
Wenxi County's 2024 quality control of key work on maternal and child health has been successfully completed

author:Top sea breeze l

On July 1, Zheng Xiuping, deputy secretary of the Party branch and president of Yuncheng Maternal and Child Health Hospital, and Zhao Xujing, vice president, led a team to Wenxi County to carry out the quality control of key work on maternal and child health in the first half of 2024. Fan Pengfei, deputy director of the County Health Bureau, Lei Haibo, president of the County Women's and Children's Hospital, and relevant project leaders accompanied him.

Wenxi County's 2024 quality control of key work on maternal and child health has been successfully completed

The main contents of this quality control include maternal and infant safety management, women's cancer screening, comprehensive prevention and control of birth defects, health management of children aged 0-6, health care work in childcare institutions, management of birth medical certificates, and newborn hearing screening. The quality control work is mainly carried out by listening to reports, consulting materials, on-site inspections, personnel interviews and telephone follow-up, and Fan Pengfei, deputy director of the Health Bureau, makes a detailed work report.

The inspection team was divided into three groups to conduct field investigations at the County People's Hospital, the County Maternal and Child Health Hospital, the No. 1 Park Kindergarten, the Hedi Health Center, and the Hedi Dongcun Clinic, and conducted postpartum follow-up visits to the two mothers.

Wenxi County's 2024 quality control of key work on maternal and child health has been successfully completed
Wenxi County's 2024 quality control of key work on maternal and child health has been successfully completed
Wenxi County's 2024 quality control of key work on maternal and child health has been successfully completed
Wenxi County's 2024 quality control of key work on maternal and child health has been successfully completed
Wenxi County's 2024 quality control of key work on maternal and child health has been successfully completed
Wenxi County's 2024 quality control of key work on maternal and child health has been successfully completed
Wenxi County's 2024 quality control of key work on maternal and child health has been successfully completed
Wenxi County's 2024 quality control of key work on maternal and child health has been successfully completed
Wenxi County's 2024 quality control of key work on maternal and child health has been successfully completed
Wenxi County's 2024 quality control of key work on maternal and child health has been successfully completed
Wenxi County's 2024 quality control of key work on maternal and child health has been successfully completed
Wenxi County's 2024 quality control of key work on maternal and child health has been successfully completed
Wenxi County's 2024 quality control of key work on maternal and child health has been successfully completed
Wenxi County's 2024 quality control of key work on maternal and child health has been successfully completed
Wenxi County's 2024 quality control of key work on maternal and child health has been successfully completed
Wenxi County's 2024 quality control of key work on maternal and child health has been successfully completed
Wenxi County's 2024 quality control of key work on maternal and child health has been successfully completed
Wenxi County's 2024 quality control of key work on maternal and child health has been successfully completed

The quality control feedback work was held in the conference room of Hedi Health Center, with the participation of the main persons in charge of relevant projects of the supervised units, and presided over by Zhao Xujing, vice president of the Municipal Maternal and Child Institute.

Wenxi County's 2024 quality control of key work on maternal and child health has been successfully completed
Wenxi County's 2024 quality control of key work on maternal and child health has been successfully completed

At the feedback meeting, the project experts of the inspection team fully affirmed the completion of the key work of maternal and child health in Wenxi County according to the actual situation of quality control, and put forward professional rectification opinions on the deficiencies. Zhao Xujing pointed out in her speech: the county women's and children's hospital has made outstanding contributions to the maternal and child health work in Wenxi County, and the work has been done very well, and there are many highlights worth learning from.

Zhao Xujing put forward several suggestions for the maternal and child health work in Wenxi County: 1. Strengthen the belief in maternal and child health and improve professional quality; 2. Knowledge changes fate, strengthens the sense of historical mission and responsibility, and makes the people feel the warmth of the government; 3. Focus on key work, do one thing well, benefit everyone, combine medical care and education, and consolidate the safety of mothers and infants; 4. Continue to carry forward the strict, practical and meticulous work style to ensure the health of women and children.

Lei Haibo, director of the Women's and Children's Hospital, shared his experience with the highlights of the hospital's work according to the supervision opinions of the inspection team.

Wenxi County's 2024 quality control of key work on maternal and child health has been successfully completed
Wenxi County's 2024 quality control of key work on maternal and child health has been successfully completed

Fan Pengfei made a statement on behalf of the County Health Bureau: thank the inspection team for their affirmation and guidance on the county's maternal and child health work, and pointed out that the future direction of work is clarified through this quality control work: 1. Refine and improve work measures to improve the quality of work; 2. Further improve the working mechanism, improve the work system, and ensure the safety of mothers and infants; 3. Further strengthen responsibility, ensure service quality, and ensure the safe and orderly development of various tasks; 4. Clarify responsibilities and strengthen multidisciplinary communication and coordination. Further improve the quality and service capacity of maternal and child health work in our county.

The quality control work aims to promote the implementation of the county's maternal and child health services, find problems, solve problems, and prevent problems through quality control, standardize public health maternal and child projects through quality control, improve the quality of women's "two cancers" screening, further improve the management quality and efficiency of women's and children's health in Wenxi County, and promote the improvement of the county's maternal and child health service capacity, laying a solid foundation for ensuring the solid progress of the county's maternal and child health work. The quality control work was successfully completed.

[Source: Wenxi County Maternal and Child Health Care and Family Planning Service Center]


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