
A 55-year-old aunt jogged for half an hour every day and was diagnosed with stomach cancer? Doctor: It was so careless

author:Pediatric Dr. Lee

In the park where the morning light shines, the figure of 55-year-old Aunt Li is always so familiar.

Her steps are light, as if she is racing against the years,

Jogging every day is her insistence on a healthy lifestyle.

However, just this summer, a sudden physical examination report broke her peaceful life - stomach cancer,

This word was like a bolt from the blue, and she and her family fell into a deep shock.

Aunt Li is a model of regular life and health preservation.

Since her retirement, she has made her health a priority in her life.

A 55-year-old aunt jogged for half an hour every day and was diagnosed with stomach cancer? Doctor: It was so careless

Hearing that moderate exercise after meals helps digestion, she started a daily jogging habit after dinner.

At first, she felt much more relaxed and her night's sleep became sweeter.

But as time went on, she began to feel a dull pain in her abdomen and her appetite gradually waned.

She thought it was just a normal reaction after exercise, and it wasn't until the pain intensified that she had to walk into the hospital.

The doctor's diagnosis caught everyone off guard: stomach cancer.

A 55-year-old aunt jogged for half an hour every day and was diagnosed with stomach cancer? Doctor: It was so careless

The doctor looked at Aunt Li with a hint of helplessness in his tone: "You are too careless, even if you exercise regularly, you can't ignore the body's signals." ”

Aunt Li's heart sank to the bottom, and she didn't understand why she would suffer such a bad luck if she was so health-conscious about her lifestyle.

This case reminds us that exercise is good, but timing and method are crucial.

Strenuous exercise immediately after a meal may disrupt the normal digestive process of the stomach, and in the long run, the stomach lining will be damaged, and lesions will follow.

The formation of gastric cancer is often the result of a combination of factors, and bad lifestyle habits are one of the time bombs.

In the philosophy of Chinese medicine, exercising after meals is not an absolute taboo, but it is necessary to pay attention to the method and timing.

Traditional Chinese medicine often says that "it is not advisable to work immediately after eating", and the "labor" here refers to strenuous exercise.

A 55-year-old aunt jogged for half an hour every day and was diagnosed with stomach cancer? Doctor: It was so careless

The stomach should be given enough time after a meal to allow it to slowly complete the digestion task.

The appropriate exercise should be a relaxing and enjoyable walk, so that the body can be exercised unconsciously, rather than the kind of breathless jogging.

As we age, our bodies are also quietly changing.

After the age of 55, the body's digestive system becomes more fragile and requires extra care.

The choice of exercise should also be more in line with the actual condition of the body.

For example, gentle yoga or tai chi may be able to better protect our stomach from the road of no return to stomach cancer.

A 55-year-old aunt jogged for half an hour every day and was diagnosed with stomach cancer? Doctor: It was so careless

How can the elderly properly exercise after meals?

Delayed Exercise Time:

Older people should wait at least 30 to 120 minutes after a meal before exercising, depending on the type and number of meals.

After a light meal, the waiting time can be appropriately shortened to 30 minutes;

If you have a hearty meal, especially one rich in protein and fat,

It is recommended to wait 1 to 2 hours to ensure that the food is fully digested.

Choose the right exercise intensity:

Older adults should opt for low- to moderate-intensity exercise, such as easy walking, slow tai chi, or gentle yoga.

Not only do these activities help to improve blood circulation, but they also reduce the risk of gastroesophageal reflux by avoiding excessive pressure on the stomach.

A 55-year-old aunt jogged for half an hour every day and was diagnosed with stomach cancer? Doctor: It was so careless

Avoid strenuous exercise:

Strenuous exercise, such as brisk running, jumping or aerobics, can increase pressure in the abdomen and may cause regurgitation of stomach contents.

Causes irritation to the gastric mucosa. Therefore, older adults should avoid such high-intensity activities after meals.

Keep your body warm:

Even in the warm season, the elderly should wear appropriate clothing for exercise,

In particular, protect the abdomen and back in case of gastrointestinal dysfunction caused by cold.

Individual Differences Consideration:

Each elderly person has a different physical condition, such as chronic stomach problems or other digestive diseases,

An individualized exercise plan should be developed under the guidance of a doctor. In any case,

A 55-year-old aunt jogged for half an hour every day and was diagnosed with stomach cancer? Doctor: It was so careless

If you experience discomfort during exercise, stop immediately and seek professional medical advice.

If you have chronic stomach problems or indigestion, you should be more cautious about exercising after meals.

Let's enjoy the fun of sports at the same time, and don't forget to do a comprehensive "physical examination" for the body,

In this way, we can better protect our health.

As you explore the path to health, every right choice is an investment in the future.

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