
Chen Geng's cattle herding baby also became the brigade commander of the Eighth Route Army, on the same level as Chen Geng!

author:History of the Occult Record


Hey, have you heard? General Chen Geng's family used to have a child herding cattle, but later he became the brigade commander of the Eighth Route Army, and he was on an equal footing with Chen Geng! It sounds like a movie plot, but it really happened in that war-torn era.

Chen Geng's cattle herding baby also became the brigade commander of the Eighth Route Army, on the same level as Chen Geng!


The hardcore camaraderie of the general and the cowherd

Chen Geng's family, that is a well-known big family, is very rich. The family hired a boy who herded cattle, and Lu Dongsheng was also. And guess what? Although Chen Geng is said to be a child of a rich family, he can call Lu Dongsheng a no-show, and the two of them are as good as brothers. Chen Geng went to school, and later went to a military school, and he always remembered this little friend who grew up together.

Chen Geng's cattle herding baby also became the brigade commander of the Eighth Route Army, on the same level as Chen Geng!

Reunited on the battlefield of the Northern Expedition

As soon as the Northern Expedition broke out, Chen Geng joined the revolutionary army without saying a word, and became a majestic battalion commander. Lu Dongsheng, not to be left behind, also joined the ranks of the Northern Expedition. You said that it was a coincidence that these two met again on the battlefield. As soon as Chen Geng saw his old friend, he immediately pulled him into his team and fought side by side.

Chen Geng's cattle herding baby also became the brigade commander of the Eighth Route Army, on the same level as Chen Geng!

Separation and integration on the revolutionary journey

Later, the National Revolution suffered a setback, and Chen Geng and Lu Dongsheng both invariably sided with the Communist Party. The revolutionary work required them, they acted separately, and Chen Geng fought one beautiful battle after another on the front line and became famous; Lu Dongsheng is also thriving in Xiangxi, and no difficult bones can be difficult for him.

Chen Geng's cattle herding baby also became the brigade commander of the Eighth Route Army, on the same level as Chen Geng!

The gorgeous metamorphosis from the little cowherd to the brigade commander

At the time of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party joined forces again. Chen Geng is already the head of the 386th Brigade, and Lu Dongsheng is not the original cattle herder, he has become the brigade commander of the 358th Brigade of the 120th Division, and he is on an equal footing with Chen Geng. Who would have thought that the boy who herded cattle back then could now stand shoulder to shoulder with the general?

Chen Geng's cattle herding baby also became the brigade commander of the Eighth Route Army, on the same level as Chen Geng!

Frunze went to school, and the stars fell

Lu Dongsheng's luck was really good, and he also went to the Frunze Military Academy, the place where generals were trained in the Soviet Union, for further study. But fate is sometimes unpredictable. As soon as the Anti-Japanese War ended, Lu Dongsheng made a mistake in the Northeast and was killed by an accident, and a rising star fell.

Chen Geng's cattle herding baby also became the brigade commander of the Eighth Route Army, on the same level as Chen Geng!


In the final analysis, the story of Chen Geng and Lu Dongsheng tells us that no matter how low the starting point is, as long as you dare to think and dare to do, you can achieve great things. Lu Dongsheng's road from herding cattle to brigade commander was not easy, but it was this extraordinary road that made him a hero who inspired future generations.

Chen Geng's cattle herding baby also became the brigade commander of the Eighth Route Army, on the same level as Chen Geng!

Although he left early, his story is like a living textbook, telling everyone: don't look down on yourself, even if you are a child who comes off the back of a cow, you can leave your own brilliant mark in the sky of history.