
Won 7 points in the first quarter and lost by 3 points at halftime, 87-107, and the Chinese men's basketball team lost to Australia

author:Dexterity says sports

The Chinese men's basketball team lost 87-107 in the warm-up game in Australia.

Think about it, our boys are facing the full main lineup of the Australian team, which is a group of fierce men in the NBA! Keady, Sable, Ingles, Mills, these names make people weak when they sound.

However, our young men's basketball players are not intimidating!

At the beginning of the game, the Chinese team was like a doping, and it was like a tiger.

Wang Lanyan simply opened the hanging, scoring 11 points in a single quarter, beating Australia's defense like a sieve full of holes.

Yu Jiahao is also a tiger on the inside, with 8 points in the account, which is simply a bully on the inside.

At the end of the first quarter, we actually led by 7 points! This can make the Australian fans on the scene look stupid, and it is estimated that they are muttering in their hearts: "Is this the Chinese team or the American team?" "

Won 7 points in the first quarter and lost by 3 points at halftime, 87-107, and the Chinese men's basketball team lost to Australia

However, the good times did not last long! In the second quarter, the Australian team was like a kangaroo with its tail stepped on, jumping high.

Their three-point shots were like they didn't want money, and they went in with a bang.

Although our boys tried their best to defend, they were still overtaken by the opponent.

However, our Yu Jiahao is not a vegetarian, and he scored 6 points in a row before halftime, and he just bit the difference within 3 points.

This young man is simply the anchor of the Chinese men's basketball team!

Heading into the second half, things were a little bit worse.

Won 7 points in the first quarter and lost by 3 points at halftime, 87-107, and the Chinese men's basketball team lost to Australia

The Australian team seemed to have eaten gunpowder and launched a crazy 23-2 attack.

Our boys were a little dazed as if they had been blown by a tornado.

However, at the critical moment, Liao Sanning stood up! This kid is simply the firefighting captain of the Chinese men's basketball team, slashing 11 points in a single quarter, and he pulled the team back from the edge of the cliff.

In the last quarter, although the score difference has been widened, our boys did not give up.

Liao Sanning, Wang Lanyan and Li Hongquan took turns to play, and the three-point shot was thrown in as if they didn't want money.

Although he still lost 20 points in the end, this strength of not admitting defeat is simply exciting!

Won 7 points in the first quarter and lost by 3 points at halftime, 87-107, and the Chinese men's basketball team lost to Australia

To be honest, although we lost this game, our lads are not ashamed at all.

Think about it, on the other side is the Australian team that plays with the main force, which is the fifth strongest team in the world! Our "three teams" can play like this, which is already extraordinary.

The most surprising thing is Liao Sanning, this kid is simply the new hope of the Chinese men's basketball team! He scored 26 points and shot nearly 70% from the field, and he shot 4-of-6 from three-point range.

This performance is simply the level of an NBA superstar! It seems that this kid didn't go to the United States for special training in vain, and he will be a real dragon when he comes back!

Wang Lanyan's performance is also remarkable.

He scored 18 points, made 3 of 5 three-pointers and 7 of 7 free throws.

Won 7 points in the first quarter and lost by 3 points at halftime, 87-107, and the Chinese men's basketball team lost to Australia

This kid's hand is even softer than his girlfriend's face! And his organizational skills are also first-class, he is simply the little Zhuge Liang of the Chinese men's basketball team.

Although Yu Jiahao only scored 12 points, his performance on the inside made the Australian team suffer.

This kid is like a moving Great Wall under the basket, and everyone has to weigh it.

It's just a pity that rebounding and defense still need to be strengthened, otherwise it would really be invincible inside.

Speaking of defense, although Zhu Junlong didn't score much, his defense was simply a lock, locking the Australian team's offense to death.

Although Jiao Boqiao and Li Hongquan don't have much playing time, they can contribute every time they play, and the performance of this kind of substitute player is simply textbook-level!

Won 7 points in the first quarter and lost by 3 points at halftime, 87-107, and the Chinese men's basketball team lost to Australia

Of course, there were some problems that came to light during the game.

For example, the physical decline in the third quarter led to a loss of 14 points in a single quarter.

This shows that our boys still need to strengthen their physical training, otherwise they will be as if they haven't eaten in the back, and they will be soft.

There is also the three-point shooting rate, although the overall is good, but there is still room for improvement.

You know, in today's basketball games, the three-point shot is the magic weapon to win! If our boys can practice their three-point shots as accurately as rocket launches, then who will dare to underestimate us in the future?

Overall, we lost the game, but our lads earned respect.

Won 7 points in the first quarter and lost by 3 points at halftime, 87-107, and the Chinese men's basketball team lost to Australia

You see, the Australian team is playing with all the main force, which shows how much they value us.

Moreover, our performance also proves that the Chinese men's basketball team is on the rise, and the future is promising!

Finally, it has to be said that Yao Ming was there to watch the game in person, which was definitely an incentive for the players.

Think about it, your idol is sitting on the sidelines watching you play, can you not work hard? This kind of mental motivation is more effective than any tactical arrangement!

So, fans and friends, don't be discouraged! Our men's basketball team is improving, and it's improving fast.

If you lose to Australia by 20 points this time, you may be able to beat them by 20 points next time! After all, the basketball court is changing rapidly, and who can guarantee that our lads won't explode next time?

Won 7 points in the first quarter and lost by 3 points at halftime, 87-107, and the Chinese men's basketball team lost to Australia

In short, let's cheer for the Chinese men's basketball team together! I believe that in the near future, we will be able to shine in the international arena and let the five-star red flag fly high on the basketball court! Come on, Chinese men's basketball team! We will always support you!

When it comes to supporting the Chinese men's basketball team, we can't just talk about it.

As fans, we have to support them with practical actions! For example, the next time they have a competition, we will organize a group of people to go to the scene to cheer them on.

Think about it, a group of enthusiastic Chinese fans shouted "Come on, China" on the Australian stadium, how shocking the scene was! Make sure to scare the fans of Kangaroo Country!

However, we also have to look at the result of this game rationally.

It's a bit ugly to lose by 20 points, but don't forget, we're playing on someone's home field! That environment, that atmosphere, it's like entering a kangaroo's nest, can you not be nervous? Moreover, our boys are playing under tremendous pressure! Think about it, there is a group of big guys in the NBA on the other side, and it's already very good that we can play like this!

Won 7 points in the first quarter and lost by 3 points at halftime, 87-107, and the Chinese men's basketball team lost to Australia

A netizen said it well: "Although I lost this game, I see hope."

Look at Liao Sanning's performance, it is simply the future of the Chinese men's basketball team! He scored 26 points and shot nearly 70 percent from the field, which is at the level of a top player in the NBA.

Moreover, how old is he? I'm only 22 years old! Give him a few more years, maybe he can become the next Yao Ming! I think that the Chinese men's basketball team should train this young man well, give him more opportunities, and let him have more experience in the international arena.

That's right! Liao Sanning is indeed the biggest highlight of this game.

His performance is like a lightning bolt in the night, illuminating the future of the Chinese men's basketball team! However, we can't pin all our hopes on one person.

Won 7 points in the first quarter and lost by 3 points at halftime, 87-107, and the Chinese men's basketball team lost to Australia

Basketball is a five-person sport that requires team cooperation.

Some netizens put forward such a point of view: "I think that in addition to Liao Sanning, the performance of Wang Lanyan and Yu Jiahao is also commendable.

Wang Lanyan's three-point shot is simply accurate, and Yu Jiahao's performance on the inside is also very good.

If these three people can form a stable offensive core, coupled with the support of other players, I believe that the strength of the Chinese men's basketball team will make a qualitative leap.

That's an insightful view! Indeed, a good team needs to have multiple points of attack.

Won 7 points in the first quarter and lost by 3 points at halftime, 87-107, and the Chinese men's basketball team lost to Australia

It's like going to war, you can't rely on just one general, right? Multiple attacks are required to break through the enemy's defenses.

Therefore, the future development of the Chinese men's basketball team should focus on cultivating multiple core players to form a multi-point flowering situation.

However, some netizens put forward different opinions: "I think the biggest problem exposed by this game is physical fitness.

You look at the third quarter, our lads were like deflated balls, and they were beaten 23-2 by their opponents.

What does this mean? It means that our physical fitness can't keep up! I suggest that the Chinese men's basketball team should strengthen physical training and improve the endurance of the players.

Only if you can keep up with your physical fitness can you gain a firm foothold in high-intensity international competitions.

Won 7 points in the first quarter and lost by 3 points at halftime, 87-107, and the Chinese men's basketball team lost to Australia

This netizen has a point! Physical fitness is indeed our shortcoming.

You see those NBA players, they look like they're all right at the end of a game, and our lads are playing back like they've just finished a marathon.

This issue really needs to be taken seriously.

However, improving physical fitness is not an overnight thing, and requires long-term perseverance and scientific training.

Another netizen put forward an interesting point: "I think the Chinese men's basketball team should play more international warm-up games."

You see this game against Australia, although we lost, but our lads must have learned a lot.

Only by playing against strong teams can you know where your gap is and improve better.

It also increases the player's international experience and reduces their nervousness in the tournament.

This is a stroke of genius! Indeed, it is not possible to work behind closed doors, you must go out and play against the world's strongest teams in order to truly improve yourself.

It's like saying in martial arts novels, if you want to become a master, you have to fight with a master.

However, this also requires the support of the Basketball Association, after all, the cost of international competitions is not low!

Speaking of which, I have to mention Yao Ming.

As the chairman of the Chinese Basketball Association, he shoulders the heavy responsibility of revitalizing Chinese basketball! This time, he was there to watch the game in person, presumably to make a detailed analysis of the team's performance.

We look forward to Yao Ming being able to formulate a better development strategy and lead the Chinese men's basketball team back to the top of Asia, and even occupy a place on the world stage."

Some netizens have high hopes for Yao Ming: "I think Yao Ming should use his connections in the NBA to create more international exchange opportunities for the Chinese men's basketball team."

For example, you can invite some NBA stars to China for training camps, or arrange for Chinese players to go to the United States for special training.

This not only improves the technical level of the players, but also increases their international outlook.

The idea is simply stunning! Yao Ming has a lot of face in the NBA, and if he can use these resources to develop Chinese players, the effect will definitely be leveraged.

Think about it, if we can ask Curry to come to China to teach our players to shoot three-pointers, then our three-point shots will not be accurate like missiles?

Overall, the game was lost, but it gave us a lot of room to think.

The future of the Chinese men's basketball team requires the efforts of each of us.

Whether it is players, coaches, or us fans, we should all contribute to the development of Chinese basketball.

Let's look forward to the next game together! I believe that under the leadership of Yao Ming and the efforts of young players such as Liao Sanning, Wang Lanyan, and Yu Jiahao, the Chinese men's basketball team will become stronger and stronger.

Maybe in the near future, we will be able to see the Chinese men's basketball team shine in the Olympic Games and let the five-star red flag fly high on the basketball court!

Come on, Chinese men's basketball team! We will always be your strongest backing!

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