfusion changed some genes in her body, which affected Xiaobao's blood type.

This discovery made Li Xiaobai feel relieved. He realized that he had almost lost his most precious family affection because of ignorance and prejudice. He hugged Xiaobao and Lin Wan'er tightly, tears welling up in his eyes. "I'm sorry, I was wrong. I should trust you more and cherish the family relationship between us even more. ”

Chapter 5: Regain Happiness and Spread Positive Energy

After experiencing this turmoil, Li Xiaobai cherishes every moment with his family even more. He proved with his actions that true family affection transcends blood ties and is based on trust, understanding and love.

At the same time, he also began to actively spread the correct knowledge of blood type and genetics, helping more families like him who were in trouble due to ignorance. He hopes that through his own efforts, more people will understand that true happiness does not come from the recognition and affirmation of the outside world, but from inner satisfaction and peace.

This is the end of the story,

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