
The list of 985 universities has finally been sorted out and collected for a look

author:That Man in Oman
The list of 985 universities has finally been sorted out and collected for a look
The list of 985 universities has finally been sorted out and collected for a look
The list of 985 universities has finally been sorted out and collected for a look
The list of 985 universities has finally been sorted out and collected for a look
The list of 985 universities has finally been sorted out and collected for a look
The list of 985 universities has finally been sorted out and collected for a look
The list of 985 universities has finally been sorted out and collected for a look
The list of 985 universities has finally been sorted out and collected for a look
The list of 985 universities has finally been sorted out and collected for a look
The list of 985 universities has finally been sorted out and collected for a look
The list of 985 universities has finally been sorted out and collected for a look
The list of 985 universities has finally been sorted out and collected for a look
The list of 985 universities has finally been sorted out and collected for a look
The list of 985 universities has finally been sorted out and collected for a look
The list of 985 universities has finally been sorted out and collected for a look
The list of 985 universities has finally been sorted out and collected for a look
The list of 985 universities has finally been sorted out and collected for a look
The list of 985 universities has finally been sorted out and collected for a look

Under the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty, there was a young man named Li Xiaobai, who grew up in a scholarly family, and had an incomparable love and desire for learning since he was a child. However, in that era, the imperial examination was the only right way to a career, but Li Xiaobai had an unusual dream in his heart - to create an institution that gathered the world's talents in one place, and its standards were as high as the legendary "985 University" in later generations.

Chapter 1: Emergent and ambitious

Li Xiaobai has been intelligent since he was a child, and he is familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics, poetry and songs, but he is not satisfied with this. In the dead of night, he would always sit alone in front of the window of his study, looking at the starry sky, and an indescribable passion surged in his heart. "What a spectacular scene it would be if there was an institution in the world that could bring together the best students in the world to explore the mysteries of learning!" He often thinks like this, his eyes shining with infinite hope for the future.

Chapter 2: The Road to the Imperial Examination, a Different Way

In the blink of an eye, Li Xiaobai had reached the age to participate in the imperial examination. His family expects him to win the championship in one fell swoop and glorify his ancestors. However, in the process of preparing for the imperial examination, Li Xiaobai felt more and more confused. He knew that although the imperial examination could bring him fame and fortune, it could not realize the dream of learning in his heart.

"Father, the child has something to ask for." One day, Li Xiaobai plucked up the courage and revealed his heart to his father, "The child doesn't want to study just for the imperial examination, but also hopes to do something for the students of the world." I want to create an institution where more people have access to advanced knowledge. ”

When my father heard this, he was shocked at first, and then fell into deep thought. After a long time, he said slowly: "Xiaobai, your ambitions are ambitious, although my father can't fully understand it, he will fully support you." But this road must be full of thorns, and you must be mentally prepared. ”

Chapter 3: Tough Start, Unswerving

After receiving the support of his family, Li Xiaobai began to prepare for the school. However, in those days, how easy was it to start a new institution? Funding, Faculty, Venue ...... Every question lay in front of him like a mountain.

"Sir, you are very knowledgeable, can you deign to join our academy and jointly nurture the pillars of the future?" Li Xiaobai visited famous teachers everywhere and impressed one scholar after another with his sincerity and enthusiasm.

"Xiaobai, I have received your wishes. But what are your plans to start an institution that doesn't happen in a day and requires a lot of financial support? An old scholar asked earnestly.

Li Xiaobai is well aware of the importance of funds, but he believes in the power of people's hearts. "Sir, don't worry, I will find a way to solve the problem of funds. As for people's hearts, I believe that as long as we have common ideals and goals, we will be able to gather into a sea. ”

Chapter 4: United, the beginning of the school

After several years of unremitting efforts, Li Xiaobai's school finally began to take shape. Although the school building is simple and the teaching staff is limited, there is an endless stream of students who come to study. They were infected by Li Xiaobai's enthusiasm and persistence, and were willing to pursue the truth of learning here.

"This is the place I've always dreamed of!" A student from a remote mountainous area said excitedly, "I never thought that I would have the opportunity to be exposed to such advanced knowledge. ”

Looking at these hopeful students, Li Xiaobai's heart was full of relief and pride. "That's what I want, so that more people have the opportunity to come into contact with the light of learning." He thought to himself.

Chapter 5: Challenges and Opportunities

However, the development of the institution has not been without its challenges. As fame grew, so did challenges. Some question the quality of teaching at the institution, some are jealous of the institution's achievements, and some even sabotage it secretly.

"Xiaobai, what should we do?" In the face of the predicament, the teachers and students of the school couldn't help but panic.

Li Xiaobai looked extraordinarily calm. "Don't be afraid, as long as we stick to our original intention and do our own things well, we will definitely be able to overcome all difficulties." He encouraged everyone, "Remember, we are working for the well-being of students all over the world, and what a great cause!" ”

Under his leadership, the teachers and students of the university have united to resist the intrusion of the outside world. At the same time, they have also continuously improved their teaching level and scientific research ability, and gradually won the recognition and respect of more people.

Chapter 6: Legacy and Hope

With the passage of time, the school founded by Li Xiaobai gradually developed and became one of the prestigious institutions in the Tang Dynasty and even in later generations. It not only produced many outstanding scholars and officials, but also set an example for future generations to follow.

"Xiaobai, you did it!" The elderly father looked at the school founded by his son, and his eyes flashed with tears, "You have not only realized your dream, but also opened up a new path for students all over the world." ”

Li Xiaobai looked at the land full of vitality and hope in front of him, and his heart was full of emotion and satisfaction. "yes, I did. But more importantly, we have left a valuable legacy for future generations – that is, the love and pursuit of learning. He said affectionately, "May this love and pursuit be passed on forever." ”

The story has come to an end, but the spirit of Li Xiaobai and his school has been forever engraved in the long river of history. It tells us that as long as we have dreams, perseverance, and the courage to face challenges and difficulties, we will be able to create our own brilliant chapter.

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