
The father scolded his son for not being productive, and his son ran away from home for thirteen years, and he was dumbfounded when he came home

author:Uncle Nine talks about history

The father scolded his son for not being productive, and his son ran away from home for thirteen years, and he was dumbfounded when he came home

Some things have passed for a long time, and even if they become history, it is difficult for people to let go and forget! ——In that small town that has been tempered by the years with a little vicissitudes, the story of the Li family is like an unfinished drama to be continued, sometimes sad and joyful, sometimes embarrassing. The protagonists of the story are a pair of father and son with very different personalities but connected by blood - Lao Li and Xiaojie.

Lao Li, like most fathers in ancient feudal society, is a typical traditional conservative Chinese father, he is silent, but he pins all his love and expectations on his son Xiaojie. He hopes that through his strictness and encouragement, Xiaojie can avoid detours and achieve a career. However, Xiaojie is a rebellious, freedom-seeking child who longs to break free and explore his own world.

The father scolded his son for not being productive, and his son ran away from home for thirteen years, and he was dumbfounded when he came home

On November 21, 1998, it was a stormy night, Lao Li's angry rebuke penetrated the thick clouds and echoed in the small courtyard of the Li family: "Look at you, you are idle all day long, and you don't want to make progress, when will you be able to have some luck?" Xiaojie stood aside, his face pale, and his eyes flashed with unwillingness and anger. He couldn't understand why his father always used such a standard to measure his worth, why he couldn't choose the life he wanted.

"Interest? Is your so-called interest just to make me give up my dreams and go down the path you arranged? Xiao Jie finally couldn't help but retort, his voice trembling and resolute.

When Lao Li heard this, his face turned pale, and he was furious: "I'm doing this for your good!" You don't understand the cruelty of society, you don't know how many people are struggling for survival! ”

"Good for me? Have you considered my feelings? I have my own dreams and I want to decide my own life! Xiao Jie's voice grew louder and louder, and he felt an unprecedented force surging through his body, driving him to make an impulsive decision.

"Good! Since you think so, then you can go! Never come back! Lao Li was enraged by his son's confrontation, and he roared angrily.

The father scolded his son for not being productive, and his son ran away from home for thirteen years, and he was dumbfounded when he came home

Xiaojie was stunned for a moment, then turned around and rushed out of the house, disappearing into the vast night. At that moment, his heart was filled with resentment towards his father and confusion about the future. He didn't know if he had made the right choice, but he knew that he never wanted to go back to that home full of oppression and constraints.

Time flies like a white horse, and thirteen years have passed in the blink of an eye. In the past thirteen years, Xiaojie has experienced many ups and downs. He wandered out alone and tasted the ups and downs of the world. He worked hard to pursue his dream, and although the process was full of ups and downs, he never gave up. He came to understand that there is not only one set path to follow in life, and that everyone has the right to choose their own way of life.

However, no matter how far he goes or how high he flies, home is always the most tender concern in his heart. In the dead of night, he would always think of the small courtyard full of quarrels and tears, and the home that had given him shelter and warmth. He began to miss his father, who was strict but full of love, and he began to yearn to return to that familiar embrace.

Finally, on December 16, 2011, Xiaojie mustered up enough courage and set foot on the way home. With a nervous heart, he pushed open the door of the long-lost home.

Everything in the house was so familiar and strange at the same time. The furniture is still neatly arranged, but there is an indescribable coldness and loneliness in the air. Xiaojie looked around, but he didn't see his father. His heart tightened, and he hurriedly walked to the living room.

The father scolded his son for not being productive, and his son ran away from home for thirteen years, and he was dumbfounded when he came home

The moment he saw his father, he was stunned and dumbfounded. The man who was once high-spirited and energetic is now full of gray hair, and his face is covered with the marks of time. His back was hunched and his gait faltered, as if he had aged ten years overnight. Xiao Jie's eyes moistened, and he couldn't believe that the old man in front of him was his father.

"Dad......" Xiaojie choked up and shouted.

Lao Li raised his head when he heard the sound, and the moment he saw his son, a glimmer of disbelief flashed in his eyes. He stood up with trembling hands and walked towards Xiaojie step by step.

"You...... You're back? Lao Li's voice was hoarse and trembling.

"Yes, Dad, I'm back." Xiaojie's voice was also choked. He stepped forward and hugged his father tightly. At that moment, all resentment and estrangement vanished.

"Child, you have lost weight...... Lao Li stroked his son's face, tears coming out of his eyes.

"Dad, I'm sorry...... I was too impulsive to understand your painstaking efforts. Xiao Jie's voice was full of guilt and self-blame.

"No...... It's Dad's fault. Dad was too stubborn back then and didn't take your feelings into account. Lao Li shook his head, tears kept sliding.

The two hugged each other and cried, as if they wanted to pour out their thoughts and guilt for the past thirteen years. They began to try to understand and accept each other with a more open and inclusive mind. Lao Li has learned to respect his son's dreams and choices, and Xiaojie has cherished every moment with his father even more.

In the days that followed, they spent many warm and wonderful times together. They walked together through the streets of the town, reminiscing about the past; They sat together in the courtyard looking at the stars and chatting about the future; They also cook and eat together...... These ordinary and simple moments made Xiaojie feel unprecedented happiness and satisfaction.

However, happy times are always short-lived. As time passes, Jay has to face a harsh reality – he has to leave the house and move on. He still has his own dreams to pursue, and a wider sky to soar into. But he knew that wherever he went, he would move forward with his father's love and expectations.

At the time of parting, Lao Li held his son's hand tightly and said earnestly: "No matter where you go, your child must remember this home, and he will always be your strongest backing." ”

Xiaojie nodded, tears blurring his eyes again. He turned away without looking back, but he knew that his father's eyes had been following him until he disappeared into the middle of nowhere......

Returning home this time made Xiaojie deeply appreciate the preciousness and selflessness of family affection. He understood that no matter where he went or what choices he made, he couldn't do without the support and love of his family. At the same time, he has also learned to cherish the time he spends with his family more and work harder to pursue his dreams and future.

The father scolded his son for not being productive, and his son ran away from home for thirteen years, and he was dumbfounded when he came home

And Lao Li also found solace and comfort in his son's return. He saw the growth and change of his son, and felt his son's love and respect for him. He understood that as a father, he should give his children more understanding and support, instead of blindly blaming and restraining them. He also cherishes every moment with his son even more, and hopes to accompany his son through more life journeys......

Although this story ends with parting, it leaves us with endless thoughts and feelings. It makes us understand the greatness and selflessness of family affection, and also makes us understand the importance of cherishing and gratitude. At the same time, it also reminds us to be brave enough to pursue our dreams and future, and to let anyone or anything become a stumbling block on our way forward!

Conclusion: Excuse me, have you ever experienced such a thing, and has such a thing happened around you? How often do you come home, and have you ever had a conflict with your parents? What do you regret the most?