
How much difference will it take to drive 100 and 120 km/h on a 1,000-kilometer highway? Netizen: It's too exaggerated

author:Yoyo chatter

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How much difference will it take to drive 100 and 120 km/h on a 1,000-kilometer highway? Netizen: It's too exaggerated

Let's talk about a very interesting topic today, let's drive on the highway, can we really save a lot of time if the speed is fast? For example, if you drive 100 yards and drive 120 yards on a 1,000-kilometer highway, how big is the time difference?

The real sharing of netizens below is simply an eye-opener for me

How much difference will it take to drive 100 and 120 km/h on a 1,000-kilometer highway? Netizen: It's too exaggerated

Based on my 50,000 kilometers of high-speed mileage a year, the difference is only half an hour.

How much difference will it take to drive 100 and 120 km/h on a 1,000-kilometer highway? Netizen: It's too exaggerated

The speed is too fast, and most of the oil conversion work has to overcome the wind resistance [laughs and cries]

How much difference will it take to drive 100 and 120 km/h on a 1,000-kilometer highway? Netizen: It's too exaggerated

I fully agree, as a native of Jiangsu, go to Zhejiang. Jiangsu high-speed 120, sometimes to 130, the spirit is always tight, eyes six roads, ears to listen to all directions. , on the contrary, not tired. As soon as you enter the territory of Zhejiang, the speed limit is 100, and the tunnel can only be 80, but it is tired.

How much difference will it take to drive 100 and 120 km/h on a 1,000-kilometer highway? Netizen: It's too exaggerated

I drive the highway as a puzzle game, how to surpass the slow train group

How much difference will it take to drive 100 and 120 km/h on a 1,000-kilometer highway? Netizen: It's too exaggerated

Have you noticed that its estimated time can change at any time? [Dog's Head]

How much difference will it take to drive 100 and 120 km/h on a 1,000-kilometer highway? Netizen: It's too exaggerated

It's useless to say this, can you go to the toilet if you open 100 [Think]

How much difference will it take to drive 100 and 120 km/h on a 1,000-kilometer highway? Netizen: It's too exaggerated

Running at high speed means that you always have to be the car in front and distance yourself from the car behind. That way you will always be safe

How much difference will it take to drive 100 and 120 km/h on a 1,000-kilometer highway? Netizen: It's too exaggerated

On the Internet, running 100 at high speed is too slow, but in reality, running 100 at a stable rate is already faster than at least 80% of the car

How much difference will it take to drive 100 and 120 km/h on a 1,000-kilometer highway? Netizen: It's too exaggerated

With an average speed of 120, then your maximum speed is at least 140 or more, because the speed of many roads is only 60-80 when the road is congested

How much difference will it take to drive 100 and 120 km/h on a 1,000-kilometer highway? Netizen: It's too exaggerated

This veteran driver may only be active within a five-kilometer radius

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How much difference will it take to drive 100 and 120 km/h on a 1,000-kilometer highway? Netizen: It's too exaggerated