
The article "Debt Collection" is so interesting, and I never get tired of reading humorous jokes

author:That Man in Oman
The article "Debt Collection" is so interesting, and I never get tired of reading humorous jokes
The article "Debt Collection" is so interesting, and I never get tired of reading humorous jokes
The article "Debt Collection" is so interesting, and I never get tired of reading humorous jokes
The article "Debt Collection" is so interesting, and I never get tired of reading humorous jokes
The article "Debt Collection" is so interesting, and I never get tired of reading humorous jokes
The article "Debt Collection" is so interesting, and I never get tired of reading humorous jokes
The article "Debt Collection" is so interesting, and I never get tired of reading humorous jokes
The article "Debt Collection" is so interesting, and I never get tired of reading humorous jokes
The article "Debt Collection" is so interesting, and I never get tired of reading humorous jokes
The article "Debt Collection" is so interesting, and I never get tired of reading humorous jokes
The article "Debt Collection" is so interesting, and I never get tired of reading humorous jokes
The article "Debt Collection" is so interesting, and I never get tired of reading humorous jokes
The article "Debt Collection" is so interesting, and I never get tired of reading humorous jokes

In the era of prosperity and fun in the Tang Dynasty, Li Xiaobai, a small person in the market known for his wit and humor, not only showed his extraordinary wisdom and courage, but also transmitted a positive energy, which made people feel the warmth and beauty of human nature while laughing.

Chapter 1: Debt is rising, and Xiaobai is making his debut

In Chang'an City, there are many shops and people's voices. Li Xiaobai, a young man who runs a small teahouse, makes tea for pleasure and tells jokes on weekdays, although he is not rich, he is also at ease. However, one day, an uninvited guest came to the teahouse - Zhao Yuanwai, a well-known wealthy businessman in the city, but owed Li Xiaobai a lot of tea money because of a gambling game.

"Oh, Brother Zhao, what about this tea money, you see our brothers, can you give a few days?" Zhao Yuanwai sneered and tried to delay.

Li Xiaobai smiled secretly in his heart, but he remained silent on the surface: "What is Brother Zhao talking about, the tea money is easy to say, but my little brother is a small business, and I also need capital turnover, right?" After that, he pretended to lower his voice mysteriously, "However, if Brother Zhao is really in trouble, the younger brother has an idea." ”

Chapter 2: Fighting "old lai" with wits and laughing constantly

It turned out that Li Xiaobai had a plan and decided to use "debt collection" as the name, but in fact, he staged a good show, which could not only make Zhao Yuanwai repay the money willingly, but also allow him to lose face in the city. He first spread the news that Zhao Yuanwai did not repay his debts, but he was not in a hurry or impatient, but wanted to hold a "debt collection competition", inviting the people of the city to give advice to see who could recover the debts in the most peculiar and interesting way.

As soon as the news came out, Chang'an City was boiling. Capable people from all walks of life came one after another, some proposed to sing songs to collect debts, some said that they wanted to write poems and satirize, and even worse, directly pretended to be the God of Wealth to send "wealth" to the door. And Li Xiaobai was leisurely making tea and watching the game, occasionally commenting a few words, which made everyone laugh.

Chapter 3: An unexpected twist, and the meaning is even more obvious

Just when everyone thought that this "debt collection competition" would become a farce, Zhao Yuanwai took the initiative to come to the door with a guilty face. It turned out that he was very grateful to see Li Xiaobai in the past few days instead of forcing debts, but resolving the embarrassment in such a humorous way. What moved him even more was that Li Xiaobai also helped him solve several business problems behind his back, allowing him to avoid greater losses.

"Brother Li, what I owe you is not only this tea money, but also your favor!" Zhao Yuanwai said sincerely.

Li Xiaobai smiled slightly, waved his hand and said, "Brother Zhao is serious, we are all neighbors, and it is appropriate to help each other." It's just that this tea money still has to be repaid, otherwise my teahouse will have to drink the northwest wind. ”

After some laughter and talking, Zhao Yuanwai not only paid off the tea money, but also gave Li Xiaobai an extra generous reward. Li Xiaobai, on the other hand, used most of the money to fund poor students in the city, so that they could continue their studies.

Chapter 4: Tears in laughter, conveying positive energy

After this incident, Li Xiaobai's reputation in Chang'an City became even louder, but he was not complacent, but more humble and low-key. He often tells this interesting story of "debt collection" in the teahouse, but at the end of each story, he turns the conversation around, emphasizing the importance of affection and mutual help between people.

"You see, I am collecting debts, and I am not only asking for money, but also from people's hearts. In this world, there is nothing more heartwarming than treating each other with sincerity and helping each other. Li Xiaobai said earnestly.

Gradually, Li Xiaobai's small teahouse became a warm place in Chang'an City. People not only taste the mellow tea here, but also feel the warmth and kindness between people. And Li Xiaobai also uses his own way to silently transmit positive energy and make the world a better place.

Chapter 5: Epilogue, Laugh at Life

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Li Xiaobai has changed from a young teahouse owner to an old-timer in the city. But his humor and wisdom are like the pot of tea that is always warm, which lasts forever and makes people have endless aftertastes.

Whenever someone asks about the past of "debt collection", Li Xiaobai always says with a smile: "Oh, that's just a small episode in my life." But it is these little things that make up our colorful life. Therefore, no matter what difficulties we encounter, we must face them with a smile, because if we laugh, ten years are less! ”

In this way, Li Xiaobai continued to write his own legendary story in Chang'an City with his humor and wisdom, and his name has become a good story for future generations.