
How many people are in your family?

author:Affection between the mountains and rivers
How many people are in your family?
How many people are in your family?
How many people are in your family?
How many people are in your family?
How many people are in your family?
How many people are in your family?
How many people are in your family?
How many people are in your family?
How many people are in your family?
How many people are in your family?
How many people are in your family?
How many people are in your family?
How many people are in your family?
How many people are in your family?
How many people are in your family?
How many people are in your family?
How many people are in your family?

On a sunny weekend afternoon, under the town's old locust tree, a group of neighbors sat around, their laughter mixed with a hint of unusual enthusiasm. In the courtyard of Uncle Li's house, an interesting game about "family role statistics" is underway, and this game inadvertently reveals the warm and unique secrets behind each family.

"Come on, come on, let's stop playing cards today, change to a new way to play!" Uncle Li proposed with a smile, holding a stack of homemade cards in his hand, each with different family roles written on them, such as "head chef", "peacemaker", "story king" and so on. "Let's take a look, how many percent of these characters in the family do you have in each family?"

As soon as the words fell, Aunt Wang was the first to respond: "I'll come first!" My old Wang, that is definitely a 'home maintenance worker', there is a little problem with the electrical appliances at home, he will get it as soon as he makes a move, how much maintenance costs have been saved over the years, I will calculate......" Aunt Wang said while breaking her fingers, looking proud.

"As for me, I'm a combination of a 'time management master' and a 'nutritionist'." Sister Zhang took over the conversation, her eyes flashed with confidence, "The child's study plan and the nutritional combination of three meals a day all depend on me to arrange them in an orderly manner." ”

At this time, Xiao Liu interjected mischievously: "Then my family is amazing, my mother is 'Almighty Superman', and my father is 'Invisible Man'." My mom can go up to the hall and down to the kitchen, and my dad usually seems to be quiet, but he can always surprise me at critical moments, such as the school speech contest, he stayed up all night to help me revise the draft until 3 o'clock in the morning. ”

As the topic deepened, everyone's faces were filled with happy smiles, as if to say that even in the most ordinary days, the tacit understanding and dedication between family members are the most valuable wealth in life.

When it was Uncle Li's turn, he slowly spoke: "I, ah, consider myself the 'emotional bond' and 'history lecturer' of the family. My wife loves to hear stories from the past, and my children are happy to hear me tell me about the old calendar. As for the 'head chef', hehe, that's my wife's patent, her craftsmanship, but it's famous on our street. ”

Just as the atmosphere reached a climax, Aunt Li, who was usually relatively silent, suddenly spoke, her voice was soft, but full of power: "Our family may be a little different. My son, he's autistic, he can't communicate as easily as we do, but he's my family's 'spiritual healer'. Whenever we see him painting intently, the purity and tranquility can always soothe all our tiredness and troubles. He taught me patience and made me cherish every eye contact with him even more. ”

These words, like a warm current, quietly flowed in everyone's hearts. Everyone fell silent, their eyes full of understanding and respect. "According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, autism spectrum disorder affects about 1 in 54 children in the U.S., and while the proportion is significant, the challenges faced by each family are unique. We have learned to embrace, to guide, and to discover his unique talents with love. ”

With Aunt Li's sharing, the atmosphere became more warm and profound. People are beginning to realize that each family has its own unique role assignment, whether it is the traditional "pillars" or those less visible but equally important, are integral to the harmony of the family.

"It seems that our game today is not just as simple as counting a few characters." Uncle Li sighed, "It makes us cherish each other more and understand more that the reason why home is warm is because of the mutual support and understanding of these different characters." ”

As the sun sets, the people under the old locust tree are reluctant to disperse, but the warmth and strength born from the heart are like seeds, quietly taking root in everyone's hearts. With gratitude and new understanding of their families, they embarked on the way home, ready to pass on this warmth to every family member, so that love will continue to be passed on in every small home.