
Dr. Yu Li of Southern Medical University resumed work and posted work photos, and the rumors of resignation were self-defeating, which is gratifying

author:Migrant workers at three o'clock in the morning
Dr. Yu Li of Southern Medical University resumed work and posted work photos, and the rumors of resignation were self-defeating, which is gratifying

Oh, you see, the one we are talking about is not an ordinary person, her name is Yu Li, MD, the pediatric attending physician of Southern Medical University, and her knowledge is as deep as the century-old well in our hometown. It stands to reason that such a talented woman should be a good example praised by everyone, but she has recently become a hot topic on the Internet, and the heat is just like that midsummer afternoon, which makes people unable to open their eyes, which makes people's hearts itch.

Dr. Yu Li of Southern Medical University resumed work and posted work photos, and the rumors of resignation were self-defeating, which is gratifying

Having said that, the cause of this incident has to start with the punishment of her by the school. She was punished by the school for dealing with the conflict between students and patients, which caused a lot of trouble at school and on the Internet, but the school was quiet with the late autumn night, as if everything was hidden under the night. So, everyone began to guess, some said that Miss Yu Li was going to roll up the cover and leave, and some said that she was left aside. Hey, in this world, there is more news, but people's hearts are chaotic. But we have to believe the old saying, "there is only one truth", no, after a long time, the truth is like boiling water, bubbling and bubbling, and everything is exposed.

Dr. Yu Li of Southern Medical University resumed work and posted work photos, and the rumors of resignation were self-defeating, which is gratifying
Dr. Yu Li of Southern Medical University resumed work and posted work photos, and the rumors of resignation were self-defeating, which is gratifying

Let's talk about this Miss Yu Li, her story is like the freshly ground soybean milk, mellow and endless, take a sip, your mouth is full of the taste of hometown. She is not only a skilled doctor, but also gentle and delicate in her attitude towards patients, just like our grandmother told stories when we were children, which warms people's hearts and makes people feel comfortable. No, a few days ago, she became the center of everyone's attention because of an emergency. Here's the thing, when dealing with a friction between a student and a patient, she threw herself on the patient and ignored the student's feelings, and was punished by the school. This punishment is like the cold wind in the winter, blowing people's hearts cold, and people can't help but sigh, in this world, why is it so difficult to do good deeds?

Dr. Yu Li of Southern Medical University resumed work and posted work photos, and the rumors of resignation were self-defeating, which is gratifying

On the Internet, the rumors about Miss Yu Li are like the loudspeaker in the vegetable market, there is everything, and there is no shortage of anything. Some said she was leaving Southern Medical University, and some said she was left out in the cold. But these rumors are like autumn yellow leaves, swept away by a gust of wind. Facts speak louder than words, and instead of leaving, Miss Yu Li returned to work and participated in popular science lectures. This thing is like a touch of sunshine in that winter, warm, dispelling the haze in everyone's hearts and making people's hearts bright.

Dr. Yu Li of Southern Medical University resumed work and posted work photos, and the rumors of resignation were self-defeating, which is gratifying
Dr. Yu Li of Southern Medical University resumed work and posted work photos, and the rumors of resignation were self-defeating, which is gratifying

That night, the Department of Pediatrics at Nanfang Hospital released a message that they had held a popular science lecture on children's oral health care. Originally, this thing was quite ordinary, but because of the appearance of Miss Yu Li, this lecture was like the firecrackers of the festival, loud and eye-catching. Miss Yu Li sat in the crowd, although she was at the back, but her smile, like the first rays of the morning sun, was warm and bright, illuminating everyone's heart. It can be seen that she has not been affected by the previous turmoil, and the whole person is radiant, exuding a calm and calm temperament, just like the old tree that has experienced the baptism of wind and rain, with deep roots and lush leaves.

Dr. Yu Li of Southern Medical University resumed work and posted work photos, and the rumors of resignation were self-defeating, which is gratifying
Dr. Yu Li of Southern Medical University resumed work and posted work photos, and the rumors of resignation were self-defeating, which is gratifying

As soon as this news came out, it was like a shot in the arm for everyone. When the pediatrics released the news, they specifically mentioned Miss Yu Li, which means obviously: "Miss Yu Li is doing well with us, so don't worry about it." This thing is like a timely rain in the spring, which moistens the thirsty land, and also makes all those who care about Miss Yu Li feel a warm current in their hearts, just like the long drought and sweet rain, and the heart is beautiful.

Dr. Yu Li of Southern Medical University resumed work and posted work photos, and the rumors of resignation were self-defeating, which is gratifying
Dr. Yu Li of Southern Medical University resumed work and posted work photos, and the rumors of resignation were self-defeating, which is gratifying

Miss Yu Li's affairs are like the change of the four seasons, the vitality of spring, the warmth of summer, the calmness of autumn, and the tenacity of winter. After going through the wind and rain, instead of falling, she became stronger and more mature, just like the old wine that has gone through vicissitudes, the older it gets, the more fragrant it becomes. Her story is like a hymn, singing the responsibility and responsibility of a doctor, as well as the brilliance and beauty of human nature, which fills people's hearts with strength and hope.

Dr. Yu Li of Southern Medical University resumed work and posted work photos, and the rumors of resignation were self-defeating, which is gratifying

Having said that, the story of this Miss Yu Li is like the river in her hometown, the more you taste it, the more it tastes, and the more it flows, the wider it becomes. With her own actions, she interprets what is the benevolence of a doctor, and what is responsibility and responsibility. In this era of information flying all over the sky, she is like a fresh wind, blowing in people's hearts, reminding us that no matter how noisy the outside world is, we must always maintain a tranquility and perseverance in our hearts, just like the still water under the old tree, although inconspicuous, but incomparably profound.

Dr. Yu Li of Southern Medical University resumed work and posted work photos, and the rumors of resignation were self-defeating, which is gratifying

We have an old saying, "adversity sees true love", and Miss Yu Li's experience is like a vivid interpretation of this sentence. In the face of difficulties, she did not flinch, but faced them bravely, and won respect and trust with practical actions. Her story is like a mirror, reflecting the qualities of a healer, and also illuminating the way forward, just like the Big Dipper in the night sky, guiding the direction and giving people hope.

Dr. Yu Li of Southern Medical University resumed work and posted work photos, and the rumors of resignation were self-defeating, which is gratifying

So, each of us should learn something from Miss Yu Li. Whether in school or work, we must have a pure heart, maintain a thirst for knowledge, enthusiasm for work, and love for life. Only in this way can we go farther and fly higher on the road of life, just like the eagle that soars in the sky, fearless of wind and rain, and flies freely.

Dr. Yu Li of Southern Medical University resumed work and posted work photos, and the rumors of resignation were self-defeating, which is gratifying
Dr. Yu Li of Southern Medical University resumed work and posted work photos, and the rumors of resignation were self-defeating, which is gratifying
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